sidebar | life and training 1.27 – 2.2

Do you ever just wake up fucking angry?

Last night, for whatever reason, I woke up from a HEAVY sleep around 1:30 and just suddenly descending into a spiral. I had a wacky dream right before, one where I think I was boiling in some sort of hatred for another nonexistent person (very crazy emotions for my sleepy self, wtf subconscious). Then I got insanely hungry and threw down a handful of Cheez-Its.
Such emotions carried over into this morning (Monday) where I totally flopped my workout and felt the need to go back to sleep and/or sage my house from whatever demons lurked about the corners. Or sage myself. I don’t know, I just feel incredibly off today.

But, now I’m sat with my coffee (that I drained like no one’s business…) with an espresso martini candle flickering behind me, and a such quiet that I feel like the only person on the planet. This is why I love mornings: I answer to no one, and no one asks anything of me.
So, hopefully once the sun comes up and the fog burns away, the day will be reset.
Last week moved quickly and was quite uneventful. I’ve been restricting my budget so outings are largely dependent on if I have cash lying around.

Monday I was determined to celebrate my final big workout before this weekend’s upcoming half marathon by visiting Lona. I hadn’t been in awhile and was craving a plate of nachos, which I happily chowed down on for dinner.

Thursday, Little Miss Ba and I visited Oxford Exchange for the first time in a couple months. I was craving one of their massive muffins – and so was she – and the treat felt really nice. I drew for a bit and read. I posted a little roundup of Little Miss Ba’s adventures on Instagram, in case you want to follow along. I think I might add these at the end of each month just because seeing my little sheep on the feed gives me joy.

I enjoyed a mini spa day with my mom on Saturday. It was a simple affair, just homemade face masks and snacks, including the recipe I’m going to post tomorrow. I made a little cheese plate as well with crackers, fruit, nuts, and smoked salmon, and she provided some guac and hummus. Loved our little date. It was quite gloomy all afternoon and cozy, so when I got home I basically just read Slaughterhouse Five until I finished it. One book done for the month, woohoo!
I worked a 10 hour shift on Sunday, fucking brutal. I’d imagine that didn’t much help the quality of my run this morning – I basically got home, threw down a bunch of food, and went to bed still slightly riled up from being more active than usual that late in the day.
Tapering down for Sunday’s race, so my mileage is dropping and I’m trying to let myself rest a bit more. The Super Bowl also falls this weekend, and while I definitely don’t care about the result, I look forward to the occasion and the giant tray of nachos I’m going to consume that evening. Huzzah!

Hope you have a good week. Take care of yourselves, rest when needed, and immerse your soul in whatever goodness is required to keep sane.
The Fuck We Cooking This Week?
…A simple and luscious lasagna!
…A beautiful boozy layer cake.
A Few Things I’m Digging
Pink…Just loving everything light pink-colored lately. I’m weaving a spring wardrobe around beige and blush shades, and a lot of my recipe are following that scheme as well. Hey, I’ll take inspiration wherever I can get it!
Gel…The Honey Stinger Salted Caramel Latte Gels might be my new go-to fuel for longer distances. Tastes like honey, goes down easy, and definitely gives me a boost during my double digit sessions.
Butter noodles…Twice this week I made the simplest, laziest dinner that’s also quite tasty. Pasta, butter, parmesan, garlic powder, and whatever veggie and protein I have on hand. This time around, I used broccoli and Morningstar Farms chicken patties. Hearty, filling and cheap as fuck.
Game Day Indulgences
Sunday’s Super Bowl means snacks galore. Here are some of my favorite nibbles and noshes for an afternoon and evening of tailgaiting and half-watching the game! What will you be making? I’m thinking a huge tray of nachos is on tap for me.

Herb and Cheese Pepperoni Pizza Dip

Hot Baked Cheddar Bay Shrimp Dip

Buffalo Ranch Pretzel Snack Mix

Brown Butter Stuffing Snack Mix

Chewy Cheddar Ranch Stuffed Soft Pretzels

Herby Mushroom Swiss French Bread Pizza

Cheddar Ranch Jalapeno Poppers

Chipotle BBQ Sweet Potato Nachos
Week in Training
Monday, 1.27: 9.5 miles, 9:29 pace + 20 minute legs
Peak workout: repeated last week’s 6 mile pace run. Although I performed more slowly than I wanted I felt way better than I did during my first attempt. 8:46 average, so translated to race day I might expect an 8:38-8:42 pace, maybe 8:35 if I’m doing really well. I fueled with a Honey Stinger Salted Caramel Latte gel beforehand and I think that helped with my energy a bit.
- 4 x 6 deadlift 120#
- 4 x 10 hip thrust 60#
- 3 x 10 sumo squat 80#
- 4 x 8 ea. single leg press 100#
Tuesday, 1.28: 5 miles, 10:54 pace + 20 minute back & bis
Little slow and sluggish this morning but got it done. I dunno man, I just felt off all day and highly strung, like I was about to pop magnificently any given moment. Thankfully I got through the day without much incident. Phew!
- 1 x 10/2 x 8 biceps curl 20#
- 3 x 8 row 40#
- 3 x 6 lat pulldown 70#
- 1 x 10/2 x 8 hammer curl 20#
- 3 x 8 mid row 60#
- Core work
Wednesday, 1.29: 5 miles, 10:32 pace + 20 minute legs
Had such a hard time getting up this morning – I knew it was clammy and foggy out so that didn’t help my enthusiasm. Run was okay, ran 7 sprints with a 4:53 top speed, but my gym workout felt miserable and I was a little dizzy throughout. Not my best day, but that’s alright.
- 3 x 10 squat 100#
- 4 x 10 reverse lunge 70#
- 4 x 8 ea. pistol squat 15#
- 4 x 10 walking lunge 50#
Thursday, 1.30: 5 miles, 9:47 pace + 2.4 miles, 10:25 pace
Overnight I was really convinced that I was coming down with the sickness: I felt fatigued but kept waking up, a bit dizzy, somewhat nauseous. When I woke up in the morning, though, I felt a lot more normal (albeit still tired), so I modified my workout from my planned intervals to a progression run. 4 miles descending from 11:12 to 8:13. Afternoon run was relaxed in the sunshine, and the fresh air felt good.
Friday, 1.31: 3.5 miles, 11:07 pace + 20 minute chest & tris
Recovery miles done right. Legs feel a little beat so some extra foam rolling is in order tonight.
- 2 x 10/1 x 8 shoulder press 20#
- 3 x 6 chest press 30#
- 2 x 8/1 x 6 skullcrusher 20#
- 3 x 10 lateral raise 20#
- 4 x 6 triceps pushdown 32#
Saturday, 2.1: 10 miles, 11:03 pace
Had a spot of heart burn when I got up in the morning, and just felt stiff and sleepy. Then it decided to fucken RAIN most of the time (that weird, misty, annoying rain) and I didn’t wear a hat. Kinda miserable, definitely agitating. But, my final long run before next week’s race!
Sunday, 2.2: 4 mile walk (1:02:14)
Total running mileage: 40.4
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