boozy berry hibiscus cooler

A creamy, dessert-like cocktail this week with a Boozy Berry Hibiscus Cooler. Fresh berries, smooth coconut milk, yo-ho yo-ho and a bottle (shot) of rum.

One thing we get bullied about at work constantly is our low stock of fan favorite fare. As with any business, Starbucks fell into shortage in this post-lockdown world and were forced, thanks to premature reopening, to pull back stock in order to catch up properly.
For one, it isn’t the barista’s fault the company opted for such a measure, so give him or her some slack. For two, there are wonderful alternatives, like playing around with components at home to recreate the missing bevs. And throwing alcohol in them.

Hibiscus tea, natural cherry juice, and plenty of fresh berries comprise this gorgeous drink. For this, I chose a blend of blackberries, strawberries, and blueberries. I recommend a more blackberry-heavy mix of fruit, but the proportion is really up to you.
I offer a range for the agave nectar depending on how sweet you want the drinks to be. You can omit sweetener entirely if you wish, but the final product will be on the tart side due to the cherry juice. I went on the low end of the scale since I don’t like most things super sugary – to replicate the Starbucks Violet Drink, the higher amount does the trick.

Shake with ice, or stir the components into ice-filled glasses. I near always shake my cocktails because I feel like James Bond when I do so.
This cooler is really lovely after running 16 miles on a very uncomfortably hot Florida Saturday morning. J and I shared one apiece on our living room floor after he took a pretty epic nap with his head resting on my yoga bolster. Straight after we dove into our apartment pool for a spell to stretch out our tired legs. Very little hits the spot on a weekend more than cooling cocktails and chlorine. Am I right?

Tried this recipe out? Leave a comment below with your thoughts, and don’t forget to come say hi on Instagram and show me what you made!
Here’s some more berry- and cherry-laden cocktails!
Bubbly Basil Blackberry Tequila Cooler

- 4 hibiscus tea bags
- 1/3-1/2 cup agave nectar
- 1/2 cup cherry juice
- 2 cups mixed berries
- 2 tbsp dried blueberries
- 8 oz white rum
- 1 cup canned full-fat coconut milk
- Boil 2 cups water. Steep hibiscus tea bags for 5 minutes. Discard bags and stir in agave nectar. Let cool to room temperature.
- In a blender, puree mixed berries, dried blueberries, and cherry juice. Strain into a pitcher or jar to remove the seeds.
- Fill 4 tall glasses halfway with ice. Stir together berry juice, tea, and 2 oz rum in each glass. Top with about 1/4 cup coconut milk, enjoy the ombre, then stir well to combine. Garnish with a berry skewer.