ginger maple salmon rice bowls
Hooray, our first bowl meal of 2024! I realized a couple days ago that I’ve been writing ’23 on all my journal entries…
Hooray, our first bowl meal of 2024! I realized a couple days ago that I’ve been writing ’23 on all my journal entries…
I am starving while I type this tasty recipe up. Probably a bad combo. Whenever I go to Trader Joes, I buy salmon.…
No time, no energy, so a no fuss dinner. Sounds good to me. I bought salmon last week at Trader Joe’s, with no…
One Skillet Wonder for a Wednesday. Yesterday, I barely did anything, and it was glorious. I started up on some dough for a…
Basically I bought more cherry tomatoes because they were BOGO again and Publix was out of peaches. This has been a useless narrative…
My plan as it stands: if it’s made on one pan, then I’m a fan. Okay, I guess this recipe technically uses two…
When you have salmon and no idea what the fuck to do with it, make curry. Duh. I realized, when pursuing that question…
We like easy, yes we do, we like easy, how ’bout you? Day three of no tastebud action and dudes, I am dejected.…
Capers are vastly underrated, ya’ll. My first swipe at this recipe happened sometime around Christmas, and since then I forgot I had capers…
Ain’t nobody fresher than my mothaforkin bowl. Before I sat down to write this, I enjoyed a stroll around the river. The springlike…