sidebar | life and training 6.24 – 6.30

That feeling when your plugged-up ears pop is about as close to heaven as one can get.

I only started with that little tidbit because this morning I woke up and couldn’t hear shit thanks to my allergy-induced ear cloggage. I milled about my pre-run routine this way, and only when I took my first footstep outside upon starting my watch did the air clear and I could perceive sound again!

Speaking of ears, here’s another fact you certainly didn’t ask for. Among the other stressors of the week, my second piercing hole in both lobes decided to swallow up the plastic backings I wore with my earrings. So yes, I had two plastic knobs stuck beneath the skin. I managed to extract one of them on my own (didn’t even hurt) but the other one it seems turned sideways or some convoluted crap, so he’s effectively trapped. I suppose a doctor trip is in order to get that stupid thing out.

Word to the wise, kids: always use the metal backings. Ears apparently like to eat plastic.

‘Twas a stressful week in Kellieland. I feel like I’m always saying that, but that’s kinda been the theme of 2024. I’m surprised I haven’t gone full-blown gray. I had some ups, of course, lots of new adventures and friend time, but also a good amount of downs, where I questioned myself copiously and had to fight to re-regulate my systems in order to not undergo a total meltdown.

Monday I met up with a friend to see Inside Out 2 and grab a late lunch. The movie was adorable, though I think the first one was better. We moseyed over to Shaker & Peel for tacos – one that I had was made with a hibiscus tortilla (presumably hibiscus flower powdered was mixed into the cornmeal) and was actually pretty damn good. The filling was quinoa and corn based or some shit.

Tuesday I bowled, pretty poorly compared to my previous weeks’ scores – I landed on a 118 one game, which is kinda shite for me. Then back to Shaker & Peel for more tacos. It was nearby, so why not?

After a strange conversation on Wednesday, and an accumulation of other circumstances, I woke up largely underslept and stressed out on Thursday. I sort of floated through the workday like a ghost and ultimately worked myself into a tizzy that I just couldn’t shake. Some quality alone time was in order. I went bowling again, and ended up with some polarizing scores – every game except one I think was in either the 130s or 180s.

Thankfully, I woke up in a better mood Friday and was able to function more or less normally. I ended up at TBBC for dinner after swindling a couple episodes of The Bear off my friend’s Hulu. I know I’m behind on the hype but that is a pretty damn good show.

Saturday called for a solo adventure to St. Pete to hit up a few spots I’d wanted to try. First, a walk (initially in the wrong direction cos I’m a dumbass) to the newly-opened Pistil House for a quick glass of rose. The space opened this past Tuesday and the owners did a lovely job curating such a cozy environment. I would’ve thought the flower selection might be larger, but since the business is so new perhaps they’ll expand their florist repertoire. Or not. Either way, methinks I’ll be adding this spot to my St. Pete rotation.

Right beside Pistil House is Valkyrie Doughnuts, a plant-based bakery dishing out monstrously-large doughnuts and an assortment of other delicious looking baked goods. Seriously tempted by many of the selections. I took home a half dozen: two chocolate, two French toast (my favorite), a churro, and a strawberry. Fabulous. 10/10 would go back.

Finished off the week with a little happy hour visit to a usual haunt, Lona. Fajitas called my name, so I must answer the call.

And now, it’s July. How the fuck is it July? Yesterday (June 30) was my half-birthday, so I’m officially closer to 31 than 30. Can’t say I’m upset year 30 is gonna fly out the window, though all the same I’m not in a huge hurry to observe time whizzing by like a bat out of hell.

Take care, ya’ll. Enjoy each day, and if you cant enjoy it, at least tolerate it.

The Fuck We Cooking This Week?

…A redo of an ice cream I just made. Not happy with the photos. Not bitching about being able to eat more ice cream.

…A fresh and easy pasta salad.

…A healthier homemade snack favorite.

A Few Things I’m Digging

Face masks…I ran out of the Trader Joe’s overnight masks I used so I’m buying a different Que Bella mask every week. Love them – my favorites so far are the lavender and the tea tree mud masks.

The Bear…Like I said before, I’m behind on the hype of this one, but it’s a fabulous (if not very stressful) show.

Week in Training

Monday, 6.24: 8 miles, 11:03 pace + 13 minute lift

Surprised my heart rate averaged 152 because I felt like hooey: heavy legs, weird breathing, not to mention there was absolutely no breeze. I’ve been doing leg day on Mondays just to get it over with but I couldn’t stomach the idea of squats, so upper body it was.


  • 3 x 6 bench press 30#
  • 3 x 7 skullcrusher 20#
  • 3 x 8 hammer curl 20#
  • :30 hang/2:00 core

Tuesday, 6.25: 6.36 miles, 11:00 pace

Didn’t so much want to run this morning, but felt okay once I did. I wound up skipping my scheduled lift because my legs were just not into the idea of doing anything else. Might take a little gym break this week to see if they start feeling looser.

Wednesday, 6.26: 7 miles, 11:04 pace

Man do I not feel like exercising at all lately. This run felt weirdly nice once I got going (despite it being 83 degrees at 4am) but going to the gym has been a huge chore, so I skipped once again. Hope I can get back into a groove sooner than later.

Thursday, 6.27: 4.24 miles, 10:37 pace

Barely slept, ate a slice of peanut butter-banana-chocolate chip toast at 1 am, and felt utterly stressed all morning. But this run helped a little, strangely.

Friday, 6.28: 4.21 miles, 10:41 pace

No gym-spiration again, run was a little more of a drag but still not awful.

Saturday, 6.29: 8 miles, 10:53 pace + 10 minute core

Noticed a bothersome pulling in my right hip, especially at the start of the run. This is the hip that usually gives me grief when it flares up – otherwise, the run was okay, albeit extremely stifling.

Sunday, 6.30: 5.15 miles, 10:40 pace

Afternoon run again – very hot, but I didn’t feel too bad considering

Total running mileage: 43

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