sidebar | life and training 3.20 – 3.26

It’s the end of March, so naturally Florida thinks it’s summertime.

And I need to do my taxes. Gr.
You know, whenever I read or hear that someone is desperately vying to move to Florida, I wonder if they understand the reality of living here. Yes, I’m aware that I speak from a point of geographic bias: I’ve been here my whole life, and because I yearn to leave I do not see things as an outsider would. And, I’d like to experience what the outsiders do.
However, back to my original thesis, there’s a lot to Florida that I’d imagine many folks would get sick of quickly. For one, our political landscape is horrible if you have any humility and are not in some la-la land of utter privilege. I would not raise a family in Florida, if that were a goal of mine. If you have any sort of LGBTQ family member, or if you yourself identify in one of those categories, your rights are slipping away by the month. This goes for all of the south.
Second, we have hurricanes, and while a devastating event isn’t necessarily something you get even once a year, the risk is very real, and have fun finding homeowner’s insurance that’ll cover your shit in Florida.
Third, we have 0 seasons. None. Great if you’re a dragon, not so much if you enjoy watching the months mellow into a new string of landscape phenomena. Be prepared to sweat all the time. And because we’re a state of transplants, no one knows how to fucking drive.

I’m sure I could continue this diatribe, but I guess what I’m saying is people who are not from Florida don’t really get what living here means. Every place has its flaws, sure, but idealizing this state is quite naive, if you ask me. Unless you’re an old retired white dude who just wants to golf and scream at the young whippersnappers in your neighborhood, or a rich suburban white family you’d see in a magazine advertisement.

Anywho. That’s all I gotta say about that for now. Had a pretty nonchalant week, just trying to recover still from that nasty flu. My tastebuds are finally returning! One of the big kickers in this healing process was being able to smell the kitchens on my run route firing up their ovens and fryers – I kinda love taking in the aroma of fries or whatever the restaurants are making. It’s comforting.
I also watched J perform a triathlon on Saturday, which was actually the first time I’ve spectated such a race. It’s very interesting seeing how folks come through the bike transition – some are seriously so professional-looking it makes me feel inept. Like, swing the feet out of their bike shoes, dismount one-footed and run through to change into their run attire. So efficient. I’d just topple right off my bike and watch my pride slither over to the racks. J did quite well and I’m proud of him for returning to racing even though his training has been inconsistent!

Running, however, has been quite the ordeal. I’m really struggling to get my heartrate down and my paces back to normal, so this coming week I plan to give my body a big break and just run a few days a week, maybe 10-12 miles total, with walks on the other days and lifting 4-5 times. Clearly my systems are pissed, and its frustrating, so there’s no point in prolonging the frustration and making myself miserable.
How was your week? Share something good, or even not so good, that happened. We can celebrate together or share a big virtual hug. And pretend that we’re floating on one of those big boats I take photos of all the time.
How was your week

The Fuck We Eating This Week?
A brunchy take on strawberry shortcake…
A simple buttery shrimp and polenta…
A healthy Greek wrap that’s perfect for meal prep…
The cutest Easter-themed cupcakes…
A Few Things I’m Digging
Stroopwafels…Started up this trend of enjoying stroopwafels after my morning runs, and now that I can taste again I tried out the Honey Stinger Cookies & Cream waffle. I’m a sucker for anything Oreo themed and these are really good with a hot mug of joe.
Coverup…Bought this swim coverup while it was on sale awhile back and it’s so lovely. Definitely able to get away with throwing it on over a suit and waltzing around in public: it’s modest and cute, as well as substantial enough to not show anything you don’t necessarily want to.
Nuggets…I’ve honestly been eating like a douche lately, and loving these Morningstar Farms chik’n nuggets. If you’re feeling a homemade version, try out my Crispy Chickpea Nuggets!
Shops and Wish List
Target…Very fascinated by this puff sleeve dress, I’m not sure I can pull it off but it’d be really cute for Easter. Always enjoy a good linen shirt and this one is pretty nice, either the white or the striped, and the linen tank top is lovely too. Really like this one-shoulder ruffle bikini top for poolside, though I kinda wish it were a color other than white.
BossyPants…Oh do I love all these sassy scents! Currently in my cart: “Mike B’s Donut Shop“, “Hobbit Hole“, and “Death Before Decaf.”
Tree Hut…Bought their peach sorbet scrub awhile back and already love it, but they’ve so many other scents and products I want to try! Hoping to pick up the vanilla scrub and body butter and the watermelon body wash when my current pick runs out, and the watermelon cactus face scrub since I don’t have an exfoliator in my rotation right now.
Loops…Interested in their hydrogel face masks: the Weekly Reset and Clean Slate sound most appealing!
Vamigas… Never heard of this Latin brand before my recent browse, but I’m fascinated by their two face oils: Luz de Sur and the Chilean Rosehip oil. They also make a few face mists.
Week in Training
Monday, 3.20: 3.23 miles, 11:46 pace + 26 minute full body
Phew. That was hard. Didn’t expect my first run back to be a breeze and definitely know to take it very easy this week. Still, it was brisk out and nice to get some proper movement in! I walked a mile and a half home to make a full hour of cardio.
- 3 x 10 ea. squat to press 15#
- 4 x 10 ea. side raise 15#
- 4 x 10 ea. skullcrusher 15#
- 3 x 10 press up 30#
- 4 x 12 plie 50#
Tuesday, 3.21: 3.22 miles, 11:12 pace + 20 minute full body
Better than yesterday! A little progress is encouraging. Heart rate fell 5 beats on average so I’ll take that as a good sign of healing.
- 4 x 10 ea. rotating curl 15#
- 3 x 10 ea. pull apart 20#
- 3 x 20 knee in
- 4 x 10 ea. row 25#
Wednesday, 3.22: 3.26 miles, 11:22 pace + 25 minute lower body
My hammies are really stiff and angry – I expect they would’ve calmed down a bit with all the rest I gave them last week, but I guess not. CBD and heating pad for me today!
- 3 x 20 feet over dumbbell
- 3 x 20 ea. hip dip 25#
- 3 x 15 stiff leg deadlift 50#
- 3 x 10 ea. single leg squat 50#
- Core work
Thursday, 3.23: 4.05 mile walk (1:06:00)
Friday, 3.24: 4 miles, 10:58 pace + 20 minute full body
Really shitty run. Did not feel good, but kinda lost track of distance so went a little further than I intended.
- 3 x 10 ea. reverse fly 20#
- 3 x 12 chest fly 20#
- 3 x 10 ea. triceps ext 20#
- 3 x 10 low and slow goblet squat 25#
Saturday, 3.25: 4 miles, 10:59 pace
Limited time this morning so could only get a run + finishing walk in before driving out to watch J’s triathlon. Felt like crap, though enjoyed trotting through a spooky foggy morning and hearing the big boats and their horns blowing forlornly in the haze.
Total running mileage: 17.8