week in training | 1.11 – 1.17

A bummer of an ankle malady threw a hurdle at my running. I hit a good mileage number at almost 32, but not after a flopped midweek workout (more due to fatigue than the ankle) and a bothersome long run characterized by discomfort in the posterior tibial region. Thankfully, none of this impacts my cycling whatsoever and I logged my first 200 mile training week! Does make my running cut a bit less painful, to have another goal towards which I can work. I even squeezed in a pair of swims. I haven’t been consistent at all with wandering to the pool so two in one week is an accomplishment.

Monday, 1.11: 54.56 miles, 18.2 mph cycling (3:00:00) + 3.9 miles, 10:15 pace

My plan has two 3 hour rides in a row scheduled this week, and today marked the first! Pretty comfortable overall and largely spent chatting away with my friend. I fueled with two tabs of Lemon Lime Nuun Sport and a few gingerbread Belvita biscuits. Midmorning, after finally taking down our Christmas ornaments, I looped around the bay for an easy run before popping into the grocery store for a few essentials. Sparkling waters and crystal skies make for a happy me. I actually smiled a few times during my trot!

Tuesday, 1.12: 50 minute strength + 54.39 miles, 18.1 mph cycling (3:00:00)

I am not a fan of midday riding, which I’ve probably harped on before. I think I’m fairly depleted from my workday and at least somewhat dehydrated so establishing and staying in a rhythm is far trickier. I too likely had some fatigue from the prior day’s long ride as well. The final hour took a lot of willpower to complete, and almost some tears (dramatic much?) but I did it and immediately inhaled half my fridge afterwards.


  • 4 rounds of 5 minutes cycling followed by 5 minutes of 10 single leg extension per side, 12 thrusters, 12 curl to press, 12 renegade row per side
  • 2 rounds of 30 deadbugs, 20 plank knee swivels, 15 side plank rainbows per side.

Wednesday, 1.13: 9.58 miles, 8:53 pace + 25.5 miles, 19.1 mph cycling (1:20:00)

Total clunker of a workout, but I wasn’t surprised. After the first 2-mile rep set where my pace consistently fell from start to finish, I knew finishing the session admirably was neither smart nor productive. My first mile of the second set rang in at 7:39, and then I turned straight into the headwind and let out quite the squeal of malcontent. I made it .13 miles before throwing up my hands and cancelling the workout. I did squeeze in two miles at 8:03 and 7:59 more so because I wanted to get home faster and get my ride in before J got up. Weirdly, the ride felt great! I maintained zone 3 for 30 minutes with 14:53 and 14:33 splits.

Thursday, 1/14: 65 minute strength + 1,800 yard swim (36:20)

Swimming and I haven’t convened much lately, and I largely blame self-imposed pressure for that hiatus. And, to some extend, laziness. My past couple of swims I’ve decided to throw out any pace expectation or desire and just move to relax, and even though my speed has “suffered” my enjoyment certainly increased. No real structure to this workout, just a mix of intervals from 50-300 yards, and a total average of 2:01/100 yards.


  • 5 min cycling warmup
  • 12/10/8/8 single leg deadlift, increasing weight
  • 4 x 12 suitcase squat
  • 4 x 12 alternate reverse lunge
  • 4 x 10 reverse squat
  • 12/12/10/10 windmill, increasing weight
  • 50 x toe taps
  • 30 weighted deadbugs
  • 50 alternating bird dogs
  • 30 hover toe taps
  • 5 min cycling cooldown

Friday, 1.15: 19.38 miles, 19.4 mph cycling (1:00:00) + 6.28 miles, 10:21 pace

Zone 5 intervals on the agenda today. I swapped today and Sunday’s workout since the shorter duration suited my morning time allotment better. I averaged around 26 mph for the intervals but my heartrate actually rose higher than I’ve ever seen it before on the bike! Perhaps an odd thing to get excited about, but reaching 187 bpm means my heart rate reserve is growing, I can hit higher speeds and powers, and perhaps all the zone 2 work is finally paying off since I can tap into a higher range of heart rates.

After work miles in breezy conditions. I ran past one of J and I’s friends and didn’t realize until she offered a last-minute wave, to which I replied with a loud high-pitched “Hi!” I don’t enjoy running with people but I like when I pass someone I know while I’m out. Gives me a little boost.

Saturday, 1/16: 12.18 miles, 9:51 pace + 18.12 miles, 18.1 mph cycling (1:00:00)

My ankle was very cranky this run, which was a special shame since my energy was decent and the air temp was quite perfect for me (about 57 with 70% humidity). I canned any attempt at tempo miles and performed an easy progression down to a 9:09 mile, which isn’t much but helped open my stride a tad. Ice and even lower mileage are probably in my future. Big bummer.

Ride was an ordinary, zone 2 effort after breakfast.

Sunday, 1.17: 20 minutes yoga

Unplanned rest day today since I didn’t feel too well. Starting Friday my nose began to stop up an unusual amount and a mild cough crept in. I decided to scrap my workouts and take it easy until I figured out what might be going on. I did fit in a gentle morning flow to some acoustic music for a mood boost.

Total running mileage: 31.9

Total cycling mileage: 202

Total swimming yardage: 3,400

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