easiest cocoa peanut recovery shake + week in workouts

Golden rule of running: one day can feel drastically different than the next. Sometimes this reassurance comforts, as a bad workout redeems itself with a smooth effort the following morning. Otherwise, we pick our sweaty disgruntled selves off the pavement just 24 hours after nailing pace miles and wielding strength enough to toss a bull into the bay. The latter occurred this week, with a 9 miler proving worlds more satisfying than a 4 miler during which I fought premature termination from minute five. I try to remember, though, it’s just one run, and one clunker in a heap of successes means naught in the grand scheme.

Either way, workouts require recovery, and one easy means to facilitate such is through a protein shake. I share below my simple formula for a Cocoa Peanut Shake that ticks all the marks off the nutrition checklist: protein, carbs, a touch of healthy fat, and coffee. Disregard that the lattermost is not technically a macronutrient.

Workouts below, and shake recipe below that! How was your week in training?

Monday, 10/14: 3.4 miles, 9:41 pace

Tuesday, 10/15: 40 min elliptical w. 10 x :30 lvl 7-9 / :90 easy (AM) + 40 min strength (PM) + 20 min hectic day yoga

The workout:

  • 10 min elliptical w/u
  • Circuit: 4 rounds of 8 weighted warrior hinges, 10 squat twists, 12 kettlebell swings, 10 stability ball bridges, 8 med ball jump squats, 1 min rest
  • Main set: 4 x 6 deadlifts, 40# on barbell
  • Core: 1 min bird dog (left), 3 x 10 fire hydrants, 1 min plank, 30 med ball Russian twists, 1 min plank, 1 min bird dog (right), 1:30 stability ball bridge hold

Wednesday, 10/16: 6.9 miles, 9:07 pace – 6 x 800m @ 5K + 25 min recovery yoga

Thursday, 10/17: 1,620y swim + 30 min gentle yoga

Friday, 10/18: 9.68 miles, 9:06 pace – 3 x 1 mile @ 10K & 5 x :30 strides + 20 min recovery yoga

Felt SO good this morning and even though I got a stitch during the strides, I managed to breathe through it and mitigate its impact on my overall run. I’m now suspicious that these pains arise due to my breathing: when I become more intentional with my inhales and exhales, it dwindles off. My mile repeats clocked in exactly where I hoped: 8:20, 8:22, and 8:22. The strides ranged from 7:13-7:38. I plugged those in during mile 7ish to teach my legs to run fast when fatigued.

Saturday, 10/19: 4 miles, 9:52 pace + 30 min strength + 20 min recovery yoga

This workout all around felt like hooey. I think I may not have recovered well enough via nutrition after yesterday’s long run and so paid for it today. Couple that with the treadmills we have, which make everything harder even at usually-easy paces, but the intense rain prevented me from hitting the roads and thus I had to succumb to the hamster wheel.

The workout:

  • Circuit: 3 rounds of 10 close squats with lateral raise, 10 front to side raise, 10 kneeling overhead press, 1 min rest. I probably rested for longer since I felt like utter garbage half the time.
  • Core: 3 x 12 stability ball leg lifts, 3 x 12 stability ball bridges, 1 min decline plank, :30 single leg stability ball bridge per leg.
  • Main: 4 x 6 Bulgarian split squats per leg, 20# + 3 x 10 medicine ball jump squats

Sunday, 10/20: 3.16 miles, 9:39 pace

Total Mileage: 27.14

One of the best ways to boost muscles sans upsetting the tummy too soon after a hard workout is via liquid nourishment. This one is most certainly my favorite in the rotation, largely because it’s incredibly simple and contains the trifecta of flavors I love best: chocolate, peanut butter, and coffee. Caffeine is even thought to aid in recovery by boosting glycogen absorption when paired with healthy carbs – i.e., bananas. Top it off with some muscle-boosting protein and you’ve got yourself a flavorful, nourishing sip. So, drink up, kids.


cocoa peanut recovery shake
Simple, lovely for mornings, especially those requiring a quick blast of nutrition before bolting out the door towards whatever the day entails. Friendly for any time of day, and any dietary restrictions. Vegan if using non-animal-derived protein powder, which I do – I veer towards Sprouts vegan protein, which is one the nicest brands I've tried and doesn't taste like an anthill.
Prep Time 2 minutes
Cook Time 2 minutes
Total Time 4 minutes
Servings 1


  • 1 large banana (preferably a bit spotty)
  • 1 scoop good-quality chocolate protein (your choice)
  • 2 TBSP powdered peanut butter
  • 1-1 1/2 cups chilled coffee
  • 5-6 ice cubes


  • Combine all ingredients in the bowl of a blender. Blend until creamy and smooth. Pour into vessel of choice, slap a straw in, and enjoy!

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