chipotle street corn dip pasta salad
Rain makes corn, corn makes whiskey…and pasta salads. The pasta salad hype continues in this here internet space. Last year I obsessed over…
Rain makes corn, corn makes whiskey…and pasta salads. The pasta salad hype continues in this here internet space. Last year I obsessed over…
Memorial Day means grilling season hath arrived, though I’m pretty sure it’s always grilling season here in the ole FL. Surely, this recipe…
Summertime easy eats are quite appealing when it’s this balls hot out. Today, it’s not so bad out. The air dried out and…
I have not pizza’d in awhile, therefore it was time to pizza. Now, I have two different pizzas in my fridge. Like I…
Bless the gift of 6 olive jars for today’s recipe. Sometimes my runs are useful from a creative standpoint. Especially on Mondays –…
Sharing a sweet recipe this Tuesday because I fucked up my savory concept and, thus, had nothing to offer ya’ll. My bad. Hopefully,…
Yell at me all you want about my pasta salad proclivities. We haven’t yet reached the pinnacle of hot weather deathtrap here in…
Whispers of grillin’ time are starting to reach my ears. Granted, here in Florida we don’t have those things called seasons, so you…
AKA: a most annoyingly fucking long recipe name because I didn’t want to omit anything important. Sometimes short and to the point ain’t…
First order of business post-vacation: make pizza. I purged my fridge on Saturday morning and ended up with practically-empty shelves. Quite refreshing after…