week in training | 8.10-8.16
Howdy! Another 50 mile week with a few no-AC gallivants in the apartment gym. Quite frankly, I’m irked that they haven’t fixed it…
Howdy! Another 50 mile week with a few no-AC gallivants in the apartment gym. Quite frankly, I’m irked that they haven’t fixed it…
I logged a 14 mile week! This running start arrived at such an opportune time and, though I’ve probably written such prior, a…
Injury is a reality, and a nemesis, of marathon training. I’ve done well with pre-hab and recovery this cycle, probably better than most…
One point of interest on which I’ve honed of late: How can I combine yoga and strength training to create workouts that benefit…
Another 30 mile adventure under my belt, including a fun and funky Christmas Day fartlek workout by the water! My body is feeling…