sidebar | life and training 1.10 – 1.16
To be candid, a tough week in my sphere. I try not to dwell too hard on it here in the FMG space,…
To be candid, a tough week in my sphere. I try not to dwell too hard on it here in the FMG space,…
I’m happy this week I had room in my schedule to fit more outdoor runs. I have a good relationship with the treadmill,…
Leveled up this week with a sizzling new 5K PR! What made me proudest of this was having accomplished the pace after a…
I love buying produce. More so, I relish in finding seasonal goods and taking advantage of cheaper prices and better taste. Living in…
Injury is a reality, and a nemesis, of marathon training. I’ve done well with pre-hab and recovery this cycle, probably better than most…
2019 was a year of plunges. It was a year. I moved forward, away, backwards, and probably diagonal at some points. Sometimes I…
Crescent Moon, Anjaneyasana, presses its way into my practice almost daily. It’s a haven for stability, from feet to shins to quadriceps to…
The Tampa Bay Times Turkey Trot officially rounds off my summer/fall racing season, and my body is beyond ready for lower mileage and…
Aside from a Colorado run that filled my soul with happiness, this week was not a strong one. My paces, while pretty good,…
Much as I love sampling local cuisine, the process of home-to-destination involves a trek through morbidly expensive, often bland airport snack counters. I’m…