joys of the week, ep. 2

Why are weeks going SO quickly? Not that I’m entirely upset that 2020 steps behind the curtain at last. Passing years always inspire an odd set of emotions within me. On one hand, I’m thrilled to enter a fresh set of 365 to discover whatever pops of inspiration, luck, and opportunity spring forth, but on the other, it means one more year my mom ages, one more year I age, one more year of lord knows what. Such uncertainty can prove frightening.

That’s next year, though. Let’s talk about this week. Another seven days of health. Florida got some real cold! Saturday I actually felt bothered by the wind and even fought some lasting coughs from breathing in the rapid chilly zephyrs. Not exactly a happy dealing, but the fact that the air temperature dropped enough to bring about the symptom means we had some kind of winter and I’m a December soul at heart. Nice to know, really.

Because pseudo-winter occurred, so did cozy drinks. Here’s a sneak preview of a spiked cup of warmth coming to VE quite soon. Excited yet?

Upcoming on VE

I altered 7 Days of Cookies to 12 Days of Christmas, so more than just sweet treats will debut on VE! The thematic expansion includes the aforementioned beverage as well as a cheeseboard how-to and our winter tablescape, plus advice to create your own on a limited budget! Before Christmas Eve I will also release a dinner menu for the big day with recipes to inspire your small gatherings and offer a different take on a holiday meal. J and I are celebrating our Christmas on the 23rd and enjoying time with my family on Christmas Eve. My sister is driving down from Pennsylvania with her boyfriend and I can hardly wait. I haven’t seen them in gosh, almost a year, possibly more! We always share an epic Christmas Eve, my family, though this year we’ll all have undergone Covid tests and will be mostly masked and outdoors.

Have you found me on Instagram? Venturing_East on Insta is an active profile and I LOVE speaking to all of you through the platform about everything training, fuel, and life as a whole. Plus, I share my weekly Trader Joe’s hauls and a simple recipe based on something I bought at the store that very day. In other words, exclusive content, because you’re special to me. Come say hi!

Joys of the Week, Episode 2

1. Winter Quinoa Salad

I ate this salad three days straight and for real, it is delectable. The figs became even butterier and sweeter as they marinated in their own juices, and some of it transferred into the salad greens, too. So good. I remade the salad after our first bout with more orange slices and avocado, and by the third round I was left with more quinoa and avocado than anything, so I threw atop some vegan chicken strips and cooked up a batch of sweet potato fries to finish it off. It is such a versatile bowl, and beautiful, too.

2. Speaking of sweet potatoes…

Yet another daily occurrence on my lunch plates. I love quick frying sweet potatoes with some olive oil, oregano, salt and pepper and dipping them in whatever sauce I have haunting my fridge shelves. If it’s cold near you, maybe a batch of this Loaded French Lentil, Black Bean & Sweet Potato soup will warm you right up!

3. Pajamas

Who doesn’t love pajamas, really? I work so early in the morning that by the time 1 or 2 rolls around its practically bedtime (not really). My midday is like most peoples’ early morning, and my evening someone’s midday. I usually get my post-work training session done, eat lunch, then take a nap and snack on something resembling breakfast food, so pajamas I’d say are rather apt. This ensemble is in my current rotation. I received the shirt one Christmas eve in a set from my mom.

4. 12 Days of Christmas Movies

J and I are plowing through one Christmas movie per night leading up to Santa’s arrival. We’ve so far watched Diehard (NOT a Christmas movie, you fools!), The Santa Clause, Christmas Vacation, Home Alone, and Christmas with the Kranks. Home Alone was pretty adorable, actually my first time watching it! Of course, all Christmas movies have some type of whimsy inserted, but hey, its the season of whimsy, so us as a collective have to suspend our disbelief temporarily and just digest a film without overanalysis. What’s your favorite Christmas movie? Mine is It’s a Wonderful Life, which is on our list and we’ll probably watch it on Christmas Day.

5. Morning coffee by the tree

I know last week I mentioned my appreciation for our tree, but I’m pretty sure that theme will recur so long as our tree lives in our family room. After early morning training I sit in front of the branches, sip my coffee, and eat my breakfast facing the pretty lights. When J is awake we listen to Christmas playlists together on the couch. Already lamenting a bit the inevitable end of the season, but no more of that – must enjoy the present while it sits on my shoulders.

6. Epsom salt baths

I’m a MAJOR slacker when it comes to post-workout stretching, and sometimes my muscles just feel like great big knots of fatigue and compression. I’m trying to incorporate soothing morning baths at least once a week or so to help maintain my stress levels in general and aid recovery between strings of hard workouts. I love these Dr. Teal’s bath bombs for the occasion (not sponsored). They smell soothing and my skin is satiny once I step out of the water.

And that’s the show, folks! Thanks for listening to my rambles, as always. Share with me one thing that brought you joy this week. Or multiple, the more the merrier!

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