week in training | 2.15 – 2.21

No big complaints about this week’s training! Afternoon rides are never my favorites. I think fatigue from standing all day at work ups the effort level while preventing my heart rate from reaching any significant number, so it tends to take 20 minutes for me to even touch zone 2. I don’t really know how significant this might be in the grand scheme if the power is equal between a low heartrate afternoon ride versus the same speed/power but higher heart rate in the morning. I don’t mean that I shoot to hang out in the 160s habitually in either case. My zone 2 rests between 129-148 bpm, so in the appropriate circumstance I want to stay in that range but sometimes can’t even get there in the midday. Very odd!

Monday, 2.15: 7.1 miles, 10:34 pace + 25.02 miles, 16.5 mph cycling (1:30:54)

Wheeled away on Pittor while I watched the Publix COVID vaccine page refresh and refresh to no avail. I’ve tried to get my mom an appointment for several weeks now and she still hasn’t gotten through their system to book a slot. Very frustrating and tiring and quite worrisome, too, since her getting vaccinated is a big task that needs completing. I wedged in about 35 minutes of tempo work around 17 mph average, which felt pretty good overall. The run was nice but nondescript, around 71 degrees and sweaty but not bad since I kept it gentle and aerobic.

Tuesday, 2.16: 27.66 miles, 16.6 mph cycling (1:40:00) + 2,200 yard swim (~41:36)

I neglected to start my watch when recording the first 500 yards of this swim, so I had to estimate a bit based on what I typically swim 500 yards in, which is give-or-take 10 minutes. Lots of faster intervals for a 1:53/100 yard average overall: 10 x 25 fast/25 easy, 200 easy, 5 x 50 pull/50 swim, 6 x 25 fast/25 easy, 4 x 50 easy cooldown. The air cooled down once I got to the pool so the departure from the water was actually quite chilly!

Wednesday, 2.17: 9.25 miles, 9:11 pace + 18 miles, 16.3 mph cycling (1:06:08)

Opted for a speed injection as my day’s run. Drizzly and raw describes the morning but I paced well and finished feeling pretty strong. 20 x 1 minute ranging from 6:54 to 7:12 paces, with the first rep at 7:16, on 1 minute recoveries.

Thursday, 2.18: 5.86 miles, 10:15 pace + 1 hour strength

Very windy and warm on the run, about a 10 degree difference between today and yesterday, but luckily easy miles on the agenda so the heat wasn’t as bothersome as it could’ve been. I must’ve been very hot at work, though, because after five minutes in the gym I was sweating rockets. Core work at the end felt delicious since my pulse rate dropped from being largely prone on the floor!


  • 5 minute elliptical warmup
  • 5 x 10 deadlift
  • 5 rounds of: 12 alternating reverse lunge, 10 pushups, 5 burpees, 15 swings, 8 heavy squats
  • 3 x 1 minute plank
  • 3 x 20 hip dips per side
  • 3 x 30 bicycle crunches
  • 3 x 30 scissor kicks
  • 3 x 30 lateral hops

Friday, 2.19: 27.49 miles, 16.5 mph cycling (1:40:00) + 30.33 miles, 16.5 mph cycling (1:50:00)

Obtained the 3.5 hour ride scheduled this week in double fashion. Afternoon ride was a heavy-leg slog but I got it done, at any rate. I definitely didn’t have the stomach for a continuous effort today, though I am happy with what I managed.

Saturday, 2.20: 13.14 miles, 9:08 pace + 35 minute strength

Holy moly, I wasn’t expecting such a great run, but this certainly was. Planned 10 or so miles to get a double digit session in and wound up running an extra trio with 5 of them at tempo. 3 mile warmup, 3 miles 8:09, 7:58, 7:47, 1 mile recovery, 2 miles at 8:06 and 7:38, cooldown to end. I didn’t contend with a lot of headwind but in one section, most of the route produced a crosswind. I followed up with a quick strength session before calling it a day!


  • 3 x 12 thruster
  • 3 x 20 fire hydrant
  • 3 x 12 row press thing (I don’t know what it is but it works the upper back and core very nicely)
  • 3 x 20 plank knee to elbow/shoulder tap superset
  • 1 minute plank

Sunday, 2.21: 18 miles, 16.4 mph cycling (1:05:40) + 2,000 yard swim (39:51)

Cutdown week in the century plan so today called for 2 x 2 minutes in zone 5 and let me tell you, that was more than enough! I warmed up a good 30 minutes, part of it with a cardigan on to stay the room’s chill, then performed my intervals averaging 19.6 mph for both with a generous 4 minute recovery, then cooled down to hit 18 miles for the morning. My swim after work felt SO good, I performed a set of 4 x 150, 100, 300, 2 x 100, 8 x 50, 8 x 25 sprint, good enough for a 1:58/100 yard average. The even number laps were all against a very stiff wind and boy, did I notice!

Total running mileage: 35.3

Total cycling mileage: 146.5

Total swimming yardage: 4,200

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