joys of the week, ep. 5

How are you all? Really. Not in the picket fence fluffy guise way with which we tend to speak on the Internet. I mean for real. After this week, I’d imagine no one is terribly chipper, and if you are, I either commend you or abhor you, depending on which side of reasoning you fall.

I’ll tell you, I struggled deeply. I couldn’t justify doing anything that remotely compromised my ability to either process the occurrences of the week or calm myself from further tumult. I ran, biked, cooked to find peace. I rested to find space to read and discuss. I did not engage in anything that furthered the stress or took away my ability to educate, and if I felt a strong anxiety response creep up astronomically I ceased whatever it was immediately.

I don’t think we can totally pause everyday life and sit on the floor without consequences, but I do think we can take moments to reevaluate what’s actually worth it to us and what isn’t. I reflected a lot over my existence this week, and came to the conclusion that one big part of my days is no longer serving me (no, not J, he’s still the greatest!) Where do I start in the severance process? I’m not sure. It’s no easy feat when part of your stability depends on it. Can I take steps to begin the change? Yes. I intend to do that over the coming weeks, and I’d imagine the totality of the plan will take quite some time to accomplish. I need, for my own sake, to begin, however, lest I tumble further into the deep unhappiness I harbor in large part due to my standing in life.

Anyone else have big life revelations recently? As I’m sure I’ve mentioned, I really dislike “New Year’s Resolutions!!!” but sometimes the turn of the calendar brings about fresh inspiration that hid from sight prior. Sure did for me. If you’re in that boat, let’s steer together, shall we?

Upcoming on VE

My training log and my Joys feature hedge a fun week of new recipes! Tuesday I share a super cozy potato soup with a fun twist I think you’ll really enjoy, and Wednesday we weave an American classic into our favorite Mexican street dish: tacos! Thursday I’m giving you a savory bread offering, and Friday we end the workweek with a fulfilling, nourishing, and downright incredible roasted squash salad!

Have you found me on Instagram? Venturing_East on Insta is an active profile and I LOVE speaking to all of you through the platform about everything training, fuel, and life as a whole. Plus, I share my weekly Trader Joe’s hauls and a simple recipe based on something I bought at the store that very day. In other words, exclusive content, because you’re special to me. Come say hi!

Joys of the Week, Episode 5

1. aerie Real Free Padded Bralettes

It’s as funny to me as it might be to you that I’ve included bras in my Joys feature, but holy wow are these game changers! I am pretty frugal when it comes to underwear seeing that my endurance training made me pretty flat-chested: as long as there’s no underwire, I’m good. These are so soft and comfortable, I can somewhat understand why people shell out for expensive bras. I swear this isn’t sponsored, by the way.

2. Spotify “Winter Acoustics” playlist

With Christmas tunes out of the picture until next December, I searched for another cozy playlist to chime in the background while I eat my breakfast or cook. This was one of the first to come up and I find it peaceful and calming. I usually let it run while I’m taking an Epsom salt bath, too.

3. The History of Swear Words Netflix series

The day of the terrorist attacks on the Capitol, J and I surfed around for something to distract us from our mutual tension and sadness. I think Nicholas Cage may have been trending on media due to people making jokes about stealing the Declaration of Independence, one of the National Treasure plotlines, for this miniseries popped up. Hilarious and informative! Reviews are mixed on it but it’s definitely a goodnatured way to keep oneself from dwelling on upsetting topics.

4. Beer bread

I haven’t the time or the wherewithal to make yeast breads lately, but quick breads galore have characterized my glutenous adventures. I’ve a pair of recipes upcoming that feature no yeast and a ton of rich flavor suitable for dipping in soup, spreading with butter, or eating fresh and plain out of the oven. Both feature beer in the formulas. I promise they’re worth the wait!

5. Pure Spectrum CBD

Anxiety, and possibly some ADHD tendencies, whirl my brain into a clanging drumline that ceases only when I exercise or cook. Sometimes its useful for making me get tasks done but other times I’m overwhelmed by even the most menial blips and to-dos and act rather uncouth. Though I can’t say CBD settles me overmuch if something seriously stressful occurs (ergo, this week) the day-to-day mental fidgeting is much more manageable. When something stupid happens, I’m more even keeled about it instead of dwelling for the rest of my waking hours. This brand is the official CBD of USA Triathlon, a special bonus on its side. I use the 1250mg dose, the second strongest in their lineup. Again, not sponsored!

And that was my week! Here’s hoping this one coming is much quieter. Share with me one thing that brought you joy this weekOr multiple, the more the merrier!

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