one skillet tuscan parmesan salmon
Some might call this “marry me salmon.” I’ll just call it “eat me salmon.” Though honestly, right now it’s “throw me out the…
Some might call this “marry me salmon.” I’ll just call it “eat me salmon.” Though honestly, right now it’s “throw me out the…
The recipe that swept me onto my ass one fine Monday afternoon. I’m down with a cold right now, and while I felt…
If you’re thinking about impressing your sweetie with a V-Day delight, watch them eat this up for dinner. Cringe. I’ve been really leaping…
Now I have the song Dirty Diana in my head even thought that’s not relevant whatsoever. Sometimes I get a bit jealous of…
Have you ever seen a fish dressed up so pretty? Just say no, please, and stoke my ego. I’ve held this recipe for…
What feels most familiar to me after a wacky week? Salmon. So that’s what we’re making today, friends. If nothing else, our weather…
Cheater’s risotto is one of the few acceptable ways in which one can cheat on something. I certainly saved this bad boy for…
Discovering how fucken fab Target’s salmon filets are proves quite dangerous. I’m on a salmon run lately, and I would say I need…
Tropical Storm Salmon. Debby (I’ve been spelling her name wrong this whole time, perhaps that’s why her wrath won’t quit here) blew through…
BABY YOU’RE A FIREcracker…Yeah no, that doesn’t really work. Hello from Toronto! Today – Monday, as I write – is our final full…