sidebar | life and training 12.11 – 12.17

Christmas lights, spontaneous nights, and the best of friends. Can’t get any better than that for a weekend.

My soul is so full, folks. I needed a weekend like this. In any soul-searching journey, as I’m wandering through right now, having the company of reliable folks is invaluable. I surrounded myself with love, and it paid dividends on my sense of worth and belonging.

Friday evening I found myself sinking into a rut. The weather kinda sucked, preluding to Saturday’s all-day rain affair: cold, clammy, and drizzly. I drove out to Crooked Thumb Brewing, a place I visited several years ago but hadn’t been back to, and was greeted with THE CUTEST BREWERY CAT. They care for two of them, but this girl – Leia – was seated primly at the bar so I had to snag the chair next to her. I enjoyed the Frosty Nibs, a peppermint bark ale (so good) while intermittently reading my book and reaching over to give the little one some pets. She was so nonplussed and polite.

I don’t usually love phone calls, but when I slipped into my car, with the dreary, humid rain pelting my windshield, I felt like I just needed to talk to someone. I called my good girl friend (which seemed to surprise her to no end) and we chatted while I drove out to Largo Central Park, and continued our talk while I meandered through the Christmas village.

I visited the light display at the park awhile back, probably 5-6 years ago or longer, and remember it being quite dramatic and festive. This time perhaps my perspective was a bit clouded by my age, by emotion, or by the fact that I went alone, but I wasn’t quite as awed this time. I also wonder if they toned down the event as a whole – many things have been scaled back since Covid. Still beautiful, still worthwhile, though.

I was, however, tremendously disappointed that THERE WASN’T A BAVARIAN PRETZEL CART. I tell you what, I was banking on one, and half of my phone conversation later to M and her wife was me raging about the lack of pretzels. So, we spontaneously met up at Miller’s Ale House around 9 o clock. And I got me my giant pretzel. Worth. It.

So many laughs, jokes, and a late night worth every minute.

Saturday was pretty relaxed. I was sleepy from my adventures the day before and didn’t sleep well or enough, plus the weather didn’t do me many favors from an energy perspective. I leapt out of bed, ran 7 miles, then made pancakes and lazed around the house before a taco craving launched me off the couch and to Lona…where I wound up getting ceviche instead. Still delicious.

Off to mom’s to assemble gingerbread houses with my sister on FaceTime with us. I gotta wonder: how the fuck do parents build gingerbread houses with children? I swear we were yelling and cursing the icing and gravity the entire time more than we were actually decorating our shit. I still had a great time, though.

Finally, Sunday. I slept a lot to recover from probably 2+ months of deprivation, baked some bread (SO proud because I basically winged the recipe), cleaned my whole kitchen, and generally loafed around until my best friend and his fiance drove up to whisk me off to Enchant out in St. Petersburg. Again, went to this event several years ago, and I wanted to see my buddies so I suggested we go and check it out since they haven’t been before.

I don’t really know if Enchant is truly worth the cost, and if it is it’s a proper one-and-done and not necessarily something to visit annually. But, they do a pretty good job, and if you have the right company, wandering around the maze and viewing the aesthetic is quite lovely.

So, dear readers, the takeaway is that life feels far more palatable when you surround yourself with people that enrich and enliven your soul. I may have a small circle, but the circle is filled with love, support, and laughter. All things I need right now. As well as a few extra Christmas cookies, in which I’ve been indulging a little too much lately. No regrets.

Now, it’s near Christmas week. Actually, I’ll say it’s Christmas week, since Christmas Eve is Sunday and the big kahuna is only 7 days out. Are you done with your shopping? Have you started your shopping? Tried any FMG cookie recipes? You should, if you haven’t. And I’ve a few more coming for your last-minute needs.

I’ll leave you with this quote. Don’t forget to be kind, caring, and thoughtful, to everyone you encounter. For some, Christmas and the surrounding holidays are not jolly – they’re excruciating, traumatic, and isolating. I myself am crossing through this season with a block resting on my neck, and doing all I can to not let it push me to the ground. An extra smile, a tip to your waitress, a spontaneous act of kindness, all go miles to let others know of their visibility.

Take care of each other. And take care of yourself.

The Fuck We Cooking This Week?

…An easy Christmas sangria.

…A beautiful salad to serve for the holiday.

…Perhaps a New Year brunch, if I’m feeling it.

A Few Things I’m Digging

Midday runs…I’ve foregone early morning runs in exchange for afternoon runs lately, and I like that routine a bit better honestly. I usually get up and walk a couple miles first thing, then fall back asleep a bit before work. Still doing morning trots on my days off, but the change of pace has been quite refreshing.

Homemade bread…Randomly baked a loaf of bread on Sunday and, for having winged the recipe, it turned out beautifully. Get a loaf of it!

Shops & Wish List


Quince...Like a lot of their new fleece collection: the supersoft pants, pullover hoodie, and shorts. Also this convertible blazer. Can’ have enough blazers lying around.

Week in Training

Monday, 12.11: 9 miles, 10:40 pace

This whole run I was itching to get back inside for a hot shower and a peppermint mocha coffee. Boy, did both feel glorious once they happened!

Tuesday, 12.12: 6.37 miles, 10:12 pace

Wow, so many 12s here. Nice day, just feeling utterly tired overall. Wish I could get some better sleep.

Wednesday, 12.13: 7.01 miles, 10:19 pace

Really nice day, kinda zoned out and felt good so went longer than intended.

Thursday, 12.14: 6.2 miles, 9:46 pace

Goddamn that wind! 35+ mph gusts, so I didn’t even bother with a hat. So weird to feel my eyelids fluttering involuntarily to one side when I had a particularly strong crosswind to deal with. Any semblance of conscious pacing flew right into the bay, so I just let myself do whatever – which happened to be fairly quick!

Friday, 12.15: 5 miles, 9:35 pace

Again with the wind. At one point I was quite literally blowing backwards. I tend to run really fast in the wind probably because a) tailwind and b) rage-induced stubbornness that I will not be held back by the gale!

Saturday, 12.16: 7.34 miles, 10:13 pace

Little sleep after a fun, spontaneous night both on my own and eventually with friends. Got up, charged my watch for a bit, then raced out for this half-conscious trot. Felt pretty good and got a little drizzly.

Sunday, 12.17: 25 minute mobility

Slept 13 hours and felt like gold after. Did some walking then decided to brush up on some hip/core work in lieu of a heavy gym workout. Felt pretty good overall and definitely needed.

Total running mileage: 41.1

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