sidebar | life and training 3.3 – 3.9

Man I have some RAGING heartburn right now. And no, that isn’t some poetic metaphor. I literally have heartburn.

Then my dumb ass decided a tempo run would be a great idea this morning. Granted, it went pretty well, but still. Oof. Though that’s a narrative for another day.

Howdy doody, ya’ll? This month is just blowing by – we’re almost a third of the way through 2025. Nuts. And spring training is nearly over too, which seems rather early, and I have had 0 desire to patron a game so far. My interest in sports ebbs and flows, I think largely depending on how involved people around me are. Perhaps once I’m around the avid baseball fans at my usual work site, I’ll scrounge up a little more inspiration.

I am definitely in cozy homebody mode right now. Making the best of the space I’m in and enjoying my days however I can. Sometimes this means more adventure, but right now it means respecting my budget constraints (especially after having to buy a laptop this past weekend), pulling on my comfy sweats, and losing myself in a book with snacks nearby. There’s some detriment to this: I’m really in hardcore decorating mode, but buying things like prints and accessories is costly, so I’ve had to creatively work that in to my weekly spending and learn some patience in pulling together my visions.

Still, though, I enjoyed a fulfilling week. Thursday was J’s birthday! I had to work but cooked up a fun dinner in the evening of cheesy baked penne, garlic bread, Caesar salad, and a single layer funfetti cake. Quiet but fulfilling. We usually take dinner on the couch so sitting at the dining table was a nice little change.

Saturday I ventured out to Book + Bottle to pick up a new read and sit by for a coffee and a treat. There was some kind of International Women’s Day race posted up outside so upon first glance it looked slammed, but inside it was quiet. I flubbed up TWICE at the counter – first, fucking forgetting the name of the book I ordered, and second trying to do basic math to make change for a $20 while ensuring I left a tip. Jesus.

Sunday I finished up a recipe in the morning (sharing this week!) then headed over to mom’s to enjoy said recipe and some coffee. We spent a couple hours in some surprisingly deep conversation, which was really fulfilling. We spoke, among other things, of finding happiness where we’re at instead of always dreaming for bigger and brighter. An obvious theme I’ve pursued in my musings here.

In the evening J and I wandered over to Half Moon Seafood for fish and chips. Next weekend is St. Patty’s Day and considering a) he might be out of town and b) pubs and similar establishments will be slammed, we both wanted to ensure we enjoyed a basket of fried goodness in honor. So good. But I’m pretty sure that’s what contributed to my heartburn.
It’s about to rain soon, methinks. The wind was fierce this morning, whipping water over the seawall, and I see on radar a few thick streaks of heavy downpour quickly edging towards the coast. Not supposed to be an all day event, but enough to be vaguely inconvenient. More excuse to enter hermit mode and, once my day’s work is done, lounge on the couch in my cozies flipping page after page.

What about you: are you feeling spunky and spontaneous, or down-home and hobbit-like? I’m deriving great joy from quietude.
And dudes – I cannot wait for my new laptop. This shitter has turned off about ten times in the last 30 minutes and I am getting SICK OF IT. So we’ll call it a day here.
Have a good week, peeps!
The Fuck We Cooking This Week?
…A creamy, bright one skillet salmon dish.
…A fun and simple St. Patrick’s Day cocktail!
…Some easy but rich cookies.
A Few Things I’m Digging
Cardigan…Despite having bought it off Amazon (which I’m largely trying to avoid nowadays if I can), I ADORE this vintage floral cardigan. It’s soft, thick, and has garnered many a compliment when I’m out and about.
Cookies…I’ve been swapping out a Target day twice a month in favor of Trader Joe’s. Forgot how much I love and missed their maple creme cookies. I’ve been enjoying one most evenings with a cup of hot chocolate!
Support Local
This heading is a little misleading as I didn’t know how else to phrase shit…BUT. One of my goals for 2025 is to minimize my dependence on big box corporations for items I could retrieve from either small businesses or, leastwise, ones who align with my core values. I’m seeking out companies with good ethical and sustainable standing, as well as those who continually support diversity.
I’m certainly not perfect by any means: there are things that are far easier to buy on Amazon or at Target, but after sifting through my recent purchases – particularly on the former – I categorized items I can swap over to other companies that are, as I said, far more in tune with the things I believe in.
If you’re curious, here are some my Small Steps (in big letters) so far.
1. Fewer Target runs…I love Target and a lot of their seasonal collections/clothing, but since straying from diversity initiatives, I’ve decided to lessen my shopping there. Instead, I’m choosing to shop at Trader Joe’s twice a month (with some extras bought at Publix because TJs doesn’t have everything most of the time). Strangely enough, Publix still maintains their inclusion initiatives. The family who runs it is HIGHLY conservative so this surprises me a lot. I’m also browsing sustainable clothing brands and one of my favorites is Quince, from whom I’ve bought several times.
2. Avoiding Nestle and General Mills…This isn’t quite as hard for me since I don’t eat a whole lot of pre-packaged items, but these two conglomerates own A LOT of brands and I’m actively finding alternatives. Nestle owns Nuun, who makes the electrolyte tablets I drink daily, so I switched over to GU (a family-owned operation). I’ll likely buy Ghirardelli instead of Tollhouse chocolate chips. General Mills makes Cheerios, so if I ever have a cereal craving, I’ll buy from Kellogg’s or similar. Instead of Haagen Dazs, go for Ben & Jerry’s, Good Humor, or Breyers.
3. Alternative bookstores…Let’s be honest, I buy books from Amazon because I’m lazy. In the past few months books have constituted probably 80% of my Prime purchases. No more. Barnes & Noble is the easiest solution, but I’ve a few local haunts too that carry a decent selection of top sellers: Book + Bottle, Oxford Exchange, and Tombolo, to name a few!
4. Sporting goods stores…The other big portion of my larger Amazon purchases is my running gear. While I can no longer find my preferred shoes anywhere and Amazon is unfortunately the only reliable seller, other goodies like fuel and accessories I can buy elsewhere. I always get my socks from Pro Compression, and I can buy my Honey Stinger wafels + gels directly from the site or from REI. Same with my GU tablets.
5. Electronics…Hopefully I won’t have any more big tech purchases after my laptop this week, but if I do, businesses like Staples (wherefrom I bought my laptop), Best Buy, and Office Depot still have their DEI initiatives. My camera is a Canon and the laptop is Lenovo, both of which still have their diversity standards as common practice.
This Week’s Menu

Meatless Monday…Herb Roasted Carrot Soup

Taco Tuesday…Crispy Chipotle Tempeh and Black Bean Tacos

Wednesday…Firecracker Salmon Bowls with Mango Avocado Salsa

Thursday...Garlic Butter Chickpea Meatballs with Wild Rice Pilaf

Friday Happy Hour…Limoncello Margarita

Saturday Baking…Baked Carrot Cake Doughnuts

Sunday Snack…Honey Garlic Whipped Feta and Smoked Salmon Toasts
Shops & Wish List
Lenovo…Bit of a weird category, but I had to suck it up and buy a new laptop since my 10 year old asshole is quickly shitting the bed. Got this V15 G4 shindig, which is apparently a good business laptop and has swell reviews. I don’t use my computer for anything really hardcore so I think this’ll do the job!
Quince…Realized I down own any black leggings (aside from some wool ones) so picked up a pair of these ultra high rise crossover leggings. Love that band style because it’s SO flattering. Eyeing this two-pack of really cute lace bralettes as well.
Target…Liking this simple lace-trim tank. Love the patterns on these lily ankle socks, orange socks, and these cute ruffled cherry socks.
Week in Training
Monday, 3.3: 6.2 miles, 10:11 pace + 25 minute leg day
Allergies are in full force – I’m convinced that’s what’s ruining my running. 6 x 400m today and I did okay most of the reps except the last: the headwind was strong and my lungs were bursting from the constrictive pollen. Not fun. Otherwise I’m not unhappy with the splits: 1:53.3, 1:53.4, 1:51.3, 1:52.9, 1:53.2, 1:56.2.
- 3 x 8 ea. single leg deadlift 60#
- 3 x 8 diamond squat 60#
- 3 x 10 hip thrust 65#
- 3 x 8 alt. front lunge 60#
- 3 x 8 ea. single leg press 110#
- Forearm- and handstand practice
Tuesday, 3.4: 5 miles, 10:52 pace
A little less of a strain today. Long workday so swapped around my strength workouts and enjoyed a nice 2 mile walk in the evening!
Wednesday, 3.5: 4.25 miles, 10:59 pace + 25 minute back & bis
Bit lower heart rate (156 bpm) so maybe some upward progress? It was WINDY as hell and my coffee machine seems busted, so not the most peaceable of mornings, but we made it anyway.
- 3 x 10 ea. bent row 35#
- 4 x 6 waiter curl 40#
- 3 x 8 ea. upright row 25#
- 3 x 12 ea. incline curl 15#
- 3 x 10 reverse fly 20#
- Core work & forearm stand practice
Thursday, 3.6: 4.25 miles, 10:56 pace + 22 minute leg day
Very windy and quite a chilly morning. Heart rate 155! Perhaps some improvement there. Ran 4 x sprint and got down to a 4:55 pace so at least some of my pep hasn’t strayed since my race a month ago.
- 3 x 10 squat 100#
- 3 x 6 ea. split squat 50#
- 3 x 8 ea. donkey kick 30#
- 3 x 12 leg press 190#
- 3 x 15 machine calf raise 170#
- Core work
Friday, 3.7: 3.5 miles, 11:01 pace + 21 minute chest & tris
152 heart rate! Still miffed that I’m so slooow but it’s good to see my metrics normalizing a bit.
- 3 x 8 chest press 30#
- 3 x 6 Arnold 20#
- 4 x 6 triceps pushdown 37#
- 3 x 8 incline chest press 25#
- 3 x 12 triceps dip 25#
- Core work
Saturday, 3.8: 8.5 miles, 10:52 pace
Overall a decent time! Legs feel a little roughed up from Thursday’s workout but otherwise I think this went pretty well. Heart rate a more normal 157 bpm, too.
Sunday, 3.9: 4.25 mile walk (1:06:19)
Total running mileage: 31.7
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