four week 10K training plan + week in workouts

I raced the Fort Desoto 15K two weeks ago, and all of its facets lay behind me except the fitness I created in the lead-up. Now, only to shift my eyes, adjust my shoes, and march towards my next battlefield: the Lake to Lake 10K on November 2. New race, new training plan!
I normally block off more time for race training, but the span between the 15K and the 10K involved only four weeks for preparation. This works for my body, however. For one, I already am well-trained for the 6.2 miles required, and more or less aim to sharpen my speed and endurance for the demands of this distance. I do not expect to see enormous gains in pace, but with smart scheduling I can improve and thus gauge a realistic goal. For two, this race is just one piece to the puzzle of this season’s goal race, which will be the Big Sur Marathon in April 2020. Essentially, I want to train well and efficiently to exact my revenge on Highway 1 considering last year’s marred performance.
For most, 12-16 weeks is ideal for a training cycle. I needed to adapt, however, and hone in on specific sessions geared towards improving at the 10K distance as much as my body can prior to race day. I know I can best my pace during the Remarkable River Run in June and possibly PR entirely if the 15K wasn’t a fluke and I’ve improved as much as that race exemplified. During these 21 days, I wrote in tempo sessions and race pace miles as my key weekly workouts. In addition, I plugged in shorter intervals during weekend long runs to improve turnover and add some interest to those miles: I only crest at 9 for my long runs, and since I know I can cover that distance pretty easily, feel safe inserting faster bursts throughout. I think, if all goes well, I can break 8:30/mile for thus run!
By the way, the calendar format does not correlate with days of the week. I don’t know my work schedule until two weeks out and adjust certain workouts accordingly.

Find week one’s workouts below.
Monday, 10/7: 40 min elliptical in the airport hotel – 5 x 2 min hard/2 min easy, 5 x 1 min hard/1 min easy
Tuesday, 10/8: 3.5 miles, 9:19 pace (AM) + 40 min strength (PM)
Strength workout:
- 10 min elliptical w/u
- 3 rounds of 10 curtsy lunges, 12 triceps dips, 10 jump squats, 15 leg drops, 12 plank rows
- 4 x 8 single leg deadlifts with 25# weight. Final set I balanced on the leg without holding the barre.
- 4 x 6 overhead press with 15# dumbbells
- 3 x 12 standing glute kickbacks
- 1 min wall sit, :30 left leg wall sit, :30 right leg wall sit
Wednesday, 10/9: 6.46 miles, 9:17 pace – 35 min tempo run + 25 min recovery yoga
Not an ideal run but I mostly blame the temperature for that: 77 degrees and 95% humidity by 6 a.m. No bueno. I averaged 8:38 over the tempo session, which amounted to 4.05 miles. Not terrible, but something I can rectify.

Thursday, 10/10: 4.22 miles, 9:45 pace + 1,500y swim + 15 min hectic day yoga

Friday, 10/11: 35 min easy elliptical w. 4 x 1 min “strides” at lvl 6 (AM) + 30 min strength (PM)
The workout:
- 10 min elliptical w/u
- 3 rounds of: 8 burpees, 8 bent over rows, 8 upright rows, 12 pushups with arm raise, 1 min rest
- Main sets: 10/12/15 close-legged squat, 20# on barbell; 8/10/12 chest press, 15# dumbbells
- :30 one-armed plank, right
- :30 one-armed plank, left
- :60 bridge on Swiss ball
Saturday, 10/12: 8.07 miles, 9:19 pace – 5 x 2 min @ push pace
I overshot my 7 mile cap since it felt SO nice out and I wanted to take advantage of a sub-70 degree morning while it lasted. The two minute intervals ranged from 7:49-8:12 paces, and were rather smooth and controlled.

Sunday, 10/13: 3.21 miles, 9:30 pace + 30 min gentle yoga & 1 hour teaching yoga
Total mileage: 25.46 miles