sidebar | life and training 1.1 – 1.7

My defining word for 2024 is bravery.

I don’t know where this trend started – for my luck, it was TikTok, and we all know how much I just fucking love TikTok – but I’ve seen many a folk announcing a word to define and add intention to the new year. Maybe this is a thing with every calendar turn – it feels more relevant this time around, though, since 2023 was such a rabid shitshow for most of us.

I actually have two words that could fit into my 2024 aesthetic. Bravery is a bit more poetic and social-media friendly. Not that I really care about fitting into a www dot mold. When I think of how I’ve handled some nitty gritty scenarios this week, exhibiting bravery has come to mind. Overcoming, clenching my jaw and pushing against the repellant magnetic fields I’m encountering.

And trust me, folks, I’m dealing with one particular instance in which I have needed to really dig my feet in and engage every muscle of my body in order to not give in and fall flat on my ass. All because I care about someone enough to show that I’m unwilling to relent to the damaging internal narrative they recite to themselves.

Friendships with wounded folk are hard, man.

The second, less socially acceptable word is ballsy. I could say gutsy but ballsy is more fun. Take chances, overcome, stay soft but steely. I dunno. I’m probably talking myself up too much and puffing my chest and making myself sound cooler than I am, but hell, maybe that’s the kind of internal hype man I need right now.

The first week of the new year was, ah…fuck, man. A pretty ordinary workweek, then a completely befuddling weekend. Friday I visited Crooked Thumb again for a beer and some chill reading time. It was a lovely, breezy evening so I sat on the patio for an hour or so, then rode off to Angry Chair for tacos. Dunno why their tacos are so addicting, but I’ve craved them repeatedly; probably helps that they’re priced reasonably too.

Saturday I met up with a friend at Front Porch, a very cute little spot in Old Seminole Heights. Had a couple drinks and some food (more fish tacos and some fries for me, the fries were bomb), then wandered across the street to Mandarin Heights for an espresso martini.

Let’s just say that outing was…intense. Bizarre. I had to sit in my car for an hour or so afterwards to process words shared (oh, and to sober up before driving because I do not ever condone driving buzzed). I think this is where my bravery idea originated: sometimes you have to put your friends in their place and reverse the track of their thinking to make them remember that you really do care for them, despite what internal monologue might depict.

Either way, a strange and deeply emotional night.

Sunday, ha, I laid on my couch and ate mac and cheese, and ice cream. I did go to the gym and wander around for a few walks, though, which was nice. Very exciting.

This week my mom is having her pacemaker replaced, so I’ll be staying with her (read: spoiling her) for a couple days while she recovers. Surgery is a frightening word, but I’m trying to be logical: pacemakers are pretty routine, and considered a minor operation. After all, she wore her current one two years longer than what is typical of a pacemaker’s lifespan. Things will be fine, but I am still nervous.

I know I missed sending a meal plan last week, and I do apologize. I’m hoping to play catchup this week and resume my regularly scheduled email bullshit. I’m starting to feel a little more settled in my newfangled day-to-day routine and perhaps more emotionally regulated. Good signs, I think.

The Fuck We Cooking This Week?

…A simple, nourishing salmon bowl.

A tasty little cookie bar.

A Few Things I’m Digging

Coffee bar…Visited The Tampa EDITION coffee bar the other day. While I was immeasurably out of place in my sweatpants and casual turtleneck, the atmosphere was lovely and the flat white pretty solid. One day I’ll try out a pastry – they look fucken dope.

Mac & cheese…Made a quick broccoli cheddar mac and cheese using the Banza shells, a little extra shredded cheddar, and a good heap of broccoli. Really hit the spot when the weather cooled down on Sunday.

Shops & Wish List

Skincare + Wellness

Target…Always love the Que Bella themed face masks – want to try the sweet as sugar facial treatment. Also the Spa Life “You’re My Jam” (and the lip scrub) and “You’re So Sweet” masks.

Kitchen + Dining

Target…This figural heart shaped mug is precious. These condiment containers are quite useful (I’m thinking trail mix) and I’m always a sucker for a good bento box.

Week in Training

Monday, 1.1 (HAPPY NEW YEAR!): 7.07 miles, 9:55 pace

Glorious midday run. The sunshine and fresh air felt amazing after a shockingly restorative night of sleep.

Tuesday, 1.2: 6 miles, 10:08 pace

Lovely afternoon for an hour run.

Wednesday, 1.3: 9.33 miles, 10:34 pace

Brisk morning but made the post-run shower + coffee taste even more divine.

Thursday, 1.4: 6 miles, 10:00 pace

Cloudy, chilly day with a bit of wind – my hands were actually quite cold by the end! Perfect afternoon for a big bowl of soup, too.

Friday, 1.5: 6.2 miles, 9:45 pace

So much warmer than yesterday, but still not awful by any means. Ran a 4 minute run/1 minute walk split.

Saturday, 1.6: 7 miles, 10:04 pace

Really windy and just beat the giant line of rain creeping through the area. In for a stormy one through the morning – makes for cozy post-run vibes though.

Sunday, 1.7: 45 minute legs + shoulders

Didn’t really mean to have such a specific lifting split – I usually try to do full body on a lift day – but these two parts were kinda all I felt like doing for some reason. So, I rolled with it. Feeling very drained all day and a little gym hiatus honestly felt nice.


  • 3 x 12 squat 70#
  • 2 x 12/2 x 10 sumo deadlift 70/80#
  • 3 x 12 narrow leg press 180#
  • 4 x 10 ea. single leg squat 40#
  • 3 x 10 shoulder shrug 40#
  • 3 x 12 ea. balanced shoulder press 15#
  • 4 x 12 ea. side raise 15#
  • Core work

Total running mileage: 41.6

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