sidebar | life and training 4.1 – 4.7

Golly gosh I LOVE unexpected car trouble.

I’m being fairly dramatic, of course. A battery gone kablooey isn’t exactly life altering, but I sure wasn’t banking on it happening this week. Though, I guess you never count on anything like that occurring until it suddenly does.
The dumb part is that I had some signs that the death was impending. My car was starting to lag a little upon startup maybe a week ago, but like any good owner I ignored the signs hoping I’d get just a few more days out of it. Well, I did, but I believe it was Thursday morning my car took far too long to startup and the power steering warning flashed on, then immediately turned off.
Did I go get a battery right then? Nope.
Friday morning my car finally coughed and sputtered and wouldn’t turn on. Got a jump, was late for work, then learned how alarmingly few people at my job know how to jump a car. Full blown adults. If you’re wondering, jumping a car is very easy: red on positive, black on negative, don’t touch the clamps together when any of them are attached to the battery/ies.
This story took way too long to tell and I’m sure about 0 of you actually care. I went and got a new battery after work, then my friend invited me to lunch so I rumbled over to Green Lemon all up in a tizzy. When the bartender came up my friend more or less told him yeah I think she needs a margarita, and honestly it was a slammin’ drink and really hit the spot. I ordered the tuna, shrimp, and blackened fish tacos and a side of fries – my friend pulled the stereotypical orders-side-salad-but-eats-all-the-other-person’s-fries (except roles reversed considering he’s a dude).
Good shit. Helped me feel better about the fact that my old battery was a month out of warranty so I had to blow $237 on the new one. Meh.

Saturday we went blueberry picking at Wish Farms. Always seem to miss the u-picks – and I think last year’s season was truncated anyway – but the weather was gorgeous this time around and we managed about 8 pounds of blueberries between us. What should I bake with them?! I’ve plenty for casual eating but I’m thinking a bevy of berry good treats await.
Oh, and I watched Barbie. Strange but good film.

Sunday it was still wonderful outside and I was stir crazy after a stupid day at work, so I wandered over to Mandarin Heights for a quick drink and some reading. Very quiet there so it was pretty perfect for just zoning out and enjoying the day. I ordered the Two Dozen Roses, a whiskey drink with some Lillet and basil and grapefruit shit going on. So good, and so pretty too.
I’m excited for this week. If all goes well I’ll be kidnapping my best friend’s fiance for the day on Saturday to show her around a couple spots I like in Tampa; I haven’t gotten to know her too well separate from my friend, even though they’ve been together I think 8 years. That’s not until Saturday, so I’ve got a lot of days to fill in before then.
Hope ya’ll have a bangin’ week!
The Fuck We Cooking This Week?
…A fresh, spicy shrimp skewer.
…A lovely twist on chocolate chip cookies.
A Few Things I’m Digging
Nachos…Just over here baking very simple nachos out the wazoo. I’ve had some chips I need to use up before they go all stale, so the combination of those, black beans, shredded cheese, and salsa/guac for garnish as hit the spot nicely. If you want something a wee bit fancier, give my Chipotle BBQ Sweet Potato Nachos a go!
Nuggets…Yes, I’m eating like a child lately. These “chicken” nuggets are a go-to. I usually make some rice + a can of peas to go with, and ranch dressing. Simple can be better, kids.
Shops & Wish List
Target…I think I’m getting into hairclips…Like this shell one, marbled flower one, rose one, and the pearled flower one. Also a fan of the linen tank top and the tailored trousers (specifically lavender).
Target…Need this ice cream throw pillow, or the lobster pillow. Realistically I don’t need any more throw pillows but I just LOVE THEM.
Kitchen & Dining
Crate and Barrel…Spring entertaining ideas: these hammered double old fashioned glasses + punch bowl (love the marble stand) and ladle, or the brass beverage tub; ash serving board and lid (perhaps to cover a funfetti layer cake?) and fringed dinner napkins.
Week in Training
Monday, 4.1: 7 miles, 10:32 pace + 12 minute lift
Not a bad morning, had a busy afternoon so another pre-work run. Managed to get my short little weight session in while my cakes baked in the oven.
- 3 x 10 triceps extension 35#
- 3 x 10 Arnold 15#
- 3 x 10 straight arm pulldown 37#
- 1:30 core
Tuesday, 4.2: 8 miles, 10:33 pace + 15 minute lift
Something was disagreeing with my lungs this morning, some kind of pollen. Hasn’t been quite as rampant on the ground lately but clearly the air isn’t great cos breathing wasn’t much fun today. My hip was bothering me in the morning walking around but didn’t really feel off while running, which was odd. Gonna have to smash that knot out with a baseball in the coming days.
- 3 x 10 ea. single leg deadlift 70#
- 3 x 10 jump squat 40#
- 3 x 7 ea. single leg press 110#
- 1:30 core work
Wednesday, 4.3: 7 miles, 10:30 pace + 10 minute core
Knew the weather was gonna suck in the afternoon, so got the run in early. Glad I did – the wind gusts hit over 40 mph once 12-1pm rolled around!
Thursday, 4.4: 7 miles, 10:46 pace + 10 minute lift
Nice morning, much more agreeable than the previous day.
- 3 x 6 triceps extension 40#
- 3 x 6 Arnold 20#
- 3 x 6 straight arm pulldown 41#
- 1:30 core
Friday, 4.5: 7 miles, 10:30 pace
What a stupid day. Car battery shat out in the morning (I knew it was going to happen but lived in denial for a few days), learned it was one month post-warranty, then had to get over to the auto parts store after work to get everything squared away which luckily didn’t take long. Glad I got the run done in the morning and it felt really good, actually.
Saturday, 4.6: 8 miles, 10:33 pace + 14 minute lift
Nice morning, yesterday turned itself around decently so I woke up in a fairly good mood. Just my normal amount of 4am surly.
- 3 x 6 ea. single leg deadlift 80#
- 3 x 8 jump squat 50#
- 3 x 8 ea. single leg press 110#
- :30 dead hang + 1:00 core
Sunday, 4.7: 6.2 miles, 10:51 pace + 10 minute core
Lovely morning and fairly uncooperative legs, but got it done to round out the week!
Total running mileage: 50.2