sidebar | life and training 12.27 – 1.2

Happy New Year, nerds! What a rapidfire holiday season, like boom Thanksgiving, boom Christmas, boom I turn 28, boom 2022…except no boom around us because dense fog forced the city to cancel the fireworks show. Some dude in his garage apparently took matters in his own hands instead and shot off his own collection. I honestly didn’t notice unless I listened closely.

J and I watched the LivePhish stream of their NYE concert after he woke me up around 11:50 to observe the changing of the clock. I don’t bother trying to stay up but always tell him to rouse me close to the implied ball drop. We enjoyed a little living room dance party and tossed a balloon around after he got a bit sad that Phish didn’t unleash a waterfall of balloons after the countdown. Such simple moments, but quite special, really. I also took a sip of his scotch and shivered as the blunt taste trickled down my throat.

I don’t know how to anticipate 2022. I can’t put a finger on the vibes I feel moving into the new year. I mean, it’s not a great start that Betty White decides to peace out on the 31st (rest in peace, legend). So far on this January 1, though – I’m writing this segment on Saturday, FYI – I’ve enjoyed a relatively normal morning. 10k run, leg workout, a protein hot chocolate at the dining table before breakfast. Think I’ll pull out some leftover liege waffles from my birthday, maybe add a frittata. We shall see. The morning is young.

Birthday Photo Dump

I flipped to year 28 on the 30th, and though I quite dreaded the day leading up, I can’t say I have any complaints about the turnout. I spent my hours with J doing various little activities, and finished off with a lobster dinner curated by him and a big slab of cake. I fell asleep early, but he woke me up before midnight to open my last gift. I broke down a bit at that point, overwhelmed by the rushing emotions coming with an end to another holiday season. Once December rolls away, I feel a bit confused and down for a period afterwards. It passes eventually, though.

liege waffles for breakfast
Lobster dinner

What I’m Up To This Week

Reading…Atlas of the Heart by Brené Brown. I borrowed a copy we keep at work since I’ve struggled mentally with a lot of unneeded strain. So far it’s informative but not really life-changing. Many pages left, though.

Burning…Cedar Balsam candle from Trader Joe’s. Gotta finish up those holiday scents so I can, ahem, buy more candles.

Testing…Brownies, casserole, Thai curry, ravioli, and tacos! Busy week on FMG methinks. Isn’t it always, though?

Taking charge of…My health. Trying to get a doctor’s appointment sooner than later to make sure I’m well and no alarming diagnosis is causing my running issues.

Reorganizing…Our cabinet with the cake pans. We thrifted off a big fat coffee maker that took up a ton of room below, and now that there’s more space to play with I can sort of what’s down there and set aside what we don’t need.

A Few Things I’m Digging

New haircare…I tried out the Art Naturals Apple Cider Vinegar shampoo and conditioner and holy smokes it’s wonderful! I purchase cruelty free products where I can but most shampoos don’t lather and leave my hair feeling sticky and dissatisfied. This stuff, however, swirls into bubbly goodness sans sulfates and my strands were smooth and smelled lovely after rinsing.

Birthday cake…Two trials yielded the Swirled Coconut Hot Fudge Oreo Sheetcake, and the second was just dazzling. I’m still enjoying the leftovers, and offered half of it to a friend of ours who shares my birthday. It’s soft, luscious, heaped with white chocolate frosting, and lacks dairy entirely if you omit the Greek yogurt and sub for a plant-based variety.

Everyday casserole dish…Purchased this Lodge Enameled Cast Iron cooker as a frivolous birthday present. Can’t wait to use it for some recipes I’ve planned for the month (and beyond)!

Sauvignon Blanc…Using this J. Lohr wine currently in any dish requiring a white wine reduction, and sipped some of it alongside my birthday supper. It’s crisp and easy to enjoy, and leaves a lovely sweetness to the foods into which I pour a few splashes.

Baking sheets…The Williams-Sonoma TraditionalTouch pans are a dream and completely worth the investment. Nothing sticks, easy to clean, and always even heating. I can’t find a link to the whole set but above is the half sheet pan, which I use the most.

Week in Training

Monday, 12.27: 4.1 miles, 10:59 pace + 55 minute shoulders & triceps

Bad run, seems I’ve reverted back to struggling. Weights felt good though!


  • 4 x 12 chest fly 15#
  • 4 x 10 triceps extension 30#
  • 1 x 8 overhead press/3 x 10 military press (didn’t feel like doing the former lol) 20#/15#
  • 4 x 10 lying triceps extension 25#
  • 1 x 12/3 x 8 incline bench press 15#/20#
  • 4 x 10 triceps pushdown 32#
  • 4 x 10 front raise 12.5#
  • 4 x 10 skullcrusher 20#
  • 50 crunches/40 oblique crunches each/30 birddogs/20 hip swivels/10 ea. leg raised hip dips

Tuesday, 12.28: 46 minute back & biceps + 42:36 cycling (15 miles)

I’ve been into my bike again lately and it’s such a nice reprieve from disappointing runs, even though the rides are harder than usual as well. I guess cycling isn’t a huge part of my identity so I don’t care as much about my performance. Averaged 120W.


  • 15 minute elliptical warmup
  • 3 x 10 row to wide row 20#
  • 4 x 9 curl 20#
  • 4 x 10 lat pulldown 60#
  • 2 x 12/3 x 8 EZ bar curl 5/10#
  • 4 x 8 underhand row 35#
  • 4 x 10 hammer grip cable curl 24#
  • 4 x 8 mid row 60#
  • 50 bicycles/40 jackknives/30 sprinter crunch/20 plank knee taps/10 bench leg drops/5 inchworms

Wednesday, 12.29: 5.15 miles, 10:41 pace + 50 minute legs

Really successful strength session today! I love seeing progress in both the upping of weights and in my physical musculature. I’m starting to notice definition in my quads and it’s really motivating.


  • 5 x 7 deadlift 120#
  • 3 x 8 ea. lunge 90#
  • 4 x 10 leg press 140#
  • 4 x 10 ea. single leg extension 50#
  • 2 x 10/2 x 8 single leg press 70/80#
  • 4 x 20 calf raise 90#
  • 4 x 12 plie squat 60#
  • 50 Russian twists/40 toe taps/30 ea. oblique crunch/20 bird dogs/10 panda bears

Thursday, 12.30 (BIRTHDAY): 12 mile cycling (34:13) + 3 miles, 9:56 pace + 50 minute shoulders & triceps

Birthday brick! I performed a play on the date, 12/30, by saddling up for a 12 mile bike ride followed immediately by an even 3.0 mile run. Finished with my scheduled strength workout and came back inside to J working on a batch of Belgian waffles.


  • 4 x 10 wide upright row 20#
  • 4 x 8 triceps press down 37#
  • 4 x 6 machine press 60#
  • 4 x 10 front raise 15#
  • 4 x 10 close grip bench press 20#
  • 4 x 10 shrugs 40#
  • 4 x 10 skullcrusher 20#
  • 4 x 16 alt. eccentric press 15#
  • 28 crunches/28 jackknives/28 alt. hip dips/28 birddogs/28 sprinter crunch/28 knee tucks

Friday, 12.31: 3.42 miles, 10:15 pace + 51 minute back & biceps

Horridly sticky and hot morning. I did not want to get out today since it was foggy and absolutely nasty – 70 dew point at the end of December – but was glad to move around since I felt sloshy from yesterday’s yummy eats.


  • 4 x 10 pressup 40#
  • 4 x 9 biceps curl 20#
  • 2 x 10/2 x 8 ea. single arm row 25/30#
  • 4 x 8 preacher curl 50#
  • 4 x 12 svend press 25#
  • 4 x 12 reverse preacher curl 25#
  • 2 x 10/2 x 8 cable row 37/41#
  • 1 x 8/3 x 8 cable hammer curl 32/28#
  • 25 ea. oblique bends/40 jackknives/30 shoulder taps/20 hover step backs/10 leg drops

Saturday, 1.1 (HAPPY NEW YEAR!): 6.25 miles, 10:25 pace + 56 minute legs

A decent little run! I felt pretty relaxed by the middle and decided to throw in a whole 10k for my “long run.” It was very foggy and clammy, but the breeze helped break up the humidity somewhat. Followed with a unilateral leg day.


  • 4 x 10 alt. single leg sit squat 35#
  • 5 x 6 single leg deadlift 80#
  • 4 x 10 ea. side lunge 80#
  • 4 x 8 ea. single leg hip thrusts 35#
  • 2 x 10/2 x 8 ea. single leg press 80#/90#
  • 4 x 10 ea. donkey kick 25#
  • 4 x 10 ea. single leg calf raise 40#
  • 20 leg drops/20 deadbugs/20 bird dogs/20 ea. oblique crunch/20 ea. standing hydrants/20 knee tucks

Sunday, 1.2: 3.13 mile walk (49:00)

Total running mileage: 21.9

Total cycling mileage: 27

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