joys of the week, ep. 6

Blessedly, this week proved quieter than last – except for an ankle injury flareup, but that’s for another post. Life felt a bit more manageable and tasks easier to segment, rather than seeing me fall into a cluttered mindset and leaping from task to task as if the world was in danger of collapsing if I didn’t do this thing right this second. This was my first full week taking Pure Spectrum CBD, and honestly, I credit it for keeping my mind in check.
As I write, however, nibbling a Fererro Rocher (my catnip) I do harbor one concern. Since Friday (today is Saturday) my nose is heavily congested, more so than with my typical allotment of allergies. I trained without much issue, which I think is a positive sign that any alarming body fatigue is minimal at this point, but considering our current era I still worry it’s more than just a sinus anomaly. I’m off work today, so I have time to see if things ease away or, God forbid, worsen, before I’m forced to have a choice made for me.
J dismantled our Christmas tree after lunch today. It sat naked for a few days after I unhooked and packaged all the ornaments, and its final reckoning arrived at last. I do miss our companion and its fresh balsam scent, but it was time. A plus of its absence, though, is the return of my sunny photo window! Since December I planted my prop table by our sliding door, which is situated next to the dining table. Made for a bit of a squeeze whenever we wanted to sit and have dinner together. Now the space is freed up and I can slowly reorganize everything and capture even better lighting for the posts I share.
Upcoming on VE
A 200+ mile cycling week features in this week’s training log! On Tuesday, I offer a deliciously sweet-and-savory salmon dinner make in one skillet, and for Taco Wednesday a vegetarian riff on a buffalo filling. I’ll share my extravagant, phenomenal, out of this world birthday cake on Thursday, and a Friday cocktail full of spice and sass. We finish off the week with a gnocchi soup, and of course, round everything out with a sprinkle of optimism with Sunday Joys.
Have you found me on Instagram? Venturing_East on Insta is an active profile and I LOVE speaking to all of you through the platform about everything training, fuel, and life as a whole. Plus, I share my weekly Trader Joe’s hauls and a simple recipe based on something I bought at the store that very day. In other words, exclusive content, because you’re special to me. Come say hi!
Joys of the Week, Episode 6
1. Gingerbread Belvita biscuits
In the absence of my Pumpkin Spice Fig Bars, I switched to Belvitas for my long rides this week since I had a box stashed in our “hurricane supply bin” – which is now just a sinful snacks bin. Nibbling one gave me a morale boost every 45 minutes, and though I still blow at midworkout fueling, it’s nice to have something to anticipate when stretches of the session get tough.
2. Cocktail Saturdays
J and I have a new tradition of enjoying a home happy hour drink before dinner. One is certainly enough for me! I shared this delectable Ginger Bourbon Creme on Friday and can’t wait to make cocktails a regular feature on VE. Mixology is an art into which I didn’t much dabble before, and in family gatherings I’ll certainly leave the creativity to my sister, but at home it’s fun to experiment with newfangled flavor profiles to share with all of you.

3. No pressure swimming
Swimming is my tertiary sport and one I fit in when I have the time to. With my foot flaring up this week I traded a run for a swim and even though my paces have increased quite a bit, the time outdoors and in the water is utterly refreshing. So long as I don’t apply too much expectation to a swim, I thoroughly enjoy it. I also haven’t been planning my swim workouts, but purely going by feel. If I want to do endurance, I swim longer intervals. If I want speed, I’ll go short. It’s quite freeing, as my friend said, to not compete with myself sometimes.

4. Hockey season returns!
Baseball remains my spectator sport of choice, but I started following hockey a bit more closely when J and I got together two years ago and it definitely provides a different stimulus than baseball. It helps that our hometown team is pretty damn good. So far the Lightning are 2-0 in the adjusted division format, but hey, any caliber of a good start even with this weird COVID-induced scheduling is fine by me.
5. Morning yoga practices
For being a certified yoga instructor, I’m shite at my home practice. My other training usually takes priority and with work and VE and household demands to upkeep, I usually put my mat on the backburner. The comforting fact, though, is that it’s always there for me. I’ve been trying at least once per week to insert a short flow in the morning before breakfast to ground, stretch, and have some alone time that isn’t strenuous. I flowed for 20 minutes Saturday after my long run – with an interruption to take an important work phone call – to some soft music, and thoroughly enjoyed the whole sequence.

And here we depart, friends! Share with me one thing that brought you joy this week. Or multiple, the more the merrier!