creamy coconut espresso chai white russian

Smooth as silk is this Creamy Coconut Espresso Chai White Russian. A small hint of caffeine, spice, and a dab of coconut milk swirl into a traditional formula of vodka and Kahlua. Friday nightcap, anyone?

Home “Happy Hours” are one of J and I’s coping mechanisms for our lack of outside world interaction. Despite what seems to be a collective consensus that the pandemic is over and we should proceed with existence as if such never occurred, we aren’t exactly adhering to that and limit our outings to grocery trips and some outdoor coffee dates here and there. I, for my own purposes, don’t see the necessity of dining out or any sort of gathering-like behavior especially since we seem so close to coming out the other side of this whole fiasco. I can hold on a bit longer, I think.

Hence, I apparently became a mixologist overnight. A Balsamic Blueberry Basil Smash here, a Spicy Pineapple Ginger Margarita there, a Ginger Bourbon Creme e v e r y w h e r e. Even a Butterbeer Bourbon White Hot Chocolate for those of you still under ice sheaths.

Saturdays are our primary day together during which neither of us work, so I dub Cocktail Saturday a thing. I share these on Fridays in this space because after a long workweek, who wouldn’t want to dive straight into a nice sip instead of waiting for Saturday?

Especially this one, which could double as dessert – or pre-dinner dessert, if you wish for two desserts that particular day. This guy only demands a touch of pre-planning in steeping some chai tea with maple syrup and a cinnamon stick, for an extra boost of flavor. Let it cool awhile, 10 minutes should do it, or you can pop it in the fridge to expedite the process. After that, the usual pour, shake, and strain protocol is all.

Tried this recipe out? Leave a comment below with your thoughts, and don’t forget to wave hello on Instagram and show me what you made!

More vodka, please? Try out this Spicy Butternut Squash Alla Vodka Pasta with Garlicky Breadcrumbs!

creamy coconut espresso chai white russian
A sweet and spicy cocktail with brewed chai tea, espresso, vanilla vodka, Kahlua, and a splash of coconut milk.
Prep Time 5 mins
Cook Time 5 mins
Total Time 10 mins
Servings 1 cocktail


  • 2 bags chai tea
  • 3 tbsp maple syrup
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 oz chilled brewed coffee or espresso
  • 2 oz Kahlua
  • 2 oz vanilla vodka
  • 3-4 tbsp canned full-fat coconut milk


  • Mix 1 cup boiling water with maple syrup and the cinnamon stick. Add chai tea bags and steep 5 minutes. Discard bags and cinnamon stick. Cool to room temperature, about 10 minutes.
  • In a cocktail shaker, combine 1/4 cup brewed chai tea, coffee or espresso, Kahlua, and vanilla vodka. Add ice and shake until chilled. Strain over a glass with ice. Spoon desired amount of coconut milk overtop and stir. Top with a cinnamon stick and coffee beans for garnish, as desired.

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