sidebar | life and training 3.21 – 3.27

An up and up week as far as Big Sur training goes. I hit 47 miles and 6 days of running, a pretty big milestone after struggling to reach 35 or so without dreading my next Monday trot. It sounds so bad, speaking poorly about my running yet still persisting despite, but that’s how stubborn people are. I wasn’t injured, just pushing against some mysterious underlying current that walloped my joy of the sport straight into the bay.

Got me thinking a lot about the “all or nothing” mindsets people carry into running, and into life as a whole. Over time I’ve become annoyed with the notion that if you aren’t going to give something your all, don’t bother. I’m more a proponent of making sustainable, incremental changes, and always portioning time for fun and rest. In the scope of nutrition, you enjoy that goddamn full fat frosting-laden cake – but balance it out with a nice veggie and protein-heavy dinner. I’m amused at dieticians on IG and otherwise who claim “treat yoself” yet only bake almond flour no-fat cookies or nibble dark chocolate. I mean, I love me some dark chocolate, but I also love me some white chocolate. And butter. And white flour.

Healthy individuals come not only in all sizes, but in all manners of eating habits as well. Again, it’s about enjoying mostly nutritious foods, not about modifying every single thing in order to create a pseudo-perfection that might look good on social media, but isn’t practical for most folks.

I chatted with a run coach friend who carries a similar opinion as I, and we both agreed that another irksome habit people have is thinking one has to either run a race easy or be trying to a PR. No spectrum, no happy medium, one side or another. You can push but not strive for a personal best. You can run relaxed but still faster than a typical everyday pace. Middle ground is very underappreciated nowadays. To most, you’re either totally ambitious and driven or lazy. Why not somewhere in the middle? Prop your feet up yet let your energy flow?

Just some musings. What do you think? Do you get trapped in the absolutism or have you discovered a good balance for yourself?

A random thing from this week: tea time with mom! We’d wanted to do an afternoon tea for awhile and finally made it happen this past week. Look at all the goods! She, as always, did such a stupendous hosting job. I feel like we’d be a good catering squad together. Of course, we had to stick flowers in our bonnets for the occasion.

What I’m Up To This Week

Testing…Coffee cake, two simple one pot meals, a super fun enchilada bake and a tasty appetizer!

Reading…The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett. I’m around halfway through and find it very sad and jarring, but super well written and intriguing.

Applying to…Grad school! I started an application for Concordia University’s MS in Applied Exercise Science, an online program. Need to fill in the blanks with my application (including letters of rec, how fun) but I’m glad the steps are finally in motion.

Buying…An angel food pan. I’m eyeing this one just because of availability and Nordic Ware is pretty reliable in general.

Drinking…Vega Sport in “Mocha.” I think I burned out of my morning hot chocolates – I know, revolutionary – but still want to get something in before my proper breakfast. I shake a little up with some almond milk/water and ice and drink it in a margarita glass. Posh.

A Few Things I’m Digging

Decaf coffee…Ask me a year ago and I would’ve considered anything decaf a moral sin – but since I’ve enjoyed a cuppa in the afternoon of late, my sleep is suffering. Picked up some decaf Starbucks instant packets and get to enjoy the taste of my favorite bev without staying up later than needed at night.

Body butter…Picked up Trader Joes’ Grapefruit Body Butter and it is the most refreshing, moisturizing treat for my cracked as fuq hands at night. I rub it on my hands and arms mostly before I go to sleep.

Basil…This time of year, I want to put fresh basil and pesto on everything I can. Newest dig? One Skillet Garlic Basil Salmon and Broccoli with Burst Tomatoes. Give it a try this week!

Blouse…Bought this flutter sleeve shirt (obsessed with that style) and it’s so comfy and easy to dress up or down. Definitely a springtime mainstay for me.

Glasses…I bought the Shoreham 13oz glass awhile back to use for my 5 Ingredient Vegan Chocolate Mousse and am also loving them for their intended alcoholic bev purpose. Keep an eye out for new cocktails popping up in this space!

Week in Training

Monday, 3.21: 6.06 miles, 10:43 pace + 53 minute shoulders & triceps

Lovely morning for a run, and a bit of a different strength mashup for my first upper body day of the week. I performed some compound moves to keep things interesting and actually enjoyed the change of pace.


  • 4 x 8 ea. dumbbell snatch 25#
  • 4 x 8 triceps extension 45#
  • 4 x 8 weighted pushup 20#
  • 4 x 10 squat side raise 20#
  • 4 x 10 sumo squat upright row 25#
  • 4 x 8 press down 41#
  • 4 x 10 dip 65#
  • 3 x 10 chest fly 25#
  • 3 x 10 ea. OH leg extension 8#

Tuesday, 3.22: 4.03 miles, 10:40 pace + 35 minute back and biceps

Felt good on my run so I opted to lengthen it a touch and shorten my lift. Took a bridgey route and ran up and down one of the longer ones 5 times, so 10 inclines total there and back. It’s not much, but I figure more helpful than keeping totally to flat areas.


  • 3 x 10 ea. elevated plank row 30#
  • 3 x 12 ea. single leg crossbody curl 20#
  • 3 x 12 kneeling narrow pulldown as 8 71#/4 83#
  • 3 x 10 ea. concentration curl 20#
  • 4 x 8 ea. balanced row 35#
  • 2 x 6/2 x 5 cable hammer curl 41#
  • 30 Russian twists 20#/30 plank rocks 20#/30 leg drops 20#/15 ea. oblique bends 20#

Wednesday, 3.23: 8.09 miles, 9:46 pace + 49 minute legs

My paces were shite this run, but I felt really happy while gliding along – so I consider that more of a win than any fast running could’ve given me. Performed 5 x 5 minutes aerobic/2 minutes push. I negative splitted the workout so I know I held out at the beginning and let myself fly towards the end, which is also a positive.


  • 5 x 8 deadlift 130#
  • 4 x 10 ea OH curtsy lunge 30#
  • 2 x 10/3 x 6 leg extension 150/160#
  • 4 x 12 ea. single leg hip raise 35#
  • 4 x 12 diamond squat 70#
  • 4 x 8 ea. single leg press 120#
  • 3 x 15 ea. banded lateral knee drive 10#
  • 3 x 15 ea. banded knee drive 10#
  • 3 x 10 plank ankle rolls 20# on back

Thursday, 3.24: 5.18 miles, 10:49 pace + 50 minute shoulders & triceps

VERY steamy morning with a front pushing through. The wind was helpful at points but the air felt too summery for my liking. Miles went well and I got into a decent rhythm despite sore legs.


  • 3 x 10 kneeling front-side-down raise 15#
  • 4 x 10 kickback 15#
  • 5 x 8 ea. lunge to press 20#
  • 4 x 10 shrug 45# SS 10 pushup
  • 3 x 9/1 x 8 narrow press 30#
  • 4 x 12 lying extension 35#
  • 4 x 10 pressup 45#
  • 5 minutes random core work

Friday, 3.25: 2.72 miles, 11:02 pace + strides + 52 minute back and biceps

I haven’t run six days in a week of this training cycle, but the weather was too nice and I did not want to be stuck inside, so I kept the run short and threw in 6 or 7 strides with full walk breaks on the way home. I managed a 5:38 top speed – not too shabby! Felt great overall.


  • 2 x 10/3 x 8 ea. kneeling curl 20/25#
  • 3 x 10 ea. single arm kneeling pull down 41#
  • 4 x 10 incline hammer curl 20#
  • 4 x 12 barbell row 70#
  • 3 x 10 ea. leg extension to biceps curl 20#
  • 3 x 12 scarecrow row 30#
  • 4 x 10 seated reverse fly 20#
  • 5 min or so of core work

Saturday, 3.26: 20.05 miles, 11:25 pace + 30 minute legs & core

Slowest long run I’ve ever logged, but the important part is not the pace – I felt strong and like I could easily finish 6 more miles at that effort. Beautiful morning around 60 degrees, low humidity, and little breeze. Perfect running conditions for me. My left leg got really crabby by the end, which I know is because a muscle in my thigh is pretty locked up. Must give it some tough love this weekend.


  • 3 x 15 diamond squat 60#
  • 3 x 12 ea. single leg calf raise 120#
  • 3 x 15 ea. lateral banded knee drives 10#
  • 3 x 10 ea. slow static lunge 60#
  • 3 x 12 ea. hip hinge 60#

Sunday, 3.27: 3.22 mile walk (48 minutes)

Total running mileage: 47.09

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