sidebar | life and training 10.28 – 11.3

A well needed vacation before returning to the reality that the world is exploding.

Obviously, not diving into that rabbit hole – but I will say that my escape up to Pennsylvania this week was a nice reprieve from the current state of affairs. My sis and I both agreed to try and block off the noise of the country and our own lives and just enjoy a few days of food, shopping, and exploring.
Strangely, both flights on my trip experienced some kind of conundrum. My departure was delayed about 40 minutes or so due to a bottleneck on the runway – three planes basically performing the Spider Man pointing meme at each other while trying to figure out who could maneuver out the way first. I sat beside a very nervous girl, to whom I offered the company of Mr. Flurries if she got overwhelmed by the turbulence (she told me at the beginning of the flight that she hated planes, so I set Mr. Flurries beside me just in case). As we descended, she accepted my snowman comrade and it seemed to help. Mr. Flurries coming in clutch.

FYI: Mr. Flurries is my OG travel companion and has gone all over the world with me, including when I studied abroad in Sweden. He’s about 21 years old now!
While I’m discussing weird flights, let’s just get the arrival to Tampa tale over with. We again departed maybe 20 minutes after schedule – we were all loaded up and fine and then just wouldn’t leave. Most of the airtime was smooth and uneventful, but once we got back into Tampa the winds were crazy and as we approached the runway the plane would not straighten out. The pilot jerked the aircraft back into the sky right before touchdown and did a go-around. I’d never experienced that before and was quite freaked, and this moronic fucking lady flipping shit in the row ahead of me DID NOT HELP. I’m pretty sure everyone was tiring of a) her insane, wet smoker’s cough, and b) her repetition of “this is scary” “why won’t they tell us what’s going on” “I’m freaking out.” Honestly wanted to strangle her. Once we did land it was quite bumpy but fine.

Anywho. Wanted to clear up that part of the story. My time in Pennsylvania was lovely, the weather was basically perfect – ranging from mild to quite cold the final 2 days – and the getaway a good blend of light adventure and relaxation.

After my sis snagged me on Thursday we got dinner at Bomba Tacos. Honestly, I think those were the best tacos I’ve ever eaten. I ordered the spiced cider margarita (excellent), and the honey grilled shrimp and plant lovers tacos. The latter was out of this world, a double-decker thing glued together with guacamole and topped with crispy potato strings. Might dream about that taco for awhile.

Friday we visited Malvern Buttery for a big ole chocolate croissant and a hot cocoa. I’ve been here twice and the place is always slammed – for good reason, as the aesthetic is adorable and the pastries pretty fab. I don’t think I love their oat milk, though, so something to note if you ever swing by. Quick trip over to Target after where I got this fucking adorable hot chocolate stuffie. That dude gives me so much joy. Then, to King of Prussia Mall and Wegman’s for dinner supplies.

My sister took the reigns of cook up my Spicy Pesto Pomodoro Stuffed Shells. She did a fabulous job with them! I baked up my Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake while she worked on dinner.

Quick stop thereafter to Levante Brewing for a pumpkin tiramisu stout. It was alright – the space was really cozy, however.

Saturday we popped over to Phoenixville and this cute little corner spot called Soltane. I grabbed a tiny little oat milk hot chocolate and we sat for a little bit enjoying the comfy couches and the lightly-bustling energy. Afterwords, a couple games of bowling! I somehow whooped both of them, throwing a 160 and a 180 with a house ball and some kinda ill-fitting shoes.

The evening was absolutely lovely and a perfect sendoff before my flight Sunday. We roasted s’mores by the fire pit. At one point all of us smelled burning rubber and stayed totally silent about it until my sister piped up “Hey, is your shoe on fire?” to her fiance. Sure enough, his foot rested too close to the flames and the toe area was beginning to melt. I cackled. I think that will be the image/quote of the trip right there. We finished off the night with some cigars on the balcony – yes, I do like the occasional cigar. Ya’ll may not have known that about me.

Sunday we had one final little adventure to Gryphon Coffee in Wayne. Such an endearing little spot. We camped outside in the sunshine with a pumpkin scone, a hot choc (mine) and a maple latte (hers). Glad we got to squeeze in one more cafe before my inevitable departure back to TPA.

Yes, a lovely aside indeed. I’m always fairly okay with returning to routine after a trip, though, so as I type here on Monday I’m working to resettle myself back into the swing of daily comings and goings. I’m pretty excited to whip out my Thanksgiving menu this week and finish up the correlating recipes. Gonna be a busy 7 days, but hopefully a productive and rewarding series.
Oh, and I fucking hate the time change. Don’t really mind the earlier dark, but the sunrise before 7 am trips me up. I like huddling at my dining table in the dark before facing the day! How do you feel about “fall back?”

One final thing: I didn’t much do anything on Halloween since I was in travel mode the whole day (and I don’t really observe it anyway), but I did manage to carve a cute punkin! He looks like a cat but it’s actually the design of the sheep sleepmask I wear. Will accept feline as his identity, however.
Have a good week, all. Take care during this tumultuous election period. If you haven’t already, GO VOTE. Exercise your right as a US citizen to speak up and stand for what you believe in. Don’t be like that moron on the plane who claims he isn’t registered because “he doesN’T KNow EnoUGh to mAkE aN EDUcaTed VotE.” Seriously, there’s no excuse to not educate oneself except laziness, highfalutin privilege, and ignorance.

That’s about as political as I’m gonna get here. KELLIE OUT. But not before some shots of how glorious the leaves were up north.
The Fuck We Cooking This Week?
..An adorable Thanksgiving appetizer!
…An easy Thanksgiving side dish.
…A hearty, colorful fall Brussels sprout salad.
A Few Things I’m Digging
Hot chocolate…My preferred night snack (if you can call it that) lately is a mug of this salted caramel cocoa mix topped with salted caramel whipped cream (though I honestly might pick up this hot cocoa whip next!). Good for quelling the sweet tooth without being overly indulgent.
Shops & Wish List
Amazon cart…Picked up another sheep sleep mask – love it cos it’s adorable but the elastic stretches out so easily I have to repurchase often. Grabbed these pretty scalloped salad and appetizer plates for my Thanksgiving tablescape, and FINALLY bought a new hamper for my bathroom.
Skincare & Wellness
Tree Hut…My favorite brand of body scrubs and was released their Cinnamon Dolce scent again – wanna try since I didn’t get ahold of it last year. Also eyeing the Peppermint Pearl lip butter and body wash.
Target…Alright alright, I’m getting into the swing of holiday decorating and there’s SO much I want to add to my repertoire. Love this Christmas tree bulb, lumbar pillow, plaid throw pillow, and adorable snowman pillow; for kitchenware, this holly jolly mug, plaid tablerunner, peppermint potholder, and these cute glass tumblers; and some other random goodies including this Christmas tree bath rug, wreath doormat, velvet ornaments (I sense a festive cocktail coming!), and maybe a couple artificial pines for my porch. So much more I could list but I’ll save it for another week!
Week in Training
Monday, 10.28: 7 miles, 9:30 pace + 18 minute lift
After a whole day of basically doing nothing on Sunday I expected this run to go better, but I didn’t really feel great overall. 5K at 10K effort felt much harder than it should’ve given the splits I displayed: 8:12, 8:04, 8:09 (headwind) with a 7:54 kick during the final .1. Eating a whole pizza the night before might not have helped.
- 3 x 10 squat 80#
- 4 x 8 upright row 20#
- 3 x 10 ea. static lunge 40#
- Core work
Tuesday, 10.29: 3.2 miles, 10:56 pace + 2.45 miles, 10:12 pace
Split run because I worked extra early today and didn’t have much time. Felt okay overall and it was nice to trot in the sunshine for a change!
Wednesday, 10.30: 3.5 miles, 10:31 pace + 2.5 miles, 10:25 pace
4 x 50m sprints in the first run and GUESS WHAT?! I BROKE A 5:00 PACE! 4:53 max speed. I’m hyped. Gonna keep working on that top form to see how low I can go. Afternoon run contained easy, stiff-legged miles.
Thursday, 10.31 (HAPPY HALLOWEEN!) 6 miles, 10:05 pace + 20 minute lift
Speedwork before hopping on the plane to Pennsylvania! Didn’t want to think too hard about this session so stuck with my favorite 600-400-300-200-100 workout. Ran 2 miles of warmup plus strides, then the 600 (2:44), 400 (1:43), 300 (1:17), 200 (:49.6), 100 (25), and a 2 mile cooldown. Disappointed with the 100m but the other splits were pretty damn good! My legs have been pretty stiff and uncooperative lately so any kind of kick is nice to see.
- 4 x 10 sumo squat 60#
- 3 x 10 reverse fly 20#
- 3 x 10 ea. pistol squat
- 3 x 10 walking lunge 40#
- 2 x 15 leg drop 20#
- 3 x 15 stir the pot
Friday, 11.1: 4.15 miles, 10:52 pace
Treadmill miles for my first morning in Penn! Funny story: last time I was here, in March, I saw the same guy daily spinning on the elliptical, always with a black hoodie. THE SAME DUDE was there this morning, wheeling away. Guy’s got some consistency for sure.
Saturday, 11.2: 8.46 miles, 10:38 pace
Indoor long run on a chilly morning! Took it inside not because of the weather but just due to safety: the neighborhood is very nice here, but also quite dark since Pennsylvania apparently doesn’t believe in streetlights. Cranked up the speed during the final 10 minutes down to an 8:42 pace, otherwise kept the miles chill.
Sunday, 11.3: 4.2 mile walk (1 hour)
Total running mileage: 37.3