week in training | 1.18 – 1.24

Well, I didn’t slash down my running mileage as much as I thought I might, but I did break away from my strict 10k training. Let me tell you, my brain needed that divorce. I’ve always liked endurance training more than speed, and right now I just need to enjoy my running rather than strive for a goal. I still plugged some tempo miles into one of my runs to assure myself the 7s I developed haven’t skittered away (they haven’t) and because I wanted to turn my legs over a touch more that particular day.
With any exercise regimen, it’s crucial to schedule in sessions because you enjoy them. If you don’t, what’s the point? Whenever someone tells me they feel they have to run to be healthy, but admit when pressed their seething hatred for the sport, I try to instead encourage them to find anything that benefits both their health and their soul. Cardio may not even be the answer – perhaps its weightlifting, or swimming, or rock climbing. Running isn’t the end-all-be-all of sports. It’s just one among many.
Monday, 1.18: 30.22 miles, 19.1 mph cycling (1:35:00) + 3.67 miles, 9:33 pace
The weather was beautiful in the midmorning so I decided to test my ankle out on the streets with a run/walk. I sped up a bit too much during the run intervals but my ankle held up nicely! This week I plan for lower mileage and less intensity, a break from my 10k protocol until I can resume normal speedwork.
Plugged 35 minutes at tempo effort into my ride. Speeds weren’t quite up to par with my former numbers since I tightened the roller a bit beforehand, but my heartrate stayed well into zone 3 so I know the effort was correct! I also climbed 5 x 2 minute hills at the end to work on strength.
Tuesday, 1.19: 55.27 miles, 18.4 mph cycling (3:00:00) + 50 minute strength
This long ride went much more smoothly than last Tuesday’s! I had to adjust the roller a touch a couple times but otherwise I sailed right through the workout. Mostly zone 2 with 3 x 10 minute hills thrown in the middle hour to break up time. I fueled with two blueberry Belvitas and two tablets of Nuun Lemon Lime.
- 5 minute cycling warmup
- 4 x 12 single leg hip thrust
- 15/15/12/12 bent over front raise
- 3 x 12/1×10 shoulder press
- 4 x 16 alternating pistol squat
- 4 x 15 pull apart/10 biceps curl
- 4 x 10 weighted jump squat
- Time remaining: cycling cooldown
Wednesday, 1/20: 12.18 miles, 10:16 pace
Today was a “run and see how far you feel like going” workout, and I wound up feeling so at peace and in rhythm that I went straight for a long run-esque distance. Finished up with a 9:46 mile and some pretty steady splits in general.
Thursday, 1.21: 18.01 miles, 17.7 mph cycling (1:00:53) + 41 miles, 18.2 mph cycling (2:15:05)
Plan wanted a three hour ride but I knew I’d be absolutely wiped after a 4:30 am shift, so I split it up into two sessions – I already had one 3 hour ride this week so I did get the straight endurance effort in. Turns out I felt pretty good after work and went a hint longer to hit 40 miles! All was meant to be in zone 2 and I kept the effort honest and averaged a good relaxed heart rate for both.
Friday, 1.22: 17.78 miles, 17.8 mph cycling (1:00:00) + 7.29 miles, 10:17 pace
I feared the midafternoon might be a tad warm during my run but it truly felt wonderful. I always set a goal of 35 minutes for my runs and today I extended to 75 since I found a rhythm quickly. I strangely ran a bit faster into the headwind than with the tailwind, but overall had steady splits.
Saturday, 1.23: 7.58 miles, 9:14 pace + 15.96 miles, 16 mph cycling (1:00:00)
Weather-wise, this run was not very pleasant. 63 isn’t a bad temperature except for the obscene humidity which accompanied – around 93% – so conditions were foggy and sweaty. I decided after a couple miles to perform a 25 minute tempo run and wound up putting some impressive splits on the board. I didn’t check my watch at all when the mile markers popped up and just focused on running by feel. I clocked 8:17, 7:59, and 7:43, with the last minute at a 7:32 pace. I really didn’t expect to be in the 7s whatsoever! My heart rate spiked at 190 which is quite a bit higher than I’ve seen it of late, but I didn’t feel threatened or woozy by any means. Makes me wonder about my max heart rate and zoning in general.
Sunday, 1.24: 16.35 miles, 16.3 mph cycling (1:00:00) + 1,700 yard swim (35:32)
I haven’t performed a prolonged endurance swim in a while but today I got into a good stroke pattern and just kept going! I did 1,600 straight at 33:40 and effectively got usurped from my lane by a lady who didn’t want to take the empty one, so I scooted over and finished 100 yards separate from the main set. I was quite proud of this even though my average wasn’t phenomenal – 2:05/100 yards – but I’m pretty sure it’s still better than I used to be!
Total running mileage: 30.7
Total cycling mileage: 194.6
Total swimming yardage: 1,700