joys of the week, ep. 4

Happy New Year, everyone! Though undoubtedly early in 2021, I’ve witnessed a strong start on my end. I fell asleep at 8 pm on the 31st, woke up at midnight via J’s gentle prodding, then rolled out of bed a few hours later…and J was still awake. I felt oddly exposed, like a creeping burglar or slinking opossum, since J never witnesses my super early morning routine. I guess I’m quite self-conscious in the wee hours of the day!

The normal hours of my day weren’t all too different from any prior. I worked early then came home to train, fill some new content onto VE, napped, and cooked. J and I continued our Friday game tradition with a new venture called “Home Run”: we played two games, splitting the doubleheader, while chowing down on homemade stuffed soft pretzels (coming soon!) and listening to game 4 of the 2020 World Series mumbling in the background. Blissful describes the inaugural day of the fresh year. I hope more days shape up in that manner.

Upcoming on VE

Kicking off your weekly reading with my training log, including my new cycling plan! Tuesday I dish out a delectable salmon sandwich perfect for a fast weeknight dinner, and Wednesday we bake up some spicy protein-packed vegetarian tacos. Thursday I share a rich bread that tags along with my Overnight Cranberry Brûlée French Toast Bake and we end the workweek with a miniaturized and fancy-tasting, but oh-so-easy, rendition of pizza!

What did you do for New Years Eve/Day?

Have you found me on Instagram? Venturing_East on Insta is an active profile and I LOVE speaking to all of you through the platform about everything training, fuel, and life as a whole. Plus, I share my weekly Trader Joe’s hauls and a simple recipe based on something I bought at the store that very day. In other words, exclusive content, because you’re special to me. Come say hi!

Joys of the Week, Episode 4

1. My birthday!

The ripe age of 27 greeted me on the 30th! Birthdays aren’t as magical as when younger: there’s no big party, no new gizmo, no hullabaloo around turning 1 or 10 or 18 or 21. I think the kid residing in my soul wants some fairy dust sprinkled over my big day, even as an adult, for the morning after my birthday brick workout I stared blankly around wondering how I was supposed to feel about the occasion. Thankfully, J coaxed me on a walk and we enjoyed the temperate morning and crystalline bay and I formed a plan around how to proceed with making my hours just a bit more special. I wound up having a delightful time of things. I visited my mom briefly – and received Joy #2 as a gift! – then J and I kayaked around the island before downing an insane amount of cake and enjoying dinner, and more cake, together. At midnight I wobbled out of bed to the couch to spend the last few minutes of my birthday in J’s company.

2. Pain free running

For a couple days my left posterial tibial tendon flared up and I worried about a prolonged running absence. I’ve issues with this before and it cut my training up for several weeks, but thankfully I’m a touch smarter than I was a year ago and adjusted my schedule to accommodate the discomfort. I also discovered a big knot in my calf that I’d imagine played a part in the ordeal and smashed it out with a baseball. Friday I tested my leg on a run/walk with minimal blips and Saturday I ran good as new!

3. New sheep friend!

Mom gifted me with a stuffed sheep she knitted herself, and I fell in love immediately! Sheep are my favorite animal nowadays and this dude is massive and cuddly and I want to take it everywhere with me. I haven’t named it yet but I need to figure something out soon.

4. Death to 2020

If you’re into satire and a comical yet absurdly accurate portrayal of last year, please watch this Netflix documentary/mockumentary. I was in stitches the whole time. It’s deeply sarcastic and inappropriate in some parts, but rich with intelligent commentary wedged within the jokes and jabs. If you’re easily offended, you probably shouldn’t watch it, but otherwise I recommend it to anyone of a decent age with a decent sense of humor.

5. Soups

When any semblance of cooler weather rolls in I plan at least one soup recipe to cook up during the week. Last week I dished out this Winter Detox Vegetable Noodle Soup and I love how easy and nutritious it was all while filling my sometimes bottomless appetite quite efficiently.

The greatest joy of all this week, though, was entering a new year and the perception of a fresh start and hope for whatever the future contains. Share with me one thing that brought you joy this weekOr multiple, the more the merrier!

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