sidebar | life and training 1.29 – 2.4

Onomatopoeia of the week: Yoink.

Say that one every so often and it might crack a smile on your ole face.

I found myself whispering yoink whenever I’d splash something into a cup (say, the milk in my morning coffee) and for some reason I’d giggle every time. Always trying to find an excuse nowadays, no matter how odd, to laugh or at least derive some joy from an ordinary moment.

Turned into a fairly packed week, actually. I don’t even think I can keep my timeline straight and I’ll probably forget things in this here recap.

I fell into a habit of eating out quite a lot this week, which isn’t the best for my wallet but was quite nice for my soul. Wednesday I moseyed back to Tampa Bay Brewing on a whim because it was such a lovely day and I wanted to take a drive. The bartender was the same guy from Sunday and somehow remembered me (maybe because it’s odd for a solo gal to sit at the bar reading for two hours), so when I walked up he immediately suggested the beer I’d ordered Sunday. Wild. Sadly, the following day was his last at the brewery.

I ordered their street tacos for lunch. Delish. The fries were bomb. I met one of the kitties that comes around too – his name’s Brew.

Thursday I met up with a friend for lunch at Luv Child. I’d been before but pretty sure I only drank. Once again the weather was phenomenal, and prior to venturing out I’d enjoyed a relaxing morning – turned into something of an ideal day off work. I ordered a pair of shrimp tacos and a plant-based chorizo taco, and swiped a couple nachos from my friend’s plate. The americanos were lovely too; I drank mine black, which is rare.

Saturday I moseyed out to Sunken Gardens in St. Pete for a little morning stroll. I’ve visited the site before but it’s been years, and I’m pretty sure the first time I chose the brunt of summer to explore. The morning proved chilly, particularly under the shade of the towering foliage. Really tranquil surrounds, and I arrived on time to see the parrots out of the cage! Apparently they talk, but perhaps the volume of folk made them rather shy.

I’d love to hear a parrot drop an F bomb around all the 80 year olds. Would make my day.

Lunch and beer with J at Grand Central Brewhouse followed. I wasn’t much impressed with the coffee stout – too bitter – but the food from LaLa’s next door was wonderful. I ordered the veggie board and a side order of fries. Next door to the brewery there’s an ax throwing place. Dudes, I really want to do that sometime. Ever been? Just kinda seems like hardcore darts.

Aaaaand finally, Sunday. Back to Tampa Bay Brewing for my favorite beer, a cheese pizza, and some quasi-reading time. I had a very chatty bartender with whom I was plotting an escape from her second shift later that night. We decided on gangrene.

I still have one flight left to book for my adventuring March, and methinks I’ll knock that out in the next few days. Rip the bandaid off, you know? And it means I’ll have the bulk of my trip logistics out of the way, minus our lodging up in Toronto. That’s not quite as urgent, though.

I think I’m out of words, so I’ll leave it at that. Hope ya’ll have a lovely week!

The Fuck We Cooking This Week?

…A cheesy, easy pizza because I’m personally obligated to make pizza every other week.

…A cute little Valentine’s cocktail I meant to make last week but didn’t.

…Cinnamon rolls of some variety.

…An easy side salad you can easily make into a main.

A Few Things I’m Digging

Granola…I seem to list a granola at least once a month, but holy crow is this carrot cake granola dope.

Lemon curd…Whenever I have a jar of this in the house I’m always inspired to use it in almost anything. It’s a very underrated condiment in my view. Last week’s Blueberry Lemon Curd Pancakes showcase the bright popping citrus spread very nicely.

Shops and Wish List


Target…I wish this heart hoodie didn’t have words on the back because it’s so cute otherwise. The long sleeve shirt or crewneck pullover are apt substitutes. Always up for a new pair of sweatpants and I really like the colorways of this cropped zipup hoodie. This boxy tote handbag looks study and quite cute.

Week in Training

Monday, 1.29: 8 miles, 10:36 pace + 12 minute lift

My doofus self forgot to stop my watch after my run so it added another 3 minutes to the total time as I stood around like a moron wondering why the “recovery heart rate” screen wasn’t toggling. Whatever. Very chilly and windy morning and my legs felt quite tired. I’m trying out a new little strength split that involves just a few moves per day, since I have been SHITE about lifting. I liked this quick little workout and hope I can stick it out for awhile.


  • 3 x 10 weighted pushup 10#
  • 3 x 10 shoulder press 15#
  • 3 x 10 row 30#
  • :30 plank rocks/:30 plank reach/:30 plank rolls

Tuesday, 1.30: 7 miles, 9:46 pace + 15 minute lift

What a glorious day. 66, bright and sunny, a little breeze – seriously perfect afternoon for a run, so I went a little further than initially anticipated. Got my second little lift of the week in as well. A nice day of fitnessy shit, I’d say.


  • 3 x 10 squat 80#
  • 3 x 10 alt. side lunge 50#
  • 3 x 10 deadlift 90#
  • 3 x 10 leg press 180#

Wednesday, 1.31: 6.56 miles, 9:54 pace + 10 minute core

Another perfectly lovely day out, slight breeze and lots of sunshine. Followed up with a quick core workout in the gym.

Thursday, 2.1: 8 miles, 10:38 pace + 14 minute lift

Windy and cold this morning! But felt good anyhow. Bonus points for seeing Mr. Ship on the return walk home.


  • 3 x 11 weighted pushup 10#
  • 3 x 11 shoulder press 15#
  • 3 x 11 row 30#
  • 3 x 10 chest press 25#

Friday, 2.2: 7 miles, 9:41 pace

Another lovely afternoon. Moved my planned strength session to tomorrow, so I’m not slacking and skipping!

Saturday, 2.3: 8 miles, 10:34 pace + 17 minute lift

Very clammy, foggy, raw morning. By the end of my run the whole island was blanketed in a thick layer of haze, and the incoming cruise ships were belting their foghorns – the sound is always so lonely and eerie. Felt a little sluggish for most of the session, and my hands were so dry and cold that lifting the heavy weights after was kinda hard. But, I did it!


  • 3 x 11 squat 80#
  • 3 x 12 side lunge 50#
  • 3 x 11 deadlift 90#
  • 3 x 11 leg press 180#

Sunday, 2.4: 6.19 miles, 9:42 pace + 10 minute core work

Humid and breezy afternoon, but totally pleasant but not awful either.

Total running mileage: 50.8

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