sidebar | life and training 7.11 – 7.17

Double rainbow on I think Wednesday night, taken by J

Aaaaand it’s mid-July. The fuck is up with that?

I enjoyed some fun coincidences this week, all revolving around Sunday’s apparent National Ice Cream Day. J and I strolled out for affogatos Saturday at a local scoop shop, and Sunday I posted a reel on Instagram featuring my Peach Melba Ice Cream Loaf Cake. All without a clue about the niche marketing holiday. How about that? Sometimes my brain works, kiddos.

I’ve been in all having fun in the kitchen lately. I’ve mentioned my love of Publix peaches and creating absolutely everything peachy I can pull out my ass before the fruits slowly seep away after the summer. Days have proven quite long, though, and I’m starting to consider finding ways to reclaim at least portions of my mornings and evenings that don’t revolve around a new concept. Even the most motivated bodies deserve a break.

It seems this week my running has made a shift in a good direction. Wednesday I ran a bit over 8 miles, which I haven’t touched for months upon months, and finished feeling really good. I reached 23 overall, which is a good leap from my 15-18 average. Though I’m not keen to return to marathon training mileage (seriously, no thanks), it’s nice that longer outings are feeling accessible again. I’m not sure exactly what catalyzed this improvement. I just had a good day Wednesday and my following pair of runs followed suit. Whatever, man. I’ll take it.

Evening walks with my favorite

Sunday I enjoyed a nice supper with mom, which is almost never an elaborate fixture. I arrived to a plateful of snacks – shrimp and lime crema in wonton wrappers and coconut fruit cups – and left with a full heart. I’m really glad she lives so close to me. Our weekends together are always special.

Those are the highlights from my week. We’ve fallen into a summer storm pattern and Saturday experienced quite a rattling affair in the evening. I guess the hospital nearby got struck by a bolt. Spook. Our drive began to flood out and I had to move my basils more in towards the landing so they wouldn’t drown or blow too hard. Gotta protect the emerald kids, you know?

Any highlights from your week? Share em with me below!

Tasks for the Week

Let’s call this an accountability thing, shall we? Share some of your goals, too. Let’s do this, damn it.

7.25 meal plan…A given.

Change car insurance…Getting expensive on my current policy so need to shop around for one that’s comparable but more reasonable.

Evening yoga sessions…Want to make this a habit. Even just a 5 minute flow to wind down.

Start new publication…Thinking on a new e-project for you guys to enjoy! Thinking something summer themed. Got some brainstorming to do.

Make a budget…And stick to it. Been an expensive few months and need to reel it in a bit to keep on track.

Shit I’m Into from Crate and Barrel

Always eyeballing new items for my collection, and I’m adding these to my wishlist. Yes, including some fall stuff.

Not sponsored. Not cool enough for that.

What I’m Up To This Week

Testing…More tacos (I’m obsessed lately especially since I’ve gotten 1/4 right), a peppy quinoa salad, an easy noodle dinner, the cutest little cream puffs, and a big fat indulgent burger sure to give you some serious nostalgia.

Eyeing…A few Nordstrom Anniversary Sale finds. Not sure if they’ll be left once the early access shit ends, but I love this cream crewneck sweater and cable knit sweater tank. They’re about the only things that could fit my budget and are a nice prelude to some autumn fashions.

Buying…AirPods and these window box planters on Prime Day. Really wasn’t looking for much but the AirPods will help with my microphone crisis (one of the software updates blew it out so I can’t make phone calls) and I’m hopeful the planters will make my basils happy. I decided to set the kids outside again with some preventative neem spray and plant food. Perhaps they’ll enjoy the sunlight.

Anticipating…Fall recipe testing! I know there’s a good deal of summer left but I’m already brainstorming Thanksgiving concepts and cozier meals. I made a running list in my phone of things I want to develop, and it’s getting me antsy to start. Though I still have much more to do with peaches…

Loving… Pacifica Eye Bright masks. They really do feel clarifying and open up my puffy-ass tired eyes. Might be a new treat for busy Monday recovery in the evenings. I use their collagen eye cream already and quite like it, though I’m not sure it’s mind blowing. The eye masks though? Dope.

Interested in…Dry brushing. I’ve heard it’s great for exfoliation, circulation, stress, and lymphatic drainage, but I’ve always wondered if the claims are a gimmick or not. I might pick up this one when I’m out next. I’m also curious about gua sha but not sure if I want to shell out for $20+ for a hyped up facial rolling pin.

Reading… “How To Make Brownies with a Shiny Thin Crust” from Tessa Arias. Referenced the shit out of this post while developing the Extra Crinkly Nutella Fudge Brownies. Her guide is comprehensive, easy to understand, and extremely helpful for learning the craft and science of brownie baking.

Trying…To establish a solid morning and night routine. I find it hard to shut off after a day in the kitchen and my brain is typically shooting out different thoughts and ideas. It would be nice to take at least an hour after waking/before bed to empty my mind of such things. I’d also like to reincorporate journaling into my day. Eyeing this cute frosty pink one or maybe a mint vegan suede one.

Wanting…A larger sized Kitchenaid food processor – thinking 9 cup would be adequate but am open to the 11 cup model as well. Pretty sure 13 would be too big of a honker to stow.

A Few Things I’m Digging

Margaritas…Loving the Peach Margarita from Saturday. Sweet, light, and simple. Grab the recipe here!

Basic tees…Mentioned it before, but very much appreciate how comfy and versatile they are. I wear these most often.

Sunscreen…Trader Joe’s Daily Facial Sunscreen is the best. Makes my face smooth as shit. Apparently it’s a dupe for a very expensive brand, and while I wouldn’t know anything about that, I can tell you that this is the best facial sunscreen I’ve ever used.

Tarts…The Peach Ricotta Tarts with Lemon Thyme Honey are one of my primo treats lately. Both I and readers love them – someone made a twist on the recipe using raspberries instead. You guys are loving it and I’m loving the creativity!

Airpods…Like I mentioned above, I bought the second generation model during Prime Days. Love them. Makes my defunct phone feel less worthless.

Week in Training

Monday, 7.11: 3.25 miles, 10:49 pace + 1 hour full body

Run sucked, but my lifting progress continues to make itself known. For some moves I’m lifting double what I could do when I first seriously started up in the gym back in November. That is quite an accomplishment for me!


  • 3 x 10 ea. single leg hip thrust 45#
  • 3 x 8 bench press 40#
  • 3 x 8 preacher curl 75#
  • 3 x 8 wide row 35#
  • 3 x 15 sumo deadlift 90#
  • 3 x 10 sumo squat 90#
  • 3 x 12 OH extension 45#
  • 3 x 6 ea. OH press 30#
  • 3 x 10 ea. Jefferson lunge 50# on bar
  • 3 x 10 waiter curl 35#
  • 3 x 11 narrow pulldown 77#

Tuesday, 7.12: 25 minute elliptical + 52 minute shoulders, chest + tris + 1,100 yard swim (23:29)

Felt no desire to run so hit the elliptical for a split session: 15 minutes before lifting, 10 minutes after. Felt really nice and I’m glad I opted for indoors rather than a probably-crap run. Swim was a straightforward 800 yards + 300 yards.


  • 3 x 8 pushdown 45#
  • 3 x 11 narrow press 35#
  • 3 x 12 hammer front raise 25#
  • 3 x 8 close grip press 35#
  • 3 x 10 ea. upright row 25#
  • 3 x 9 ea. single arm triceps extension 20#
  • 3 x 10 bent arm side raise 20#
  • 3 x 12 pullover 40#
  • 2 x 20 banded pull aparts
  • 2 x 10 ea. windmill 20#
  • 30 jackknives

Wednesday, 7.13: 8.45 miles, 11:01 pace + 45 minute legs

Well, I don’t know where the hell that run came from. I decided to try and really be present and grateful during the session no matter how far or not fast I went. I kept my eyes up, viewed the big ole moon, and took it mile by mile to see if I felt like continuing or not. Turned into a great time, albeit my legs certainly tired out by the end. Not used to 90 minutes anymore. Kept leg day short but effective since my energy wasn’t quite as perky.


  • 3 x 10 goblet narrow elevated squat 60#
  • 3 x 12 goblet sumo squat 60#
  • 3 x 15 narrow press 170#
  • 3 x 8 leg extension 160#
  • 3 x 16 walking lunge 40#
  • 2 x 10 deadlift 120#
  • 3 x 20 glute bridge 50#
  • 3 x 10 ea. banded standing hydrants
  • 3 x 20 weighted rocking planks 10#

Thursday, 7.14: 3.53 mile walk (56:00) + 1.5 mile walk (21:00)

Meant to swim after work, but storms interrupted that plan so took a second stroll to reset.

Friday, 7.15: 4.13 miles, 10:39 pace + 40 minute strength

A weird “cold front” blew through Thursday night (that shit was thunderous, the whole house shook) and brought the dew point down to 69 this morning! My run felt so good and I even extended it a little beyond plan, which cut into my gym session. That’s okay. Gotta enjoy those runs whenever they start on such a positive note, and I still got a good lift in anyway.


  • 3 x 8 hammer curl 25#
  • 3 x 8 lat pulldown 80#
  • 2 x 10/2 x 8 cable curl 37/41#
  • 3 x 8 zottman curl 20#
  • 3 x 9 ea. single arm row 45#
  • 3 x 10 hammer bent over front raise 35#

Saturday, 7.16: 7.18 miles, 10:52 pace + 55 minute legs

Another successful run! First two miles sucked but right at mile 3 something shifted and I started grooving easily through the rest. I’ve been walking briefly each mile to drink my water and that seems to be helping improve my overall mood while working out. Definitely nice that these longer runs are starting to feel accessible again.


  • 3 x 12 diamond squat 70#
  • 3 x 8 ea. lateral stepup 30#
  • 3 x 10 ea. single leg press 120#
  • 3 x 10 ea. single leg deadlift 60#
  • 3 x 12 sumo elevated deadlift 90#
  • 2 x 10/2 x 8 lateral lunge 60/70#
  • 3 x 15 ea. lateral banded leg lifts 20#
  • 3 x 16 deadbug 25#
  • 3 x 15 ea. knee drive 15#

Sunday, 7.17: 4.03 mile walk (1:00:00)

Total running mileage: 23

Total swimming yardage: 1,100

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