sidebar | life and training 11.11 – 11.17

Last thing we needed was a hurricane scare.

Seriously, people need to shut the fuck up sometimes. A customer waltzed in on Tuesday, I think, and quipped “oh hey, ready for another storm?” I’d heard nothing of the sort so I peeped my local weatherman and lo and behold, a system was churning up near the Yucutan, with a track directly aimed at Florida.

Hurricane season technically flows through the end of November, but we rarely see anything super significant after October. Nicole was an exception a couple years ago – that mostly just brought a lot of rain and winds strong enough to blow my first Big Sur hat into the harbor somewhere. I still hold onto the image that a nice tree picked it up and wears it as an accessory.

Long story short, this system tried to unfold, but ended up disintegrating over Central America and will merge with a cold front this week. We’ll get some rain, but nothing interesting beyond that. Dude’s comment was totally unnecessary, though. Fuck off, man.

This week was vaguely insignificant otherwise. I sort of pulled myself back into a normal routine of morning runs, but still find it quite hard to yank my ass up at 4am – like I’ve said, I think, this happened last year too, and probably has something to do with stress and the time change. I’m still working towards my Turkey Trot 5K and hopeful goal of sub-7:40 average.

I got my car back on Tuesday with a fairly dreary prognosis: her catalytic converters are shot and repairing them is probably a fool’s errand. I’m in the market, then, for a new ride. What’s funny is because I’m actively seeking Toyota Corollas (wouldn’t bitch about a Camry, either) I see them everywhere. Kinda like how women with baby fever start noticing babies in every which direction. I try not to notice those…My ideal Corolla is dark green, but I’m openminded. Thankfully, lil car has been behaving since her spa trip so I’m not in a massive hurry; I’d like to have a new one in my possession by the end of the year, though.

Friday I finally took Little Miss Ba out to Shortwave for a study session. Been awhile since I’ve opened my book but I discovered that I’m actually near done with the guide. Again, a goal to accomplish by the end of the year. I don’t love Shortwave’s baked goods (they’re always weirdly salty, except the chocolate chip cookie. Salty is acceptable there) but the coffee is always fabulous. Just FYI if you ever visit.

Saturday I finally watched Deadpool & Wolverine. Hot take: the first two Deadpool movies were better. I dunno, man, but Marvel is getting a teensy bit too lost in the multiverse and the stories are difficult to follow now. Still an entertaining movie, I laughed a lot and found the soundtrack almost as good as the Guardians of the Galaxy movies.

Rounded out the week with a Sunday fika at mom’s. She made these cute little pumpkin cream puffs and we enjoyed some coffees and chats in the waning afternoon light. Dazzling day, it was, albeit a little warm. When I got home I took a page from my childhood and whipped up a classic weekend dinner mom made all the time: fish (she usually did salmon but I bought mahi instead), broccoli and cheese, and a dinner roll. The rolls will be up soon!

Thanksgiving is only a week and a half away! If you need guidance, check out my 2024 Thanksgiving Menu which also contains some lil tips to destress your holiday. Mom and I have pulled together our feast, though for us it’s always pretty easy since our palates are quite similar. I’m hyped, but it’s all coming too fast. September and October moved at a decent pace but November is doing somersaults into December. I don’t want time to pass by without my noticing.

Not gonna lie, though, some Christmas decorations have peeped out of hiding. Slowly but surely. Thanksgiving is so late this year it feels justified, no?

Have a nice week, pals. Chat soon.

The Fuck We Cooking This Week?

…A really fun and unique Thanksgiving snack mix.


A Few Things I’m Digging

Granola…My second favorite granola is back! Peppermint mocha is so good with almond butter or chocolate peanut butter when I can find it, and usually eaten over yogurt. I wanted Target to eat shit last year for not bringing it into inventory but I’m so glad to see they revved it up this year.

Mugs…I LOVE Target’s Christmas mug selection right now. Honestly, I love their whole Christmas section…I bought these cute tree figural mugs and this holly berry one for my collection. Gonna be changing out my pumpkins for these dudes soon on my mug shelf!

Shops and Wish List


Target…Entering Christmas decoration mode AKA turning The Pumpkin Patch into The Gingerbread House. Still hoping to find this tree lumbar pillow and/or this two-pack tree pillow set. This scalloped ceramic tree (and the big dude too) would look really cute atop my stairwell with another little faux pine tree or this small trio. Love these scalloped candles and both the taller and shorter wood houses.

Week in Training

Monday, 11.11: 6 miles, 9:55 pace + 20 minute lift

This week I’m trying to be really intuitive with my intense sessions and my mileage: 35 mpw is very normal for me, but clearly something is exhausting my body and my workouts have thus felt far more challenging than warranted. Today was good, though. My warmup was appropriately relaxed, my intervals felt decent, and the cooldown was the luxurious chill time I typically enjoy once my speedy parts are finished. 2 mile warmup, 2 x 800 (3:45, 3:38), 2 x 300 (1:17.8, 1:17.7…so close!), little under 2 mile cooldown.


  • 3 x 10 ea. split squat 40#
  • 3 x 10 chest press 50#
  • 3 x 10 triceps pressdown 28#
  • 3 x 10 plie squat 50#
  • 3 x 20 leg over dumbbell (?)
  • 3 x 10 pushup

Tuesday, 11.12: 4 miles, 10:56 pace

A Good Run this morning. Felt effortless, heart rate was a bit lower, legs felt alright, and my brain quieted down for once. Whatever bit of hush I can get, I’ll take.

Wednesday, 11.13: 4.5 miles, 10:33 pace + 15 minute lift

Some shorter sprints this morning. It’s tricky to pace such tiny intervals, and I’m not even really sure “pacing” is the point – probably more consistency and effort than anything. 2 mile warmup with strides, then 2 x 150, 2 x 100, and 2 x 50, topped out at a 5:15 pace.


  • 3 x 10 deadlift 90#
  • 3 x 10 ea. row 35#
  • 2 x 10 ea. single leg jump 10#
  • 2 x 12 ea. rotation with floor touch (?) 10#
  • 50 bicycle crunches

Thursday, 11.14: 3.5 miles, 10:48 pace

Nice and easy, felt great out this morning too.

Friday, 11.15: 6 miles, 9:50 pace

Slept in and chose an afternoon run, and I’m so glad I did – it was GORGEOUS out! I do have a lot of trouble effectively pacing midday sessions because my legs always feel phlegmy, but I figure I just gotta do what I can and allow whatever results. 2 mile warmup, 1 x 800 (3:40), 3 x 150 (:38.8, :37.4, :35.4), 2.5 ish cooldown.

Saturday, 11.16: 9.5 miles, 11:15 pace

WOW this felt awful, from a legs perspective at least. So sore and tight – I think Friday afternoon runs do me no favors for my long runs the next day so I’ll have to reevaluate that split. At any rate, it felt wonderful out so I did enjoy the quiet and the cooler temps!

Sunday, 11.17: 4 mile walk (58:57)

Total running mileage: 33.5

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