sidebar | life and training 11.15 – 11.21

Home from Pennsylvania just in time for a cool front to kick in. Thursday and Friday weren’t pretty weather-wise, but Saturday the gloom somersaulted in, the wind picked up, and the temperatures began a slow descent into seasonality. K flies home on Sunday for Thanksgiving and I’m in full-on holiday prep mode. J and I always share our own mini (well, not really, I always cook enough for the whole damn island) meal the Wednesday prior, so on top of regular Thanksgiving, I’ve got such to plan for as well.

A friend of mine also asked if I’d bake a couple of my recipes for her family’s gathering. I’m quite excited to do so!

Before I move on, though, here’s a few more shots from our trip to Pennsylvania. The leaves are just too pretty to keep to myself.

My Mini & Regular Thanksgiving Menus

I pulled quite a bit from my 2021 Thanksgiving Menu and Guide for both occasions, but plan to add a few new twists to the suppers. I’m not sure if all of them will translate to future FMG posts, but we will see!

Mini Thanksgiving

Appetizer: Salted Maple Butter Brioche Dinner Rolls

Salad: Candied pecan, pear, and blue cheese salad with honey thyme vinaigrette

Side dish: Scalloped sweet potato casserole with cinnamon crumble

Main: Slow roasted blackened halibut with acorn squash and cranberries

Dessert: Pumpkin pie. J always makes a pie on Thanksgiving, it’s a joy of his and I let him do whatever he likes.

Any of those sound like something you’d like to see on FMG?

Thanksgiving day

Breakfast: Cider Pumpkin Spice Pancakes (except made into waffles)

Appetizers: Festive Holiday Cheeseboard + Gingersnap Munch Mix, various crudités and spreads

Drinks: Cranberry Pomegranate Mulled Wine Sangria

Main course: Salmon Roast (omitting the goat cheese stuffing but keeping the carrots and shallots, and the brown sugar rub!)

Side dishes: Sweet n’ Savory Butternut Squash Apple and Pomegranate Salad, apple cheddar soup

Dessert: Pecan pie. K really wants to make a pecan pie so I’m yielding the floor!

A Few Things I’m Digging

Persimmons…I never put much thought into this rotund orange fruit, but I finally tried them after purchasing a pair to garnish my Festive Holiday Cheeseboard. They’re quite delightful! Lightly sweet, easy to slice, and a wonderful addition to an autumnal salad. Perhaps I’ll do a winter salad incorporating these little jewels.

Vega One All-In-One Shake… I don’t use protein as a full-on meal replacement (unless I’m blitzing a big shake that contains an assload of other stuff) but I always add it to hot chocolate nowadays after I lift. I had the Sport version of Vega for awhile but ran out, and tried the All-In-One while I was in Philadelphia. Super tasty and easy on my stomach, mixes really well in my cocoa.

Whipped ricotta…I featured this smooth spread in the Roasted Pear and Whipped Ricotta Crostini, and since I had some left I more or less am throwing it in every random bowl-style lunch I create. Tip: spread some on a toasted brioche bun with your next veggie burger. Amazing.

Thanksgiving…It’s coming on Thursday, friends! I love Thanksgiving and while I’m beyond bummed it’s skirting into my rearview mirror, I truly anticipate the day every year. I need to grocery shop on Monday but otherwise my menu is planned and I’m ready to roll. Literally, because I’m making rolls.

Le petit deujener…I was inspired by our stay at Sofitel in Philly to make a simple, French-inspired breakfast with a couple spreads, croissants (that I didn’t make myself), prosciutto for J, and a little simple herb frittata. Put a special touch on our Saturday meal.

Week in Training

Monday, 11.15: 4.13 miles, 9:41 pace + 45 minute shoulders and triceps

At last, a run that felt closer to normal! Hit the hotel treadmill for a progression run that ranged from 10:55-7:53 paces. I found a smooth rhythm for the duration and was so pleased to bend down to my former glory even if it was only 30 seconds worth!


  • 3 x 10/2 x 8 press up
  • 4 x 8 triceps extension
  • 4 x 8 shoulder press
  • 4 x 8 dip
  • 4 x 10 T raise
  • 4 x 10 triceps pushdown
  • 4 x (5 burpees/10 lateral hops/15 hover walk back/20 knee to elbow)

Tuesday, 11.16: 5.73 miles, 10:28 pace + 48 minute back and biceps

Another solid run! Switched hotels for the night but the treadmill was still really nice, I watched ESPN and zoned out for a 1 hour easy run. Heart rate was much closer to normal, which is still higher than outdoor running since treadmills usually show that trend for me. I only intended 35 minutes but felt great so I kept up the striding until I felt ready to stop.


  • 2 x 10/2 x 5 biceps curls
  • 4 x 10 reverse flies
  • 4 x 12 alternate biceps curls
  • 2 x 10/2 x 8 ea. balanced single arm row
  • 4 x 10 hammer curl
  • 4 x 10 straight arm pull down
  • 4 x 10 ea. oblique bends
  • 4 x (15 bench leg drops/20 knee tucks)

Wednesday, 11.17: 7.19 miles, 10:30 pace + 50 minute legs

I actually quite dislike leg day. I’m sure some of that is due to my lack of barbell resources – we have some, but the weights don’t go very high so I have to hope I don’t drop dumbbells on my toes. Dumbbells above 45# are really hard to grip and my calluses are getting serious. Regardless, did the best I could and had an okay run, still not where I want to be but definitely felt better than prior.


  • 4 x 8 ea. split squats
  • 4 x 8 leg extensions
  • 4 x 16 alt. pistol squat
  • 4 x 12 seated butt things
  • 2 x 12/2 x 10/2 x 8 front squat (heavier weight each drop in reps)
  • 4 x 10 ea. windmill
  • 4 x 12 dumbbell swings
  • 50 flutter kicks/40 bicycles/30 jackknives/20 plank reaches/10 jump lunges/5 burpees

Thursday, 11.18: 3.31 miles, 10:34 pace + 45 minute shoulders & triceps

Nondescript miles and a good gym workout to follow. Nowadays if I’m time pressed I try to allot more time for my strength sessions. Building muscle takes time!


  • 4 x 10 upright row
  • 3 x 10 triceps machine extension
  • 4 x 10 shrugs
  • 4 x 8 triceps pushdown
  • 4 x 6 clean and press
  • 3 x 10/1 x 8 lying triceps extension
  • 4 x 8 machine chest press
  • 3 x (10 plank swivels/10 side plank crunch/10 rainbows)

Friday, 11.19: 6.19 miles, 10:30 pace

Easy 65 minute run that felt pretty good despite sore legs from Wednesday! Sloshy morning, we’re on the front end of a cold snap so the temps are up more than usual. Thankfully only a couple more days before the mercury drops!

Saturday, 11.20: 7.61 miles, 10:31 pace + 50 minute legs

GPS was crap at the start of the run but I think it sort of corrected itself by mile 3. Wishy washy miles, felt good at points and not so at others. Very windy which made things annoying when I plowed straight into it, but much cooler than yesterday so I’m pretty happy with the clime overall!


  • 4 x 8 deadlift
  • 4 x 12 ea. donkey kick
  • 4 x 12 plie squat
  • 4 x 8 leg extension (increased weight last two reps)
  • 4 x 12 alt sit squat
  • 4 x 10 single leg calf raise
  • 4 x (15 v ups/20 deadbugs/15 ea hip dips)
  • 1 min 45 second bridge hold

Sunday, 11.21: 3.36 mile walk (1:00:00)

Windy morning for a stroll. Came back in for a coffee and a maple cream cookie because I was starving but not quite ready for breakfast. A nice treat for a casual Sunday before work.

Total running mileage: 34.2

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