joys of the week, ep. 9

Happy Super Bowl Sunday! Tampa’s abuzz with passion. I’ve witnessed many a pirate-garbed person wandering around the river. Considering the pandemic, I don’t exactly approve of the outdoor festivals the city and league and whoever organized – you can say they’re “limited” all you want, but groups of people are groups of people – but plenty of benign spirited signs and graphics form the sides of skyscrapers and cover the sidewalk bricks to inspire some sport loyalty in anyone.

On Friday night, J and I wandered in sight of the city pirate ship for a fireworks and laser light show. The ordeal lasted maybe 5 minutes but the whizpoppers lit the night and illuminated various news copters floating above the scene. After that, we drove to Raymond James to spy on what visible portions of the setup we could glimpse. Tents, trailers, various cars, and a lot of security folk crowded the grass lots surrounding the stadium. All felt quiet and calm at the moment, not many loose people milled around except security, though I know come Saturday and Sunday the noise will deafen and the grounds liven.

Super Bowl Snack Ideas

Sausage Pesto Pizza Sweet Potato Skins

Smoky Maple Chipotle Black Bean Cheddar Quesadillas

Oven Baked PB&J Cauliflower Wings

Spicy Pineapple Ginger Margarita

Spinach Feta Stuffed Soft Pretzels

Upcoming on VE

I changed my mind about a couple of recipes I intended to post last week and moved them to this! Monday we’ll go through my training log, and Tuesday we’ll refresh from a weekend of football finger foods with a bright, wintry salad. Wednesday we’ve got crunchy tacos featuring a fun use of avocados, and Thursday I share two quick recipes great for a no-fuss Valentine’s Day! For Friday’s cocktail, a spicy-sweet old fashioned, and a cozy Saturday night au vin with no meat involved. And of course, Sunday we talk joy.

Have you found me on Instagram? Venturing_East on Insta is an active profile and I LOVE speaking to all of you through the platform about everything training, fuel, and life as a whole. Plus, I share my weekly Trader Joe’s hauls and a simple recipe based on something I bought at the store that very day. In other words, exclusive content, because you’re special to me. Come say hi!

Joys of the Week, Episode 9

1. Chil Wellness Deep Sleep capsules

One thing I’ve needed to improve in my recovery and everyday wellness is sleep quality. I altered my work schedule to mitigate the very obvious impacts sleep deprivation has caused, namely my propensity to crash in the afternoon, my eye twitch (which still hasn’t dissipated), and my volatile mood shifts. Since starting this capsule I’ve slept more deeply than I have in awhile, even dreaming quite vividly most nights, and wake up feeling less drained and dissatisfied. The pill contains a blend of CBD, valerian root, melatonin, and chamomile. I’m not sponsored, just a happy customer who will probably repurchased once I run out since the positive impacts are quite clear to me!

2. Funky toasts

Someone should name a restaurant as such. From Wednesday’s Instagram Trader Joe’s Haul I scrounged up a tasty and fun avocado toast topped with sesame shiitake mushrooms, scallions, and sauteed shallot. So satisfying and simple. Toast breakfast or lunch are usually my favorites because they take no time at all and can be customized for whatever taste combination you’re feeling that day.

3. Winter swimming

Sure, the process of leaving the pool is pretty brutal – cold wind + wet skin is not a joyful recipe – but the aftermath of a chilly-weather swim is an abundance of cozy! I swam 2,200 yards on Tuesday this week and returned home to a big bowl of warm soup and my bathrobe. Most winter exercise yields this resulting happiness, but swimming especially since you’re drenched completely. The hot shower, too…phenomenal.

And no, I wasn’t punched in the nose before the photo below. Those are simply goggle lines.

4. Popovers

I bought a popover tin FINALLY after several weeks drooling over them. Since Christmas most reasonably-priced brands were backstocked but I finally landed this guy and whipped up a batch for which I’ll share the recipe soon. I’ve done popovers in muffin tins before and while tasty, the specific shape of the designated pan makes them even more funky and interesting to me. Where to store it? Well, considering the volume of crap we have in our cabinets, I haven’t quite figured that part out yet.

5. Hydration pack

I don’t run with a hydration pack since I don’t enjoy the weight on my shoulders (literally), but on the bike or just roaming around town, a water pack is so much easier to drink from than lugging my big insulated water bottle in one hand. I actually don’t remember which one I own, but it isn’t a name brand like Camelbak (though, if I ever get one for running, I’ll probably go with them or Nathan).

Speaking of running, I had a good week in casual training, which is always something to celebrate.

Enjoy the remaining weekend and GO BUCS! Share with me one thing that brought you joy this weekOr multiple, the more the merrier!

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