the athlete’s travel toolkit: in-flight yoga postures for fatigue

Airplane claustrophobia renders many fliers edgy. Even hour-long flights create antsiness for me. I’m not made for prolonged stagnancy – active types usually aren’t. Days devoted to rest usually involve some light activity. For me, this is usually yoga. But what to do when travelling? Continue forth for this first segment of a VE travel series geared towards wandering athletes (but relevant to anyone on the go!) who want to create space for comfort in potentially unfamiliar surrounds.

Seats in the sky largely inhibit grand movements, but thankfully, anyone can tuck yoga into a carryon and bring it out even in the smallest spaces. I don’t mean jumping into the aisle between snack carts and inverting onto your head, but perhaps unclipping the seatbelt (when it is safe to do so) and letting some of your limbs find fluidity for a moment before settling back in for the remainder of the airborne journey. These flows transfer from state to state, chair to chair. Certainly, they are not limited to airplane travel alone, but to those stuck at desks 8+ hours a day, or those who feel lethargic from too much couch time. They expend little energy, require little room, and feel enormously lovely on tight muscles.

Yoga is one way to reverse in-flight fatigue. The muscle activation improves circulation in the body, which is compromised by the lower oxygen availability in the sky. The more blood that flows, the more alert we feel. Be sure as well to drink plenty of water, as these extreme altitudes quickly dehydrate the body since the humidity is incredibly miniscule.

And, once you land at your destination and settle into your accommodation, try out this hectic day yoga sequence to really refresh and wiggle the stress away!

1. Seated Cat Cow

How-to: Sit comfortably and upright. Gently clasp tops of thighs with the fingers. Inhale to pull the shoulders together, chest drifts forward, chin rises for Cow. Exhale to round the upper back, tuck the navel towards the spin, chin lowers to chest – Cat. Repeat 5-8 times.

2. Eagle Arms

How-to: Inhale to straighten the spine, exhale to cross the right elbow atop the left elbow. From here, three options: grasp opposite shoulders, or press forearms together so backs of hands touch, or twist fully so palms of hands meet. Inhale to lift elbows up and away from the chest, exhale to settle. Hold 5-10 breaths.

3. Seated twist

How-to: Sit comfortably and upright. Inhale to straighten the spine, exhale and bring the right hand to the outside of the left thigh and gently press to deepen the twist in the upper body. Hold for 30 seconds to one minute. Inhale to center, exhale and bring the left hand to the outside of the right thigh. Hold for 30 seconds to one minute.

4. Seated Figure-4

How-to: Cross the right ankle over the left knee. Inhale to straighten the spine, exhale to hinge at the hips and fold over the right shin. Hands may come to rest on either side of the seat or atop the shin. Hold for one minute. Inhale to rise, release the right foot to the floor, and cross the left ankle over the right knee. Exhale to fold. Hold for one minute.

5. Neck rolls

How-to: Inhale to straighten the spine. Exhale and lower the chin to the chest. Inhale and sweep the right ear towards the right shoulder, exhale and bring the chin to chest, inhale and sweep the left ear towards the left shoulder. Repeat cycle 5-10 times.

6. Ankle rolls & ABCs

How-to: Extend both legs straight with a gentle bend in the knees. Create circles first on a clockwise direction for 5-10 rounds, then counterclockwise for 5-10 rounds. Maintain a strong, even breath throughout. When this is complete, lift the right foot slightly off the floor and begin to draw the alphabet with the ankle. After finishing all letters on the right foot, repeat on the left.

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