sidebar | life & training 6.10 – 6.16

Summer makes me grouchy.

Waking up with fogged windows and still air seems to set my mood into negative overdrive, particularly if I already woke up somewhat compromised. Basically, this aesthetic means its at least 76 degrees outside. At 4am. Fucking delightful.

Yet, weirdly enough, I crave outdoors time during the summer more than I do in the nicer months. Maybe it’s peer pressure – seeing social media posts about folks in other locales enjoying picnics or walks or hours by the lake. Prime example of why social media is bullocks. It seems that Floridians try to embrace this trope by holding outdoor markets and events in the summertime, but the reality is I have little desire to bump into copious sweaty bodies in a crowded area.

Right. I bitch about summer in almost every post, and probably have for the past however many years I’ve run FMG. Deal with it.

Needless to say, I’m a little grumpy on this Monday. My run sucked (as they have more often than not since the start of June), I don’t feel very optimistic about the week. Basically, I’m a big ole sock filled with rocks and I’m coming in swinging. I read a line in the book I just finished yesterday that said a character “went full blown German” and I think that’s a great summation of my temper leading into this new set of 7 days.

Oh well. Just being real here.

I went on some adventures last week, though, so there’s that. Solo happy hour at Lona on Tuesday, enjoyed some chips and guac and my favorite caipirinha. It started pouring in the midst of my visit and that was nice to watch through the big side windows.

Wednesday I wound up taking an unexpected day off to help my mom to the doctor. Turns out, the poor gal broke her fifth metatarsal. I spent a good portion of the day at her place, and while she was at the doctor’s I managed to clean out some of my car. Not perfect, but progress. So hot outside I sweated through my clothes, and I am not a heavy sweater nor was I moving around that urgently. When I got home I watched Call Me By Your Name, which was actually an excellent movie even though it’s not the genre or subject matter I would normally watch.

Friday I had a pretty bad experience at one of my favorite places, Ava. The pizza and salad were great, as was the wine, but one of the workers certainly plowed that vibe right into the ground. I don’t want to go too much into it, but I felt uncomfortable and our dinner was practically hijacked because this dude would not shut the fuck up. Not quite sure yet how to handle it.

Saturday I sorta floated around the city, tried to go bowling but failed because all the lanes were filled, so I landed at TBBC for a juicy witbier and some alone time to consider how to go about the rest of my day. Which ended up being pretty empty.

Then Sunday, a full day but I don’t know, my mood was a little wobbly and I just didn’t feel correct during most of the hours. I met up with a friend for a fairly quick brunch at Keke’s – I got a big ole chocolate chip Belgian waffle and a mimosa that put me in a sugar coma for a few hours – and drove out to mom’s after to kill some time. We ended up having something of a vocab test with words she wrote down from Words with Friends. Kinda entertaining. Finally got myself to the bowling alley afterwards and did fairly well: low game of 136, high game of 177, 153 average over a total of 10. I was a lot more consistent and I think I was entertaining to the folks next to me since I was this lonely derp tossing a ball around and I actually kinda know what I’m doing.

Trying to kick this piss poor attitude and enjoy the fact that I have a whole new week to play with. I do find occasionally that planning something nice for each day of the week can help me cope with a lulled mood. So far I tentatively have plans to go bowling again Tuesday, and Wednesday after work getting some pizza at a joint nearby. Otherwise, trying to go by vibes and hope that an interesting thought comes up.

Hope you have a nice week, ya’ll!

The Fuck We Cooking This Week?

That’s a great fucking question…

…A big summery salad with corn and mangos and a bunch of other shit.

…Either cookies or pancakes.

A Few Things I’m Digging

Candle…Burning this cashmere persimmon scent right now. It’s light but also cozy. I have the 4.5 oz jar but the marble tin version is really pretty.

Romper…I’ve yet to wear the thing in the wild, but I bought this floral romper and it is so cute and flattering.

Lemonade…For whatever reason I tend to crave lemonade during summertime runs. Sugar + salt + hydration I’d imagine. I like buying or making fresh when possible but Simply and Publix brands are pretty solid too.

Summertime Ice Cream Treats

I am screaming aggressively for ice cream lately, and if you are too, here’s some fun homemade treats to try when you just need a delightful frozen snack.

No Churn Cookie Monster Ice Cream

No Churn Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream

No Churn Coffee Fudge Mascarpone Ice Cream

No Churn Oreo Cookie Quarry Ice Cream

No Churn Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

Strawberry Cocoa Krispie Ice Cream Bars

Shops & Wish List

Week in Training

Monday, 6.10: 8 miles, 11:00 pace + 15 minute lift

Oppressive morning, no breeze, but I felt decent.


  • 3 x 12 step up 30#
  • 3 x 7 ea. weighted donkey kick 30#
  • 4 x 15 swing 55#
  • 1:00 core work

Tuesday, 6.11: 5.4 miles, 11:07 pace + 13 minute lift

Missed the rain that was supposed to hit overnight – in fact, it barely rained at all in the morning. Seems like Tampa has a way of deflecting storms when they’re supposed to pummel the area.


  • 3 x 9 triceps kickback 20#
  • 3 x 10 ea. upright row 25#
  • 3 x 10 hammer curl 15#
  • 2:00 core work

Wednesday, 6.12: 7.38 miles, 10:51 pace

Had a little more time this morning than I was expecting so got in a longer run. It was so unbelievably sticky, 76 dew point, and none of the rain that everyone touted came to fruition.

Thursday, 6.13: 6.2 miles, 10:57 pace + 15 minute lift

SO gross out. Also, this rain we were promised? Nonexistent. Bleh.


  • 3 x 14 step up 30#
  • 3 x 8 ea. weighted donkey kick 30#
  • 4 x 12 swing 60#
  • 2:00 core work

Friday, 6.14: 5.47 miles, 10:58 pace + 12 minute lift

A little less sweltering this morning so run felt better than days prior.


  • 3 x 10 triceps kickback 20#
  • 3 x 10 upright row 25#
  • 3 x 11 hammer curl 15#
  • :30 hang/1:30 core

Saturday, 6.15: 8.37 miles, 10:56 pace + 11 minute core

Not an unpleasant morning, but a very overactive brain, leaden legs, and a tired soul.

Sunday, 6.16: 6.47 miles, 10:56 pace

A bit of a cool zephyr in the air, but still stifling humidity.

Total running mileage: 47.2

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