sidebar | life and training 10.16 – 10.22

Everybody tries to tell me that I’m going through a phase

I don’t know if it’s a phase

I just want to feel okay.

That above there is sort of how my emotions have whirred along this week. You know how people say “it’s a bad day, not a bad life” and shit like that – I do agree with that statement, but it’s an oversimplification, especially when mental health is involved.

Those lines above resonate with me right now, because sometimes a thing that is flowing through my life isn’t just a fleeting trouble that’ll resolve itself; sometimes, it demands attention, restructuring, fixing. Realignment isn’t up to the fates at that point, it’s up to the person. And I guess that’s where I’m at right now.

I’m feeling both disconnected and connected right now, both within myself and with other folks. I’ve felt very at home on my runs, even though they haven’t been particularly great despite our improving weather. Being outside, alone, trotting along, thinking and hoping, it’s felt much like the romantic pictures a lot of Instarunners paint in their captions. Instead of euphoria, though, it’s more peace for me. Quality alone time.

I remember various outlets I used back when I was heaving through tough times, and I think I need to return to them. Coffee shops, random outings, sitting by the water or on a lawn. I used to love working at cafes. I also think I need to return to some no-pressure hobbies, like painting. Which means I need to go buy paint.

I don’t know. None of this is very specific and I’d like to keep it that way – but just know if you’re travelling through a cycle of questions, trying to find answers, I’m right beside you. I’ll walk, jog, or run on that road, slightly behind you if you’re moving faster.

Well, aside from everything going on in this little blob I call my brain, this week was rather outwardly boring. Hung out with a friend Saturday, trauma dumped on my mom Sunday – the latter which was utterly relieving and bursting that dam cleared a lot of gunk from my heart – and acted UTTERLY petty by blocking a person trying to follow me through my complex’s gate. I swung around and drove a couple laps around the island so he wouldn’t try to get me to open the gate for his car. Yes, douche move. No, I don’t care. Get a fob or call your host, ya aint breaking the gate on my watch.

Sometimes you just gotta be petty, man. Like this lady. Straight up guffawed for 5 minutes.

The Fuck We Cooking This Week?

…Cheesy vegetarian nachos.

…French onion soup!

…A sweet, delectable Thanksgiving brunch.

A Few Things I’m Digging

Wine…Really enjoying this King Stag cabernet sauvignon. Juicy, good body, not too too dry but not oversweet to me.

Bagels…Buying the hell out of these Thomas Pumpkin Spice bagels before they run out for the season. Which I’m not sure when that is, really.

Shops & Wish List

Kitchen & Dining

Create and Barrel…These optic red wine and champagne glasses are stunning, and would look great with a Halloween cocktail methinks. Like these red and green rocks glasses if you’re thinking ahead to Christmas and have a more intimate gathering on hand.

H&M Home…Love these pumpkin napkin rings, and these porcelain plates, cups, and the little dishes would be nice accessories for a dinner party.

Anthropoligie…NEED these Christmas tree glasses for holiday cocktails. These lidded mugs are adorable for hot chocolates and other warm, cozy drinks.

Week in Training

Monday, 10.16: 8.25 miles, 11:09 pace

Glorious morning, albeit windy and I didn’t wear a headband so my ears got kinda cranky. Still, very enjoyable weather and I found my groove pretty easily.

Tuesday, 10.17: 5 miles, 11:13 pace + 35 minute full body

Perfect morning! Bundled up and felt awesome.


  • 4 x 10 ea. shoulder press 20#
  • 4 x 8 ea. static lunge
  • 4 x 10 pullover 40#
  • 4 x 12 elevated squat 40-45#
  • 2 x 12/2 x 8 triceps pressdown 32/37#
  • 4 x 10 ea. reverse fly 20#

Wednesday, 10.18: 5.04 miles, 10:31 pace + 3.25 miles, 10:46 pace

Speedish workout in the morning, random run in the afternoon. Ran 2 miles at tempoish in the AM – 9:20 and 9:03 splits, felt awesome. PM I talked on the phone with my mom while I ran, which was nice, but made my pace control absolute shit so I ran far harder than I intended. Still, a glorious day for some outdoors time.

Thursday, 10.19: 4 miles, 11:13 pace

Lovely morning, not as chilly but still a comfortable low-60s and a big wind.

Friday, 10.20: 5.08 miles, 11:13 pace + 30 minute full body

I swear I’m not running 11:13 averages on purpose. Third time this week – how odd is that? Felt good this morning and wish it was long run day cos I thought I might be able to keep going for another hour or so. No time, sadly.


  • 3 x 10 standing chest fly to shoulder press 15#
  • 4 x 12 alt. lunge 50#
  • 3 x 9/1 x 12 triceps extension 40/35#
  • 4 x 12 ea. side raise balanced 15#
  • 4 x 10 ea. balanced row 30#
  • 4 x 10 jump lunge 30#
  • Core work

Saturday, 10.21: 10.08 miles, 11:49 pace + 10 minute mobility

Warmed up significantly for this morning’s run, around a 70 dew point. Not too awful, though a breeze would’ve been helpful for sure.

Sunday, 10.22: 4.08 mile walk (1:05:00)

Total running mileage: 40.8

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