watermelon cucumber prosecco spritz

Try not to drink the whole bottle of prosecco before whirring up this tasty beverage. Promise?

I keep catching myself willing away summer in almost every summer produce-themed blog post I write. It’s pretty true that I’m spent of this heat, but I don’t think you need to hear about it every time I sit down to type.

Instead, let’s switch back to the course and discuss how bright, light, and lovely this Watermelon Cucumber Prosecco Spritz is. While it may not feel as appropriate when the clouds boil above and thunder grabs at your eardrums, you can pretend you sit in an island oasis and sip a glass of this fizzy drink until the rain passes and the sun reaches through the trees.

That does sound kind of nice, come to think of it.

Currently, we’ve another tropical system biting through the Atlantic. It’s weak as of now, and a few days out, so no one really has a solid grasp on its trajectory. As I always preach, plan but don’t panic. I filled my gas tank today and our snack stash is plentiful. We have a lot of tea candles lying around, and a few gallons of water. This storm doesn’t seem like it’s going to grow to frightening dimensions, but it never hurts to have some forms of emergency items lying around in case the power flicks out or something.

For the love of God, just don’t play in the sand if the water recedes.

What is on your priority list for preparing for storms? Whether this is hurricane season or blizzard season, I’m curious! We all place stock in some things more than others.

Fill and Raise Your Glass

This cocktail involves a bit of pureeing, but otherwise few other steps.

Blend up some watermelon chunks, cucumber (without the skin, I should advise), and mint leaves. Strain that mixture into a jar, pitcher, or some kind of pouring device otherwise. Such extracts the tasty juice and leaves all the fibrous components behind.

I pretty up my glass first with a big hunk of melon and some ice cubes. Then, to a shaker, add the puree, some St. Germaine, lime juice, and a bit more ice to cool it all down. Give it your best bartender dance, then divide the infusion into two cocktail glasses.

Finish with the fun part. Bubbles! All the bubbles! Then take a sip straight from the prosecco bottle and probably sputter a bit like I did from the aggression of the whiz-fizz.

I actually wasn’t sure I liked prosecco, but after this drink, I realized I’m a fan. J and I finished off the bottle a couple days later (still bubbly! How about that?) after completing a pair of tough marathon pace workouts, and it was fab even on its own.

Combined with all the other components here? Even better. The froth is amusing and gives even an ordinary day a hint of celebration. Each day now earns some celebration, don’t you think?

Tried this recipe out? Leave a comment below with your thoughts, and don’t forget to come say hi on Instagram and show me what you made!

Leftover watermelon? Make these!

Salted Watermelon Arugula Salad with Basil Balsamic Vinaigrette

Smoky Watermelon Mint Margarita

watermelon cucumber prosecco spritz
Cooling, light, and full of fun bubbles.
Prep Time 10 mins
Total Time 10 mins
Servings 2 cocktails


  • 1 cup watermelon cubes
  • 1/2 cup cucumber cubes
  • 1/4 cup mint leaves
  • 2 oz St. Germain (elderflower liqueur)
  • 1 oz lime juice
  • prosecco, to top


  • To a blender, add the watermelon, cucumber, and mint leaves. Puree until smooth. Strain into a measuring cup or pitcher through a fine mesh sieve.
  • Add a few ice cubes and a slice of watermelon to two glasses. In a shaker, combine the watermelon puree, St. Germaine, and lime juice. Add ice and shake until cold. Strain into two glasses. Top with prosecco and garnish with a sprig of mint.
Keyword cocktail, cucumber, prosecco, watermelon

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