sidebar | life and training 9.4 – 9.10

A soul-fulfilling week with the people I love most. Needed that.

I’ve had quite a few ups and downs these past two weeks – too many of which to keep track. One day I’m utterly motivated and plentifully optimistic. The next, I wake up contemplating giving up everything I’ve tried to build with FMG in exchange for a standard working life. One thing you may not know about this here project is that I make $0 off of it – I’m all about transparency, and that is the truth.

I share recipes because learning to cook for myself saved me from dwindling into a malnourished pit, and maybe for some an easygoing approach to figuring out good foods to keep around, can help create a healthy mindset towards being in the kitchen. That is my purpose, I think. Not being an uptight and highfalutin fuck that claims to be the best there ever was. Just like you, I’m a derp navigating the everchanging landscape of Life, and doing so by treading alongside the seasons via choosing what goes on my plate.

But, I’ve been dejected, and without too much detail being relayed and without exuding a “woe is me” attitude, it’s been bleeding into my everyday mindset. Thus, I’ve come to think part of my issue is a general dysconnectivity between myself and what carries meaning in life. I’m pretty busy most days, between trying to build up my vision and with practical everyday affairs – The Day Job, keeping the house from splintering into a dirty shell, running, and I guess sleeping and shit – and that distribution of time keeps me from enjoying the outside world and those pleasures that give existing true purpose.

I remember before FMG I’d use my days off work to go to coffee shops and do whatever the fuck it was I did. I’d listen to MLB Radio, meal prep, rest, sometimes see a friend if a friend was available. I used to drive all the damn time, too, out to Lakeland to visit a favorite haunt and walk around Lake Mirror, not caring about how long it takes to get out there and the inevitable traffic on the way back.

I reminisce about this because I think I’ve become rather stale, and I’m slowly shrinking into a fragile pole that’ll eventually crack if I don’t fix something. People aren’t meant to be overworked; think of it like pitchers in baseball who throw so hard, so frequently, that they’re doomed to have Tommy John surgery twice, thrice before they hit 30 years old. Elbows aren’t made for that caliber of strain – and people aren’t either, as a whole.

Last week I remembered what it’s like to let loose, be around good people, and break routine. We went to the Rays game Friday night with my best friend of 10 years and his fiance – who I’ll also adopt as a best friend because she’s fucken dope. I was out later than usual, had one of those Cutwater canned spirits and was loosey goosey and dancing in my seat and laughing about fuck knows what. I came home feeling joyful. Woke up five hours later, still tipsy, and ran 10 miles.

Sunday, J and I had a casual dinner at our favorite spot. Their mussels are the best, dudes. It was quite warm out but being outside and away from home, people watching and just being around other folks doing their own thing, satisfied that primal urge for companionship.

Is this in any way to say that I’m abandoning FMG? No. But I have a lot of work to do as far as rediscovering my own ideal balance goes. Some of this boils down to saying “yes” more when invited to do things, and taking initiative to suggest outings, and changing my scenery a bit so I’m not just holed up at my dining table writing on the afternoons I need to do that. I need to find what makes me feel good, like myself, and give myself permission to change my mind if what I have planned just doesn’t seem right and I need to pivot.

What intention are you carrying for the week? Or, hell, the rest of the year. We’ve only a few months left before 2024 and I’m always acutely aware of what I’ve done and haven’t done the prior days and weeks. I’d like to finish off on a positive note, if I can.

The Fuck We Cooking This Week?

…A sweet and savory autumnal pizza.

…A perfect baked feta gameday appetizer.

…A cozy one skillet salmon dish.

…A smoky cider cocktail!

…Pumpkin-y soft pretzels!

A Few Things I’m Digging

Oat milk…FINALLY Trader Joe’s Maple Oat Milk is back on the shelves! I go through cartons of this like crazy in the fall, it’s one of my favorite seasonal items.

Velvet pumpkins…I’ve bought quite a few little decorations for my bookshelf area and coffee table. Target has $3 mini pumpkins available in their Bullseye Playground area if you can find them; otherwise, these are similar, and this set is perfectly cozy for the couch if you’d like a more style-forward option!

Belvitas…Got my hands on a couple pumpkin spice Belvitas last week. Love them for a quick afternoon pickup, especially with coffee.

Shops & Wish List


Target…These pocket high rise leggings look super soft and I love the colorways. Picked up this racerback cami tank top and really like the fit. With marathon training approaching, can’t have too much run gear.

Amazon…Bought these highly-rated Ratavas bike shorts to add to my running collection and holy shit they’re incredible. Soft, comfy, and the pockets are nice and deep for my water bottle. Might have to grab another pair of two.

Skincare & Wellness

No.7…Trying out the Lift & Luminate fragrance-free day cream. Nice creamy formula, I liked the protect & perfect line but they stopped carrying it in stores.


Target…So many cozy new drops! Like this boucle plaid throw and this cute spherical throw pillow. Taking all my self control not to get more pumpkin throw pillows, and these cotton velvet pillows in ALL THE COLORS…I cannot say no to an autumnal gnome either.

Week in Training

Monday, 9.4: 9 miles, 11:39 pace

No clue where this run came from, but I guess I needed to unleash some mental gunk and it took 9 miles to do that, heh. Felt okay out, this was hard because I haven’t run that distance in quite awhile, but I saw two ships come to port and the breeze was glorious. Guess I can call this an overall win!

Tuesday, 9.5: 4 miles, 11:22 pace + 10 minute mobility

Felt okay out, had a lot on my mind, so running felt right.

Wednesday, 9.6: 4.1 miles, 10:59 pace

Decided sort of last minute to throw in a bit of tempo work, so ran 1.25 miles at a slightly harder effort. Averaged around 9:2x for the bit, which isn’t very impressive, but it was nice to challenge myself a little.

Thursday, 9.7: 35 minute full body lift

At least this week, taking one of my walk days and turning it into a lift day felt right. Tried to hit all my major muscle groups. Felt okay, but a bit boring.


  • 3 x 8 bench press 60#
  • 4 x 10 plie squat 80#
  • 3 x 8 pullover 45#
  • 4 x 10 goblet squat 45#
  • 4 x 10 ea. skullcrusher 15#
  • 3 x 8/1 x 10 shoulder press 20/15#
  • 4 x 6 mid row 70#
  • Core work

Friday, 9.8: 5.15 miles, 11:39 pace

Sheesh. Steamy day, not a very pleasant run, but got it done.

Saturday, 9.9: 10.17 miles, 11:39 pace + 10 minute mobility

Woke up probably still slightly tipsy from our outing Friday night, and for some reason I have the best runs when I’ve enjoyed a couple drinks the previous evening. The temp cooled off a lot so the dew was only 70, and I enjoyed a lovely, quiet trot on a different route than normal. Felt refreshing both in body and soul. And it’s nice to know that I can still bang out a double digit run when I want to!

Sunday, 9.10: 45 minute full body strength

Did some walking today, too, but focused on the gym since I’ve been a slacker with lifting this week.


  • 4 x 10 narrow press 25#
  • 5 x 12 alt. curtsy lunge 50#
  • 4 x 8 ea. front raise 20#
  • 4 x 12 plie squat 55#
  • 4 x 8 ea. single arm balanced row 35#
  • 4 x 12 ea. leg press 120#
  • Core and mobility work

Total running mileage: 32.4

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