five favorite fuel options before morning workouts

I wrote a comprehensive review a couple of weeks ago about Nuun Prime, the pre-workout energizer I drink before all of my early sessions. This post dives more into my favorite nibbles!
Fairly recently, as mileage climbed and I added all three tri sports into my training rotation, I started experimenting more mindfully with eating before I start. I noticed a very significant energy crash during my 90+ minute sessions, something that wasn’t much of a concern when running was my sole sport of choice, and wanted to combat it to perform better and not feel like a slug midway through an important ordeal. I’m quite nervous about my stomach, especially at 3-4 am, reacting to solid food without much stimulus before consumption. The worst thing to me is a jiggling, too-full tummy. I don’t take in too much beforehand, as 150-200 calories is usually sufficient and in the case of a long run or ride I’ll bring fuel with me to restore some spunk in my step or spin. Everyone is different – I’m just a train low type of gal.
I’m all about whole food options when appropriate, but sports nutrition products are there for a reason. They’re often created with a good energy balance specific to sport, generally taste appealing, and are easy to digest. I see merit in both styles of fueling! I tend to reserve sports products exclusively for before or during training or races, and don’t snack on them randomly during the day (Clif Bars can be an exception) so my overall intake of these creations is by and large limited. I advocate a balanced diet filled with nutrient-dense foods – and a lot of cereal – but also cheer for listening to your body and giving it grace when it comes to intense training.
All that said, these are the foods I find most appetizing and effective when I workout before breakfast. Tell me what you most enjoy!
I am not a doctor or licensed nutritionist. Everything written is from personal experience. See a healthcare professional when starting a new diet or exercise program. This post is NOT sponsored, all opinions are my own and all products purchased with my own money.
1. GU Energy Stroopwafels
By far these are my #1 choice in the morning. Haven’t looked back since my first taste of the Caramel Coffee flavor and now I often buy the variety pack and switch between four renditions. The waffles clock in at 140-150 calories apiece, are rich in sodium (around 75-150 grams per waffle depending on the variety), contain 450 mg of BCAAs (to reduce muscle fatigue and increase mental clarity), and some have 20mg of caffeine for an added boost. I’ve never experienced digestive distress and one usually carries me for 90+ minutes of activity before I feel that I need to refuel. GU’s site claims they’re amazing warmed over coffee. I haven’t tried this yet – I usually drink my coffee after I workout – but I’d imagine it’s quite pleasing.

2. Clif Coffee Series Bars
I enjoy several Clif flavors, but the coffee ones contain the equivalent of one espresso shot and sometimes you just need the kick; plus, all three types – Vanilla Almond Latte, Caramel Macchiato, and Dark Chocolate Mocha – make my tastebuds dance. I usually eat a Clif Bar before my run and swim combo workouts, as I generally need a bit higher calorie level before a freestyle session and most flavors tick 240-260 calories per bar. I also have success with them before races, again due to the great flavor and ease of digestion. Clifs jolt me nicely in the midst of a 2+ hour ride and offer a swell morale boost, and 40+ grams of carbs lend me sufficient energy.

3. Skratch Energy Bars/Sport Hydration Drink Mix
Skratch is best known for its work in the cycling community and I’ve had good success munching the bars before and during bike workouts. Their flavors are interesting, with savory ones like miso and sundried tomato & parmesan, though I can’t say I’ve tried those and usually prefer to stick to the sweeter ones, like raspberries and lemon.
When I don’t have Nuun Prime on hand, I like the Sport Hydration Drink Mix for some calories and the intelligent electrolyte balance. Lemon Lime is my preferred choice.
4. Bagel + peanut butter
I usually reserve this rich, carb-dense good for before races or when I have more time to digest, as bagels tend to sit in my stomach a bit longer than the fast-acting energy sources of the two aforementioned. Sometimes I’ll add a half or full banana and recommend this for the 13.1 or 26.2 distances. Dave’s Killer Bagels are my favorite as they also contain a good dose of protein.
5. Bananas and apples
Speaking of bananas, I ate them frequently before I discovered the sports nutrition products I like and still pair them with bread on certain occasions. For those most interested in whole food options and especially those not quite sure where to start, bananas are generally agreeable to tummies, quick to process, and contain a hefty serving of potassium and carbs. As far as apples go, I typically snack on one of these for midday training after I get off work to help rehydrate and get a few calories in if I haven’t eaten in a few hours. Some suggest peeling the apples to reduce fiber and limit potential stomach upset, but I’ve never had an issue with the skin personally.
Other options to consider:
These are just a tiny fragment of what’s available! So many resources out there list perfectly viable pre-workout noms that I’d expect work for many people and may for you, too. Here’s some additional ideas for curious minds.
- Homemade energy bites containing any combo of oats, dates, nut butters, dried fruit, coconut flakes, chocolate chips, flax or chia seeds, etc. These Sunflower Bliss Balls and Pumpkin Energy Balls are fun to assemble and absolutely scrumptious.
- Medjool dates, sometimes stuffed with nut butter
- Pretzels, with hummus or nut butter as desired
- Dry cereal or mixed with semi-skimmed or nondairy milk or yogurts
- Bowl of oatmeal, with banana or nut butter or sweetener (maple syrup, honey, agave) for additional calories
- Energy chews like Skratch or Honey Stinger
- Graham crackers
- Fig cookies