sidebar | life and training 6.6 – 6.12

4 years with my main squeeze. Hard to believe. I don’t want to spend too much time being sappy, but really, it’s impressive I’ve managed not to frighten someone off after so long a duration. I mean, damn, I frighten myself off sometimes.

Sunday marked those 4 years, the anniversary of my phone taking a suicide dive into the toilet and preventing me from a last-minute bail on playing pool and drinking whiskey. I’d evaded J for many months before finally, on a whim, consenting to a date. Every progression thereafter felt quite natural. And here we are, now. Wowzas.

We celebrated pretty casually. Coffee and breakfast in the morning, splash time in the pool, more coffee, and a grand finale of a grilled lobster feast. Simple, but peaceful. Just the way we like it. The important factor was spending the day in each other’s company and enjoying things we both like. We even spotted one of the Lightning players at the second coffee shop and were able to say congrats for their third consecutive Stanley Cup final appearance. Pretty neat.

Now, a new week, back to the norm. I’ve bought a new basil plant every damn week and I should probably calm the fuck down with those purchases. My dining table is morphing into a greenhouse. Though, I’ll have to admit, all of the green brings me joy. I should probably buy a little table for them, though, so we can set our table for real without the disruption.

Question: Do you prefer the beach or the pool? Pool all the way for me. Fuck sand.

Coffee at DI
Breakfast at Buddy Brew
The dinner spread

What I’m Up To This Week

Testing…Shrimp pitas and tacos, a fresh vegan appetizer, an ice cream treat, an easy bagel recipe, and a frozen cocktail!

Buying…All the new outfits. Trying to freshen up my wardrobe with a capsule theme. Trying to form some looks around this cute mid-length dress, adding this macrame bag, the comfiest everyday sandals and this dusty brown headwrap. Operation Be Less Ugly in full swing!

Wanting…a sage green blazer like this one, except more budget-friendly, and a simple pair of nude heels.

Loving…Neutrals and dessert-tones. Think the scheme of dusty rose/orange, black, white, and crisp rosemary greens will characterize my wardrobe once I can transition into the aforementioned capsule style.

Wanting…A lightweight romper like this one from Madewell. Love lightweight fabrics and the collared style of this piece.

Drinking…Banana protein shakes with mocha protein powder, decaf instant espresso, and topped with this cinnamon crunch granola. Such a satisfying snack for all my varied cravings.

Wanting…These amethyst cocktail glasses. I can picture them working for both summery drinks and spooky creations in the fall!

Drinking…Various sparkling waters from Good & Gather. So far love the Yuzu + Mandarin and Strawberry Mango best. Also, do caffeinated sparkling waters weird anyone else out or just me?

Eating…Frosted Blueberry Pop-Tarts pre-workout. I’ll always be a chocolate hoe but these are good when my chocolate-tooth recedes into my gums. Yes, I’m aware Pop-Tarts are generally evil, but before sessions they’re a great sugar (and mood) boost.

Clearly I’m wanting a lot of shit these days, oh well.

Summer Style Inspiration

I built these looks based on pieces I already own, with elements I wish to add.

A Few Things I’m Digging

Picnic-style sandwiches…So inspired after my Marinated Balsamic Veggie Cheese Sandwich that I developed a second one this past weekend. Stay tuned!

Glow drops…Versed Mood Lighting Glow Drops are a treat for days I want an extra glimmer in my complexion. Not an everyday wear piece for me, but for special occasions like Sunday or times when a mental pick-me-up is necessary.

Cupcakes…Added Banana Fluffernutter Cupcakes to my rotation and these were a massive hit at work. Baking these miniaturized cakes has been loads of fun and I’m trying already to consider a fall-themed flavor!

Hydration…Always fall back on Nuun Lemon Lime tablets during the summer. We’re already reaching the mid-90s (cry) and I can’t imagine what July/August will bring. These taste nice and help me feel more energized than sipping water alone.

Bath wrap…With pool visits increasing I love having a wraparound towel to shield myself in while I waltz out to the deck. This one is similar to mine, I’m not even sure what brand mine is but they all boast the same functions.

Week in Training

Monday, 6.6: 3.25 miles, 11:24 pace + 1 hour back & biceps

Reached a running ultimatum today: going to stop for awhile, except for a 5k race Saturday. It’s not giving me joy and I’m not getting any better, so I figure a total halt is in the cards. Shame, but hopefully I’ll find other endeavors to keep me occupied until my body realigns or I figure out what’s going on with me.


  • 3 x 10 biceps curls 25#
  • 3 x 10 ea. row 40#
  • 4 x 8 cable hammer curl 41#
  • 4 x 8 mid row 80#
  • 2 x 15 reverse curl 15# SS 8 wide curl 20#
  • 2 x 8/2 x 10 face pull 54/49#
  • 3 x 12 rotating hammer curl 15#
  • 3 x 12 straight arm pulldown 37#
  • 3 x 8 lat pulldown 70#
  • 3 x 20 leg drops 30# OH
  • 3 x 10 ea. side plank rainbows
  • 20 ea. oblique bends 25#

Tuesday, 6.7: 25 minute elliptical + 1 hour shoulders & triceps + 1,250 yard swim (32:19)

Crowded pool in the afternoon but I got some decent work done. 100 warmup, 4 x 50 as 25 catchup (I sucked at this drill)/25 breast, 6 x 50 kick, 150, 2 x 50 kick, 2 x 150 free, 100 cooldown.


  • 2 x 10 bent arm side raise 15# SS 10 pull-apart 15#
  • 3 x 8 OH extension 45#
  • 3 x 10 incline OH press 25#
  • 4 x 6 chest press 80#
  • 3 x 12 side raise 15#
  • 3 x 12 ea. single arm extension 15#
  • 3 x 8 upright row 25#
  • 3 x 10 close incline bench press 25#
  • 3 x 10 hammer front raise 30#
  • 3 x 10 triceps pushdown 37#
  • 3 x 10 ea. windmill 15#
  • 5 minute core

Wednesday, 6.8: 5.05 miles, 12:08 pace + 1 hour legs

Conservative run/walk of 1 minute on, 1:30 off, just letting my body do whatever. I messed up my watch and set the intervals as 24 x 1 MILE run. Woops.


  • 3 x 8 ea. single leg deadlift 70#
  • 3 x 20 alt. box squat 20#
  • 3 x 10 ea. single leg press 120#
  • 3 x 10 ea. elevated side lunge 70#
  • 3 x 10 ea. elevated static lunge 70#
  • 3 x 16 walking lunge 40#
  • 3 x 15 ea. supported single leg deadlift SS 10 goblet squat 40#
  • 3 x 20 squat knee-out
  • 3 x 20 ea. band side extension
  • 3 x 12 ea. band single leg bridge

Thursday, 6.9: 2.02 miles, 12:24 pace + 56 minute back & biceps + 1,100 yard swim (24:27)

80 degrees at 5 am but I didn’t feel like being inside for some reason, so opted for a quick 25 minute run/walk before the lift. Storms blew through most of the morning but left cloudy residue in its stead and little more, so I squeezed in a quick splash of mixed freestyle and breaststroke before heading home. As always, glad I went to the pool to wind down.


  • 3 x 8 ea. concentration curl 20#
  • 3 x 10 ea. single arm pulldown 28#
  • 4 x 10 preacher curl 55#
  • 3 x 10 seated rope pulldown 71#
  • 3 x 12 around the world bicep curls 15#
  • 3 x 8 mid row 80#
  • 3 x 10 boat hammer curl 20#
  • 3 x 10 narrow row 35#
  • 5 x 6 ea. single arm pulldown 20#
  • 5 minute abs

Friday, 6.10: 3.73 mile walk (57:00)

Switched my rest days to accommodate for the race tomorrow, so Walking Friday it is.

Saturday, 6.11: 50 minute shoulders & tris + 3.13 miles, 8:35 pace/Watermelon 5K

Restless evening and slept fitfully from about 3-4am, when I finally grumbled out of bed, slurped my preworkout, and headed to the gym. Quick 5 minute spin to warm up and a good strength session, the early quiet was welcome. Made a protein shake to sip on the ride to Lakeland for the race.

The morning cooled off via some early rain, so the remnant breeze made things much more tolerable for the 7am start. I obviously expected nothing from this trek and just wanted to pace intelligently and smoothly. I accomplished that fairly handily. Splits came in at 8:45, 8:42, and 8:24, which is not prime fitness for me but it’ll do considering I haven’t trained properly for anything in awhile and my body is rather resistant half the time. The route was lovely, around a big glowing lake. Not a bad event and a cute medal to boot.


  • 3 x 10 bench press 70#
  • 3 x 8 kickback 20#
  • 3 x 10 seated military press 20#
  • 3 x 12 chest fly 20#
  • 3 x 10 shrug 45#
  • 3 x 10 OH extension 40#
  • 3 x 12 skullcrusher 30#
  • 3 x 10 upright row 20#
  • 3 x 8 incline press 30#
  • 5 minute abs

Sunday, 6.12: 4 miles, 11:40 pace + 1 hour legs

What a surprise to see a sub-12 average during a run/walk. Heart rate wasn’t bad, 156 average, and I dipped into the 7s during my run intervals without realizing it. Going to stick with 1 minute run/1:30 walk for a while I think. Seems to suit me for now.


  • 3 x 10 ea. imbalanced squats 40#
  • 4 x 8 ea. hip thrust 40#
  • 3 x 12 elevated sumo deadlift 80#
  • 3 x 12 plie squat 90#
  • 3 x 20 swings 40#
  • 3 x 12 alt. curtsy lunge 70#
  • 3 x 12 sumo squat 90#
  • 3 x 40 toe walks
  • 3 x 10 ea. donkey to hydrant
  • 3 x 10 ea. hip lift things (these suck)
  • 6 minute abs

Total running mileage: 18.45

Total swimming yardage: 2,350

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