week in training | 11.2 – 11.8

Training for my 10k time trial is winding down with my biggest key session yet, performed on Wednesday of this week. From here I’ll maintain effort but cut down the volume of the intervals I perform. I peered at the weather forecast two weeks down the road and it seems favorable for the Wednesday, which is my off day. Perhaps I’ll make a bib!

Monday, 11/2: 7.97 miles, 10:04 pace + 60 minute strength + 1,800 yard swim (35:16)

Despite some pretty bonkers wind (gusts over 20mph and sustained around 15, which is bonkers for Florida) I was floating on cloud 9 during my run. I wasn’t ready for it to end! An empty apartment gym greeted me upon completion so I got in a heavy, rapid-contraction focused session that pretty much immediately rendered me sore. Rut roh.

My normal pool isn’t open on Mondays so I visited one a bit further off but en route to some errand endpoints. I actually really liked this pool! It’s certainly older than mine, which was renovated a couple years ago, but in a nice neighborhood and with 7 lanes instead of 5. Very quiet there excepting two other swimmers. I swam 800 yard straight (15:56), then a ladder of 200-150-100-75-50-25 at various efforts, and 400 cooldown (8:02). 1:58/100 yard pace in total!

Strength: All done with explosive movement

  • 5 x 10 deadlift
  • 4 x 10 single arm row
  • 12/12/10/10 alternating reverse lunge
  • 4 x 10 back squat
  • 4 x 12 alternating side lunge

Burnout: EMOM x 4

  • 10 double pulse jump squats
  • 10 pushup shoulder taps
  • 30 plank shoot throughs
  • 10 lateral hop with leg extension

Tuesday, 11/3: 30 miles, 17.5 mph cycling (1:43:00) + 4.64 miles, 9:42 pace

Very weird feeling on this morning, small wonder why though. The bike did not go too well although my splits were fine, the effort was way higher than it should’ve been. I warmed up for 5 miles and performed 20 miles at a tempo/threshold effort: splits 17:02, 16:58, 16:51, and 16:41. Despite my cycling fatigue I was high energy during the run and couldn’t quite slow down, plus the weather was miraculously beautiful at around 54 degrees. I even wore gloves!

Wednesday, 11/4: 10.71 miles, 8:52 pace + 1,600 yard swim (29:40) + 3.51 miles, 9:58 pace

Glorious speed workout! Temperature read around 61 but very windy, with sustained speeds around 15 mph and gusts higher than that. I wore gloves to protect my sensitive fingers. I accidentally toggled my watch to start the workout earlier than I intended so I probably ran closer to 11 miles than the stats indicate. 3 x 2 miles was the protocol and I slammed it down handily: 7:52, 7:48, 7:52, 7:49, 7:52, 7:46, with 3 minute walk/jog recoveries between intervals. I was so pleased with my effort even against the strong headwinds on the final 3 miles.

Quick swim followed the run, 1:51/100 yard average. 200 yard warmup, 3 x (200, 4 x 50), 200 cooldown. I negative splitted the main 200 yard sets with 3:55, 3:52, and 3:51, and all of the 50 yards ranged from 49-51 seconds.

Thursday, 11/5: 45.04 miles, 17.5 mph cycling (2:34:35) + 50 minute strength

Much more successful long ride than has been the trend lately. I did quite a mix of things in the mileage, including 10 tempo miles (16:44 and 16:26 splits), some faster spinning, and a touch of climbing. I like adding these components to keep my mind engaged. Sometimes the sets are gentler than others – today I felt like revving up a bit.


Prep supersets:

  • 3 x 10 front raise/3 x 10 jump squat
  • 3 x 10 pushups/3 x 10 weighted donkey kicks

Main set:

  • 4 x 8 hang power cleans
  • 4 x 8 split squat (per side)
  • 4 x 10 skullcrushers
  • 4 x 6 single leg deadlift
  • 4 x 12 good mornings

Friday, 11/6: 20.03 miles, 17.8 mph cycling (1:07:40) + 4.55 miles, 9:53 pace

Had a bit more time before work so I extended Power Hour to 20 total miles to increase my volume in the saddle. Fairly torn between three different workouts I’d written but settled for some short, hard efforts to get more bang for my buck. 10 minute warmup, 5 x :90 8/10 effort/:30 easy (avg. 18.9, 18.8, 18.7, 18.8, 19.1 mph), 5 minute steady, 6 x :30 revs/3 minute easy (avg 25.6, 26, 25.4, 25.6, 26.1, 25.9, hit 31.4 as my max), 4 x 2 minute hard/2 minute easy (avg. 19.4, 19.5, 20, 19.9), cooldown to 20 miles.

Surprised by how nice the weather was in the afternoon post-work, so the run went quite smoothly and I averaged a 156 heart rate during the intervals.

Saturday, 11/7: 14.23 miles, 9:29 pace

10k descending tempo hammered into the long run. I started at an 8:57 pace and worked to 8:45, 8:47, 8:34, 8:35, 8:34, with the last .22 miles at an 8:23 average. Got tiring by the end but I’m pretty okay with the splits!

I spent most of the day in celebratory mode after hearing the election news. J and I shared some wine and even though I only had one glass I definitely felt sleepy and a touch woozy. I am not fun anymore – can’t handle my alcohol to save my life!

Sunday, 11/8: 25.03 miles, 17.3 mph cycling (1:26:54) + 35 min strength

Wasn’t too energetic in the saddle and my butt was bothering me the whole time, but I got my desired miles in and threw a 5 mile tempo section (16:45 split) into the mix. Short and sweet strength work ended my stint in the office gym and the training week.


  • 3 x 10 curl to press/20 plank lateral taps
  • 4 x 8 split squat
  • 3 x 15 boat triceps extensions/15 leg drops
  • 4 x 15 front squat/20 band hip flexions
  • 3 x 20 down dog toe taps/20 plank cross knee taps
  • :45 L plank/:45 R plank

Total running mileage: 45.6

Total cycling mileage: 120.1

Total swimming yardage: 3,400

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