sidebar | life and training 2.26 – 3.3

March marches in.

As I write this here on Monday morning, I’m mustering up anything in my energy stores after a 5 hour night of sleep and a succeeding 9 mile run on which I decided to embark once I exploded out of bed at 4am. I’d imagine a more logical person might opt to sleep in after settling down at the uncharacteristic hour of 11pm, but I’m so habitual that waking up later throws off my whole internal clock the rest of the day.

I feel strangely alright, though. Calm. Not too tired, though this brew tastes especially pleasant today. Hey, I’ll take any morning I can characterize as “tranquil.”

I watched the new Dune movie Sunday night. Sort of a spontaneous thing, my friend texted me at 6am saying he had tickets and invited me along. Alright then. We saw a 6:30p showing in an IMAX theater and I tell you what, I can sum up the experience as more or less a 2 hour 45 minute ass massage since the sound system vibrated the hell out of the chairs. Yep, that’s my professional review of the film.

In all seriousness, Dune was spectacular, though I think a good 20 minutes could have been shaved off my lessening the amount of scenes Paul or someone else walked in slow-mo while the camera panned across the desert. A few things were changed from the books that I noticed, a couple of which I wasn’t quite sure why they altered it (probably to segue into a potential sequel film) but overall I was pleased with the adaptation and I think they did the best job they could’ve with such an epic world.

Somehow my pal fell asleep during the movie. With all the extreme light alterations and resounding and often cacophonous noises (and the ass massage chairs), I have absolutely no idea how he managed that. Kind of impressive.

Aside from the movies, I had quite a packed week. Before I went to Dune J and I got lunch at Lona, one of our go-tos when eating out sounds good but putting too much thought into it doesn’t. I ordered the shrimp fajitas. Always a winner.

My best friend came up on Wednesday for the Rays-Blue Jays game in Dunedin. He popped in about 25 minutes late because leaving at 11:30 usually means he’s going to leave at 12 – that’s how this dude’s gauge of time works. Still love him – but the rest of the time we spent yacking and probably annoying the shit out of the people around us because we can’t shut up when we’re together. The Rays lost, but it was a lovely afternoon weather-wise.

Friday I took my weekly reading session to Angry Chair. Hadn’t been there for awhile, so I got my favorite mahi sandwich and camped out for an hour or so.

Saturday I really filled up my day. Wandered over to the Gasparilla Art Festival for a bit, but was stupid and got hungry by the time I walked the 2 miles to the park so I didn’t view but a fraction of the vendors. Still, it was a cool environment and plenty inspiring.

Then, after a quick pit stop home to make a sandwich, I drove over to the Oldsmar flea market. My friend had been talking about it for awhile and I decided to check it out. I forgot how chaotic flea markets are, and how much fucking shit is sold. Like a giant collective yard sale. I think the last time I visited one was in my hometown as a wee lass, and that site was encased in a large dome building so it felt more like a warehouse of sorts.

Of course, Tampa Bay Brewing is right across the street so I had to stop there for a beer. It’s just law, folks.

So that’s that. And what’s good this week: VACATION TIME! I fly out on Saturday to meet my sister in Toronto for a few days, then we’re skipping back down stateside to Pennsylvania so I can stay with her and my brother in law for a few days in their new apartment. I cannot wait. I am eager for a break from work and life and all that bullshit – it’s coming at quite a good time for me since things all across the board have been turbulent and in some cases awkward.

Plan this week is to set aside what I need to pack in manageable segments – I usually devote a day to organizing one portion of my necessities, then the next to another, etc. just to prevent overwhelm – and to clean the house as much as possible. I’m one of those who loves doing a deep dive of tidying up before a trip. It just feels nice to come home to a fresh house.

Otherwise, we’ll see what the days bring. A good friend’s birthday is Tuesday and she’s planning some type of dinner/drink situation at a rooftop bar nearby, then J’s birthday is Wednesday. Can’t spoil my plan for that since I know he reads these posts. HI! The only thing I’m saying is that there will be cake.

And as per, if you have any Toronto suggestions, send them my way. Hope ya’ll have a great first week of March!

The Fuck We Cooking This Week?

…A classic layer cake.

…Veggie enchiladas verdes that are so easy and tasty.

A Few Things I’m Digging

Salads…I’ve been meal prepping a different salad every week. It’s nice to have some greens on hand especially in this era of eating like shite.

Mexican food…Or interpretations thereof. I’ve been craving a variety of tacos/fajitas lately, especially right before visiting Lona the other day.

Maple extract…Because my beloved Trader Joe’s maple oat milk is no longer in season, I’ve been making my own interpretation with vanilla soy milk and extract for my coffee. Similar enough to get the job done.

Take the Cake

I know a lot of March birthdays, which obviously gets me thinking about cake. Here are some worthy ideas if you’ve got some baking to do for folks you care about (or yourself!)

Classic Carrot Cake with Bourbon Maple Buttercream

Bourbon Mocha Layer Cake

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Sheet Cake with Coffee Frosting

Triple Lemon Layer Cake

Fresh Strawberry Layer Cake

Week in Training

Monday, 2.26: 8.01 miles, 10:44 pace + 11 minute lift

Oof, did not feel great today. Felt really tired upon wakening and my legs just didn’t get into a rhythm. Not every day will be awesome. This week starts a little switchup in my strength exercises and it was nice to do some new things after a month of repetition!


  • 3 x 8 narrow press 20#
  • 3 x 8 front raise 15#
  • 3 x 8 straight arm pulldown 32#
  • 1:30 planks

Tuesday, 2.27: 7 miles, 10:10 pace + 13 minute lift

Overall a pleasant afternoon, but it is starting to get warm enough that running after work feels a bit sloggier. Might have to start moving my runs back to the morning or taking it to the treadmill. Still, wasn’t too bad and the fresh air was welcome even though my legs were s l e e p y.


  • 3 x 10 reverse lunge 60#
  • 3 x 8 diamond squat 60#
  • 3 x 8 calf raise 190#
  • 3 x 11 leg press 190#

Wednesday, 2.28: 8 miles, 10:48 pace + 10 minute core

Sore and heat fatigued from yesterday, and this week I’ve felt very out of whack anyway with some random wooziness. Think my GPS had a couple slipups, too, since I don’t think I was running 11 minute miles.

Thursday, 2.29 (HAPPY LEAP DAY?): 7.07 miles, 10:01 pace + 11 minute lift

Warm, sticky day, but thankfully no sun and a decent breeze.


  • 3 x 9 narrow press 20#
  • 3 x 9 front raise 15#
  • 3 x 9 straight arm pulldown 32#
  • 1:30 planks

Friday, 3.1: 7 miles, 10:00 pace

A steamy one out, but it made me even more hyped for my beer later.

Saturday, 3.2: 8 miles, 10:36 pace + 15 minute lift

Sticky but okay out – I tend to like when the temperature sits around 65 degrees with a little humidity. A lot of strange folk around: a couple fighting, some dudes yelling at each other about a girl, other half-drunk hooligans waltzing about still in their evening attire, but no one bothered me. It’s like that sometimes on a Saturday morning.


  • 3 x 12 lunge 60#
  • 3 x 9 diamond squat 60#
  • 3 x 9 calf raise 190#
  • 3 x 12 leg press 190#

Sunday, 3.3: 5.6 miles, 10:42 pace

Treadmill miles since the dew point was 70 and it felt like ass outside. I like taking my Sunday runs to the mill, though – gives my legs a nice break from the concrete.

Total running mileage: 50.7

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