week in training | 2.8 – 2.14

One continuous point of trial and error for me is adjusting pace and effort for heat. Florida showed glimpses of gross early summer conditions, and during one workout I struggled massively to hold what’s usually my tempo pace. I do know that I cannot expect to maintain the times I’m putting in now once we get 75-80 degree dew points in our forecast, but with such extreme conditions all around it’s hard to do anything more than run my usual 10+ minute miles. Granted, this week wasn’t really anywhere near the peak of summertime, but it was a reality check that got me musing over what I have to do later, especially if I end up marathon training through the season.
Monday, 2.8: 14.09 miles, 9:56 pace + 35 minute strength
Long run Monday after a night of massive indulgence. 60 degrees, slightly higher humidity, and a strong breeze at points, but these conditions seem pretty ideal for my body. I went until I felt complete.
I randomly decided to get in an upper body and core workout in the midday. It wasn’t elaborate, but I’ve been a bit lax on strength training so I felt good getting this brief session in.
- 4 x 10 biceps curl
- 3 x 16 TRX pistol squat
- 4 x 15 triceps extension/15 weighted leg drops
- 4 x 15 single arm row
- 4 x 10 hip hinges
- 30 straight leg jackknives
- 30 plank lateral taps
- :45 forearm plank
Tuesday, 2.9: 25.11 miles, 16.7 mph cycling (1:30:00) + 30 miles, 16.5 mph cycling (1:48:50)
Combined a long ride and tempo ride, then split them up, for my Tuesday sessions. I’m having trouble fitting the continuous 3+ hour rides into my schedule and since I’m not explicitly training for an actual century, I figure this does the job without compromising my routine overmuch. The morning included 3 x 15 minutes zone 3 and the afternoon a straight aerobic session. Both felt really solid!
Wednesday, 2.10: 7.12 miles, 9:08 pace + 20.6 miles, 16.5 mph cycling (1:15:00)
Speedwork for a Wednesday, and despite the horrid humidity and fog (94%, to be exact), I really enjoyed this session! I ran 5 x 3 minutes at 5k pace – 7:22, 7:17, 7:17, 7:18, 7:22 for the splits – and 5 x :20 full-gas sprint topping out at a 5:43 pace! Haven’t seen 5s except on downhills in past workouts, so that was pretty neat.
Got on the bike for a 20 miler right after to make up for skipping a 3 hour ride once again. Zone 2 mostly, and felt nice after the faster and impact-laden session prior.
Thursday, 2.11: 21 miles, 16.7 mph cycling (1:15:31) + 2,200 yard swim (43:19)
Bit of tempo work this morning since my legs felt really good and I wanted to kick it up a notch, so I spun 40 minutes holding around 17 mph. Happily got in a longer swim after work. I averaged 1:58/100 yards from 2 x 400, 10 x 100, and a 400 cooldown that I REALLY lost my form on, but otherwise I enjoyed the swim.
Friday, 2.12: 6.22 miles, 10:27 pace + 1,800 yard swim (35:17)
Two swims this week! Nice way to unwind after work once again. 4 x 200/100/50 plus 6 x 25 fast/25 easy to average 1:58/100 yards. Morning miles occurred before work and were peaceful and meditative. The Super Bowl hubbub is dissipated, as expected, so I only encountered a couple fellow souls milling about on the path.
Saturday, 2.13: 6.56 miles, 9:09 pace + 25 miles, 16.6 mph cycling (1:30:32)
My programmed workout from Friday vanished this morning from my watch, so I manually performed the 3 x 15 minute tempo session originally called for. I overheated during my run prior to the ride, so my heart rate shot up quickly and most of the work minutes I sat in zone 4 and was SWEATING profusely, but my legs and breathing were okay so I’m not too fussed about it.
The run was quite unpleasant – 72 with a 70 (!) dew point. Upper 7s usually constitute my tempo pace, but in this weather I’m going to have to learn to adjust my paces so I’m not hanging out in the 190+ heart rate range. I performed 3 x 1 mile and logged 7:53, 7:54, and 7:50.
Sunday, 2.14: 18 miles, 16.7 mph cycling (1:04:36) + 45 minute strength
I ate like a champion the night before for J and I’s Valentine’s Day feast – this spiel included two slices of cake. Worth it. I was very meh about completing my one minute interval workout but once I got on the bike, and once my heart rate monitor stopped being a dweeb, I fell into a good breathing rhythm and hit 20+ mph for each of the 12 reps.
- 2 x 12 front squat/2 x 10 front squat
- 4 x 12 single leg deadlift
- 1 x 10/3 x 12 reverse lunge
- 4 x 20 weighted marching bridge/leg drops
- 2 x 10 front squat
- 4 x 20 plank glute kickback/Superman
- 1 minute bodyweight squats
- 1 minute lateral leg raises
- :30 bodyweight squats
Total running mileage: 34
Total cycling mileage: 139.7
Total swimming yardage: 4,000