joys of the week, ep. 1

Welcome to a new VE feature inspired by how cruddy news headlines can be, but how simply sweet life can be. In 2020, I think at least for a spell we forgot that little bits of happiness exist in our everyday vision. I certainly navigated those seas myself, often poorly, but even I found a lighthouse somewhere on the horizon. Each week, I’ll highlight a few things I love, a few good things that occurred, a few things I lurch upon that I think you’ll find benefit from as well. We all need some happy in our days, right?

I’ve a bizarre past few weeks. I quarantined for two of them after someone at work tested for Covid, and though I was cleared before the two week period work policy dictates that I stay home until the leave expires. Then I had a couple of extra unexpected days off due to a boil water notice that forced our store to shut down. So I baked A LOT, as you’ll see this coming week with all the cookie recipes I accumulated over this holiday season. I really cannot wait to share them. The photos torture me on my phone – like a water balloon flying at my face in slow motion ready to pop but unable to do so.

If you made it past my terrible metaphors, congratulations, and thanks for sticking with me both in this current narrative and through the days. I’m always here, and if I’m not I’m hanging out on Instagram ready to wave back if you greet me in passing.

Upcoming on VE

Starting tomorrow is VE Cookie Week! 7 days of JUST baking with me. Have you started your holiday cookie fiestas yet? If so or if not, I’ve six delectable recipes lined up plus some tips on creating a perfect cookie box for your coworkers, friends, or, hell, even just yourself for some extra spunk and cheer. We’ve got a feisty take on snickerdoodles, a chocolate-dunked candy bar dupe, a brown butter slice and bake treat, and a few more I’ll keep you in the dark about for now.

Have you found me on Instagram? Venturing_East on Insta is an active profile and I LOVE speaking to all of you through the platform about everything training, fuel, and life as a whole. Plus, I share my weekly Trader Joe’s hauls and a simple recipe based on something I bought at the store that very day. In other words, exclusive content, because you’re special to me. Come say hi!

Joys of the Week, Episode 1

1. Averaging 20 mph during a cycling workout

I started cycling more seriously perhaps a year ago, when J found my baby Pittor on Craigslist and we brought him home to snuggle up to the trainer. Pittor is permanently affixed there now, and I’ve worked my endurance up to 100+ mile weeks. My speed and power, however, lacked for quite awhile. I remember hyping myself up when I reached 16 mph for the first time! I’ve come quite a ways. Now I’ve logged a pair of 20+ mph averages and regularly hit 30+ on sprints. Next goal? A 40 mph sprint, even if it’s just for one second.

2. Universal Thread Crewneck Pullover Sweater

Target has swiped much of my spare income and a good portion of that goes to sweaters. We’ve experienced some colder snaps here in central Florida and I sorely lacked any appropriate clothing that I didn’t buy when I was 18. This particular sweater was $14 at the time and I lived in it for three days straight (not sorry) during quarantine. It’s thick, soft, and cozy. You can buy it here!

3. Starbucks Holiday Blend Coffee

I love this blend. It’s not overpowering and doesn’t taste like the sole of a shoe like some Starbucks roasts do, and boasts a hint of fruitiness in an otherwise chocolatey palate. Starbucks kind of nailed their seasonal packaging, too. I must stock up before it vanishes since I’ve very few preferences in Starbucks beans and I can easily hide the fact that it’s a “holiday” specialty beyond December by throwing it in a neutral colored jar. How’s that for inconspicuous?

4. Brown Butter

Holy crud, how had I not baked with brown butter before? I have two recipes upcoming that feature brown butter and I made them both on the same day because my obsession is all-encompassing now. The amber elixir changes the end product of a cookie so much, and I think will be excellent with anything featuring a nutty base or a lot of dark chocolate. Both of those ingredients I’m always on board with. Have you tried brown butter? If not, DO IT!

5. Trader Joe’s Chili Crunch Seasoning

I plug Trader Joe’s endlessly (never sponsored) and their Chili Crunch blend features in pretty much every brussels sprout rendition I roast for my meal preps. I haven’t found a vegetable with which it won’t pair. I’d like to try swirling it into some olive oil, salt and pepper, and maybe some dried oregano as a simple bread dip!

Pot stickers in a bowl and one being help by chop sticks and being dipped in Chili Onion Crunch

6. Our Christmas tree

We bought our tree about a week ago and I more or less keep it on all day. Fraser firs are such a brief luxury to have in the house that I feel it’s necessary to take advantage of the lights and the cozy as long as I can before I say goodbye. I wrapped J’s gifts already and they’re nestled beneath the needles.

7. Game and finger food Friday nights with J

Isolation doubtlessly creates ruts, and since J and I don’t want to overextend our hands while Covid lurks about, we’ve taken to devoting Friday evenings to less healthy foods and board, card, or video games. It’s lovely bonding time and gives both of us a break from our weeknight habits. Doesn’t always go great with regards to Saturday’s long runs, but it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make since my long runs aren’t the most important workout on my agenda. What games we’re loving: Pandemic and Tokaido!

And how is THIS for a grazeboard? Stay tuned for a post upcoming with the details. And yes, that fed just two people, with refills. Not sorry.

So there you go! Happiness. Taking pride in little victories. Share with me one thing that brought you joy this week. Or multiple. As always, thanks for sticking with me, friends.

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