sidebar | life and training 4.4 – 4.10

At long last, the brunt of Big Sur training is complete! Saturday I logged my final big fat ugly run, a 21 miler. Was going to go for 22 but I got sick of performing stupid loops so I just called it once I completed my last little stretch, but considering how decent I felt by the end I know I could’ve covered 22 if I felt like it.

The pre long run carb load
Lots of naps happened after run and brunch

On Wednesday of this coming week, I’m getting TSA Precheck squared away so I can skip the inevitably ugly security lines when we leave for California. J’s had it for awhile and we’ve talked about getting me squared away, but just never did. Doesn’t seem like too big a hitch on my day. I’m just hoping the fingerprinting and all that jazz doesn’t take long so I can carry on with my day.

Here’s a question – what kind of packer are you? Are you a last-minute procrastinator or do you start setting aside things at least a few days prior? It seems for my race vacations I’m more proactive about starting sooner than later. I always fear that I’ll neglect something crucial, like my race shoes or a trusty sports bra. Or underwear. That’d suck. Otherwise, casual vacations I’m less worried about being utterly meticulous. I figure if I don’t pack contract solution, I can easily obtain it at a store wherever we’re going.

What I’m Up To This Week

Testing…A fun springtime sandwich, a banana-themed treat, a simple ravioli dish, some saucy noodles, and a bowl-style Greek fixture!

Buying…Vacation goodies! I’m not eyeballing anything specific yet, I figure on my next Target run I’ll come across what I want/need. I’d like to get a bigger toiletry bag for my ever-growing skincare collection, a bathing suit for post-race soaks, and a nice dress for our fancy celebratory dinner after Big Sur. I kind of like this jumpsuit but am still not sure how jumpsuits look on me with my short ass legs.

Reading…The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides. My friend loaned it to me and said it was a total mindfuck, sort of on the vein of Shutter Island. I’m about a good psychological thriller so long as there’s a good story.

Finishing…My college application. The deadline is creeping up on me and about ready to slap me right in the noggen. I’m mostly done minus obtaining the letters of recommendation.

Excited for…Our trip! Minus the marathon part…We so far have plans to visit a few wineries, get a nice dinner at the Pebble Beach Golf Club, and once we hit Chicago tour Wrigley Field and the Art Institute. Forking love travel, man. So much out there to see.

Eating…Popcorn. So much popcorn. I’ve mentioned my obsession before but it’s become a daily habit I just can’t shake. I guess there’s worse things to enjoy each day?

A Few Things I’m Digging

Homemade salsa…J’s whipped up a couple batches of homemade salsa in our new blender and my goodness is it a step above storebought. I do love me some grocery brands but nothing beats homemade. Looking for something spicy? Try that hatch chile salsa in these Spicy Fish Tacos.

Baseball…It’s back! And this graphic my sister sent me gives me so many happy feelings I set it as my lock screen.

Puff pastry…Been having lots of fun playing with this flaky, buttery delicacy. I’ve two recipes coming up using pastry and I’m quite stoked on both!

Flowers…I LOVE ranunculus season at Trader Joes! They make just the prettiest centerpieces for my tabletop and the precarious stairwell ledge.

Retinol…Recently added Naturium’s Retinol Complex Serum to my nightly routine and my skin has somehow gotten even smoother than before. Retinol is awesome for smoothing out fine lines and encouraging cell turnover.

Week in Training

Monday, 4.4: 6.55 miles, 10:42 pace + 55 minutes shoulders & triceps

Stringing together some less than stellar-feeling runs lately, which isn’t ideal what with this week being peak week. High heart rate and that familiar locked-up breathing despite trying to ease my tension and open up. Hoping it passes as the week progresses and especially before Saturday’s long run.


  • 4 x 8 overhead press 25#
  • 3 x 5/2 x 8 chest press 80/70#
  • 4 x 10 triceps extension 40#
  • 4 x 10 side raise 20# SS 8 around the world 10#
  • 4 x 10 kickback 20#
  • 4 x 10 shrugs 45# SS 10 ea. oblique bends 45#
  • 4 x 10 ea. eccentric press 20#
  • 4 x 10 pulses 30/35#
  • 3 x 20 alt. hover donkey kick
  • 3 x 15 ea. cross knee to elbow
  • 50 crunches

Tuesday, 4.5: 5.16 miles, 10:40 pace + 30 minute back and biceps

Quickie strength today after a thankfully better run. I plodded up a bridge 8x out and back, which took longer than I expected and left me less time for the gym. Superset workouts are awesome for those crunch mornings: got a lot of work in with minimal minutes!


  • 3 x 10 underhand row 45# SS 8 curl 25#
  • 3 x 8 reverse fly 30# SS 10 hammer curl 20#
  • 4 x 8 ea. single arm row 45# SS 10 bar reverse curl
  • 4 x 6 mid row 90# SS 10 boat curl 15#
  • 4 x 10 bent front raise 35#

Wednesday, 4.6: 9.52 miles, 9:27 pace + 50 minute legs

I really expected this workout to completely flop. I haven’t run in a 75 dew point since October so I’m nowhere near acclimated, and with the unpredictable nature of my running lately I didn’t think I could pull off any sort of extended effort. My body shocked me today, though. I wonder if I’m a hot weather runner nowadays because I did so well in the conditions. Managed an 8:58 average and negative splits from the 9:20s to the 8:30s, with a lot left in my tank. Helped that I was encouraged by a runner I see all the time yelling “great pace!” as I trucked along and chatting for a minute with a guy who encouraged me during Chicago training and who I hadn’t seen since a bit before that race. Just a great session altogether. Took in a Maurten at mile 4 of the workout.


  • 4 x 12 elevated narrow squat 90#
  • 4 x 10 plie squat 120#
  • 4 x 16 stepup 40#
  • 5 x 10 leg press 180#
  • 2 x 8/3 x 8 ea. single leg extension 60/70#
  • 4 x 16 walking lunges 40#
  • 4 x 15 ea. banded leg drives
  • :90 plank with leg raise

Thursday, 4.7: 4.17 miles, 10:48 pace + 35 minute shoulders & triceps

Sweltering out, 77 with a 75 dew. Easy miles but I was entirely soaked by the end. I again had limited time for a lift but made of it what I could. Kind of a shame that I can’t make more space for a gym session but that’s the nature of peak week.


  • 4 x 10 bench press 30# SS 10 ea. single arm extension 15#
  • 4 x 8 military press 20# SS 10 weighted diamond pushup 15#
  • 4 x 10 lying extension 40# SS 12 OH leg drop 30#
  • 4 x 10 seated bar press 30# SS 10 boat triceps extension 30#

Friday, 4.8: 5.65 miles, 10:38 pace + 50 minute back & biceps

Really lovely morning to trot and test out a new pair of Adidas Adios 6! They’re quite different from my usual New Balance 1080s so I’ll hold off a full-scale opinion for now, but I think I got into a good rhythm with them as the run went on.


  • 4 x 10 rotating biceps curl 20#
  • 4 x 10 ea. single leg row 35#
  • 4 x 12 barbell curl 20# on bar
  • 4 x 10 cable curl 37#
  • 4 x 10 mid row 70#
  • 4 x 8 reverse fly 30#
  • 4 x 20 hip swivel
  • 3 x 10 ea. weighted bird dog 10#
  • 3 x 10 ea. weighted deadbug 10#

Saturday, 4.9: 21.16 miles, 10:55 pace + 33 minute strength

This run went pretty well! Not a life-changing or earth-shattering session, but I felt reasonably strong the whole time minus some miles here and there where I felt like a clunkerdunk. Tried to simulate race day fueling, so Poptart and Nuun Prime beforehand, three non-caffeinated Maurten gels and a Huma gel during. I aimed for every 4.5 miles, which worked well, but I think I’ll go with every 4 miles during the race. It was a lovely day albeit with an irritating breeze at points.


  • 4 x 12 ea. single leg calf raise 120#
  • 3 x 10 ea. banded leg extension to standing hydrant
  • 3 x 10 ea. lunge rock 40#
  • 3 x 15 yogi squat 50#

Sunday, 4.10: 3.17 mile walk (48:00)

Total running mileage: 52.19

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