sidebar | life and training 3.11 – 3.17

“People are planets, and some people have to be Pluto.”

I tell you what, my trip to Toronto and then back to Pennsylvania with my sister was just what my soul needed to feel less alone. Now, I obviously don’t see this trip as an escapist fix-all for my issues – living abroad in Sweden taught me more than enough that you can’t escape your demons, even internationally. However, I do believe that travelling, particularly with loved ones you’re less proximally close to, can refresh the mind and the spirit more than exchanging a simple text conversation might.
Last Sidebar, we left off at the CN Tower. Monday we spent all day on a Niagara Falls tour that started at 9 am and ended back in the city at 6.

We began at the Niagara College Teaching Winery with a tasting and a short lesson on ice wine, one of Canada’s pride and joys in the booze industry. We tried a house white, red, and a sweet wine that wasn’t quite to the caliber of ice wine (apparently it wasn’t a good year for ice wine so they had to preserve). I sampled a rose later that I ended up buying a bottle of.

Then, we bussed to the grand kahuna: the falls themselves. The ride took us past a kitschy but charming looking town, and we were so close to the US border that my phone actually started picking up my Verizon signal. We also viewed the American side of the falls, which didn’t nearly par with the majesty of the Canadian falls.

We were given three hours of free reign. A lot of folks took tours behind the falls or signed up for the fancy lunch in the restaurant, but my sister and I wandered on our own accord. We passed many a minute just staring at the rushing cascade, which fogged up my glasses with the sheer volume of mist. At one point, a rainbow formed in the water and arched up to the cliffsides. We both took many photos. The falls are both calming and commanding: if you respect them, they respect you.
The rest of the hours we split between lunch and shopping, then we loaded onto the bus and drove to Niagara-By-The-Lake for a quick pitstop and a bit more shopping. Basically, we just bought a bunch of candy. The final drive home, about an hour and a half’s worth, we and most of the other passengers on the bus nodded off.

We flew out of Toronto on Tuesday afternoon, so didn’t have much time to do anything that morning besides pack and get breakfast. The route was easy and the flight not fussy, and pre-clearance at the Toronto airport made crossing back into the US a breeze. We flew into Newark, which is a good drive from where my sister lives in Pennsylvania. We passed much of that ride in silence, with a few snippets shared back and forth.

First order of business in Pennsylvania: feed Squibbles a carrot. How can you not fall in love with that little face?!

After dinner we headed to The Flying Pig for a beer, and my brother in law met us a short while into our adventure. I was kinda useless and nodding off but it was a pleasant little outing. This hazelnut stout was pretty dope, too.

Wednesday we checked out the Malvern Buttery. I was impressed with their pastry selection and the croissant was over-the-top flaky, but didn’t love their lavender syrup. Too flowery for me. I’d definitely go back for another whirl, though. Also met this little cutie posted up by our table. Her name was Rosebud.

In the evening we drove out to Folino Estate, one of my favorite spots in the area. A winery-resort mesh sort of in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, but a beautiful space and excellent wine and food. I ordered a flight and got pretty, hehe, inebriated right away, and wound up buying a bottle of the cabernet franc. The BIL met us a bit later for dinner and more wine. The Italian Farmer pizza is fabulous, and this hot cocoa gelato over the top. I’d been once before on a previous visit and neither time was I disappointed. Top notch if you’re in the Kuntztown-Reading area.
It was here that the BIL and I had a really solid bonding conversation which led to that bombshell quote at the very beginning of the post. Essentially, the metaphor pertained to how much space and love to give to people in your lives. Some people you keep close in your personal solar system – the ones who fulfill you, comfort you, are there when you need them – and some people, while you can give them love and keep them in your space, need to be Pluto, need to be further away to protect you from pain.
I thought really hard about this, and it reminded me a lot of the energy pie chart I created in my journal. I kinda like this visual better. Some people need to work on being a planet in your solar system, need to earn it, else you gotta keep them sub-planetary and less gravitationally influential in order to keep yourself safe.
A powerful statement. I think many of us could benefit from reclaiming the energy in our relationships. I find the idea very empowering.
Thursday my sis and I walked around the King of Prussia mall for awhile, and I got inspired to edit my whole wardrobe during the spring/summer seasons. I am hyped and think I’ll have a fair amount to donate once I clear our my drawers and closet. Most of the remaining hours of the day we hung out with Squibbles and shared good vibes. Nothing elaborate, but nice all the same.
Friday was departure day. I made chocolate chip pancakes in the morning and we left for the airport around 10:45. The first flight to Charlotte was fine, the second flight I had a near-two hour layover that extended to four when they announced our plane was broken and we needed to wait for a new one. I don’t even know what I did those several hours, I think I just spaced the fuck out and ate candy. There are worse coping mechanisms, I’d argue.
We ended up leaving around 7:30. The flight was short and uneventful. Once back in Tampa my bag took for-fucking-ever to get loaded onto the belt and naturally mine was one of the last to pop out of the gate. My friend was kind enough to whisk me off back home despite a 4 am wakeup call for her the next morning. Fucking champ.

Saturday was a nice reset day. I meal prepped, purged my entire fridge, and mostly chilled and watched Suits (good show, highly recommend). I also ran outside for the first time in a week; always a bit of an adjustment after many comfy treadmill trots. Your body kinda forgets how concrete works, and the motion of running forward versus preventing oneself from running backwards.
Resetting after vacation is always quite the process, and I really hope these warm feelings I’m bringing home from up north last longer than a short while. Granted, I’m sure reality’s gonna set in eventually – already kinda did on my second shift back at work – but I’m hoping I’ll claim some sense of immunity to the negativity I’ll inevitably encounter. I feel, though, that I’ve solidified some important mindsets. I feel validated and supported.
Travel, man. It’s good for you.
The Fuck We Cooking This Week?
…A cute Easter-themed ice cream.
…A simple, cheesy, spicy pizza.
…A refreshing springtime cocktail.
A Few Things I’m Digging
Easter Brunchin’
Planning for your holiday? Check out some of these delectable brunch options with which you can adorn your table and satisfy your tummy. Next week I’ll share a master list of sweets ya’ll can enjoy!

Overnight Lemon Cheesecake Stuffed French Toast

Herby Mushroom Swiss Croissant Breakfast Bake

Everything Pesto Cheese and Egg Breakfast Tarts
Shops & Wish List
Kitchen & Dining
Crate & Barrel… Seriously want to overhaul all of my casual dinnerware at home because I honestly hate the sets we have. I really like the Craft speckled collection (I own their coupe bowls) and the cereal bowls or the Mercer matte white plates + the salad plates for a more classic look.
Target…Like this egg wreath for a springy entryway. Also the carrot garland or egg garland for a mantle or above a window. This cactus diffuser is so cute too.
Week in Training
Monday, 3.11: 8 miles, 10:37 pace + 11 minute lift
Groggy early hotel run. Wasn’t bad though, I just started to get impatient the last 20 minutes or so when I had to reset the treadmill.
- 3 x 8 narrow press 25#
- 3 x 6 front raise 20#
- 3 x 10 bent front raise 30#
- 1:30 core work
Tuesday, 3.12: 7 miles, 10:43 pace + 14 minute lift
Final Toronto treadmill trot. Felt headachey and a little more tired than previous days, but made it through and got in my strength after despite my internal protests.
- 3 x 9 ea. single leg deadlift 60#
- 3 x 9 diamond squat 70#
- 3 x 8 front squat 50#
- 1:30 core work
Wednesday, 3.13: 8 miles, 10:44 pace + 10 minute core
Man my sister’s gym is SO much nicer than mine at home. I accidentally toggled the cooldown protocol after 5 minutes of running (fucken touch screen) so the numbers probably weren’t totally accurate, but otherwise a decent session.
Thursday, 3.14: 7.46 miles, 10:43 pace + 11 minute lift
Late night and lots of wine Wednesday, so had to lug my ass to the gym and try to bust out the grogginess. Worked pretty nicely – the run felt good and went by quickly. My morning coffee tasted exceptionally good once I got back in the apartment.
- 3 x 9 narrow press 25#
- 3 x 7 front raise 20#
- 3 x 11 bent front raise 30#
- 1:30 core
Friday, 3.15: 9 miles, 10:42 pace
Had a strange amount of productive running energy so did a longer session to close out my vacation week. The same dude that was in there the past couple days I’ve stayed here was once again rolling away on the elliptical and had to have started at 4 am or before. Good for him.
Saturday, 3.16: 8 miles, 10:23 pace + 15 minute lift
Weird reacclimating myself to the humidity and to outdoor running in general – roads feel odd after a week of treadmill. I did not miss the Floridian climate: so sticky and still, but the run was okay overall.
- 3 x 10 ea. sldl 60#
- 3 x 10 diamond squat 70#
- 3 x 9 front squat 50#
- 1:30 core work
Sunday, 3.17: 5 miles, 9:56 pace + 10 minute core
Really hot afternoon and my Publix STOPPED CARRYING MY FAVORITE POST-RUN PEACH TEA. Worst day of my life (not really). Felt nice to be outside though by the end I was certainly ready to be done.
Total running mileage: 52.5