sidebar | life and training 12.30 – 1.5

Happy birthday to meeeeeee.

I turned 31 last Monday. The only oddity about that age versus when I hit 30 last year is that now I can say that I am in my thirties. Merely a year in, but in regardless. I told that to my coworker (who is 55) and he laughed at me.
My birthday is the end of my personal holiday season. The post-Christmas lull is gentled by the knowledge that my day sits nicely among the blank space we have before the new year. Also why I don’t much care about NYE hullabaloo. Though as I get older, my birthday is far less poetic – far less focused on aesthetic (except with my cake, always. This year it was the Neapolitan Layer Cake that was just stupendous), and more on just hoping the day itself is nice and I don’t look back remembering it for tears or tumult. Like I did with year 30. Holy cow, that was an awful birthday.

This year, though, was much nicer. I tried to take the pressure off. Went with the flow. In the morning I performed my usual workout, a 5K tempo run for my half marathon cycle, ate an ordinary breakfast. Blew some money at Target. Visited mom, got interrupted by a phone call from a friend who thought my birthday was the 31st (I was waiting for him to figure it out, and eventually he did). Had a few moments of panic about my car insurance and switched companies pretty abruptly.

Mom set up this adorable birthday fixture for me that made me feel all kinds of special. It was simple, but profound for someone who expects little by way of personal celebration (and usually shuns it). And hello, THERE WAS A SHEEP COOKIE. We struggled with the candles since she accidentally used those horrible relighting ones, but I happily downed the cookie and unwrapped some wonderful gifts. Including this cactus. Holy shit, is that hilarious or what? Our little visit, albeit disrupted a couple times, was my favorite part of the day, I think.

I organized a little restaurant hop with a few friends and wound up arriving far earlier than everyone else. I wandered over to the first stop, Bacchus, and sat for a bit with Little Miss Ba enjoying a glass of happy hour bubbly. I didn’t realize this place did happy hour and it’s actually pretty extensive! Once the crew arrived I ordered the hummus and some pickled veggies, which came with an assload of bread. So lovely. The space is small and intimate but boasts a pretty sprawling patio.

Our next planned spot was booked up but we landed on Ceviche instead, which turned out to be a fabulous tapas spot. I got the ahi tuna ceviche. I guess it’s not uncommon for ceviche to be served without chips but I kinda wish there was chips to scoop up the mix with. Still, very tasty. Easy to order several things and share amongst a group if there’s lots you want to sample.

We wandered off to the part to enjoy slices of cake and chat, and at that point I was definitely growing tired and ready to get home. The Christmas decorations were still laid out and lit and the ambience, especially in the increasing nighttime fog, was really comforting. The drive along the bridge was kinda unsettling, though, with the haze building and visibility decreasing. I think I fell asleep almost right when my head hit my pillow.

The rest of the week was ordinary but not. I blazed through a book and wound up at Book + Bottle Saturday to find another and to chill out and enjoy the beautiful day. With Little Miss Ba in tow, of course.
Finished the week with a wander to Anchor and Brine for some steamed mussels. Perfect, as always. I love how whenever I order this (which is every time I visit the place) it’s never the same twice. Sometimes brothier and butterier, sometimes loaded with softened cloves of roasted garlic and smashed heirloom tomatoes, occasionally herbs floating on top and sauteed shallots speckling the oyster shells. The grilled bread is a constant, though, and it’s always hard to resist chomping down on the whole basket. I took a couple slices home this time to make a sandwich for lunch today. Mmm.

Hopefully this week feels a bit more normalized. The start of the year is always a bit clunky for me and it’s hard for me to place an identity upon which season I want to focus on. I associate winter with Christmas but in reality the next couple months are more wintry than December, yet I’m starting to plan for Valentine’s Day and the spring holidays.
Planning for Valentine’s Day? Yep. I’ve put together a cute little menu that is helping direct my development over the next couple weeks and I’m rather excited to share what I scrounge up!

Hope 2025 started on a nice note for you. So far it’s been alright over here. Oh, and did I mention yet how perfect Roly Poly is? Still can’t believe I bought a new car to end last year! Still feels like a massive accomplishment.
Until next time, friends!
The Fuck We Cooking This Week?
…A bright, crisp salad.
…A sparkly lemonade that can be served either boozy or alcohol free!
…A wintry, cozy scone.
A Few Things I’m Digging
Arcane…10/10 recommend this show. I’m definitely not an animation person – and I generally don’t have the patience for TV shows anyway – but everything about Arcane is incredible. The casting, the plot, the visuals; absolutely worth a watch.
A Court of Thorns and Roses…Ya’ll who think this is smutty, first of all, clearly haven’t read fanfiction before. While yes, there’s like a sex scene and a half, it’s not over the top at all, and I really enjoyed this book. Easy to read, a solid plotline, shit comes full circle very cleanly, definitely a good start to my 2025 reading goal.
Roly Poly…Yep, that’s what I named my new car. She’s my baby and I plan to spoil her. I bought a floral steering wheel cover and my mom gifted me with this cute little dashboard flower to help personalize her against the 100000 other silver Corollas out there.
Shops & Wish List
Target…I don’t know why but I kinda adore this bikini bottom. Target has the comfiest underwear, for real. Love the cut of this striped polo pullover (say that fast 5 times). These midrise pink sweatpants look super cozy and I like this heart sweatshirt to pair with on a chill day. I ADORE this shimmery sports bra and hope I can snag one this week.
Target…I’m getting suckered in to V-Day decor and I have no shame about it. I like either this botanical heart wreath or this yarn wreath maybe for around my dining table. Definitely going to snag one or two of these 15 oz heart mugs or this smaller 12 oz one.
Week in Training
Monday, 12.30 (HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!): 7 miles, 9:48 pace + 20 minute lift
3.1 mile tempo run for my 31st birthday! Went okay, my pacing was very inconsistent but at least strong negative splits. Ran an average of 8:33 with 8:49, 8:37, and 8:18 miles, and a final kick at 7:54. Felt okay, it was very clammy out and foggy but I got it done before the festivities could begin!
- 3 x 8 deadlift 110#
- 3 x 15 hip thrust 50#
- 3 x 10 sumo squat 70#
- 2 x 7/1 x 8 ea. split squat 40#
- Core work
Tuesday, 12.31: 5.19 miles, 10:36 pace + 20 minute back & bis
After a lovely, later evening with great people, I wrenched myself up after 5 hours of sleep for this foggy session. So humid. I felt energized thereafter though so I guess it was helpful that I didn’t sleep in. Definitely getting a nap later!
- 3 x 9 row 35#
- 4 x 6 biceps curl 20#
- 3 x 8 lat pulldown 60#
- 3 x 12 hammer curl 15#
- 3 x 10 press up 35#
- Core work
Wednesday, 1.1 (HAPPY NEW YEAR!): 5.5 miles, 10:14 pace + 21 minute legs
Slept in an hour later than usual to welcome in 2025 and it was just what I needed. Run felt pretty good and I was surprised I didn’t see more drunkards wandering around. Threw in 6 x sprint and landed on a 4:46 top pace, holla!
- 3 x 8 squat 100#
- 3 x 12 ea. pistol squat 10#
- 3 x 12 walking lunge 40#
- 4 x 6 ea. step up 20#
- Core work
Thursday, 1.2: 6 miles, 10:25 pace + 3.1 miles, 10:23 pace
Kinda odd looking at the pace of those runs, but pace never tells the whole story. In the morning I performed my workout for the day: 3 x 600m. I ran negative splits for the intervals and was pretty happy with what I accomplished! 2:45, 2:42.6, 2:40, which equate respectively to 7:23, 7:16, and 7:09 paces, the final one against a decently stiff breeze. Afternoon run was just chill miles enjoying the glorious weather!
Friday, 1.3: 3.5 miles, 10:57 pace + 20 minute chest & tris
Chilly morning, stiff legs, but a cozy run.
- 2 x 8/1 x 10 shoulder press 20/15#
- 3 x 10 bench press 25#
- 2 x 6/1 x 12 skullcrusher 20/15#
- 2 x 8/1 x 12 lateral raise 20/15#
- 3 x 10 triceps kickback 15#
- Core work
Saturday, 1.4: 12 miles, 10:45 pace
Longest session since God knows when – I think prior to Hurricane Ian? I felt nervous and cynical about this run, especially knowing it was windy out, but I got into a great rhythm and felt really good! Passing by a couple friendly faces really helps, too.
Sunday, 1.5: 4 mile walk (1:02:41)
Total running mileage: 42.3
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