week in training | 4.12 -4.18

45 mile week that my legs certainly noticed by Sunday. With the weather heating up, my paces are slowing back to the high 10s, which is typically where they increase to during summertime. 90% humidity and 70+ dew points aren’t nice to run in, but I figure mashing through the worsening conditions early might help my acclimate better for when the mornings show 80 degree temperatures.

I probably repeat this a lot, but perhaps if I write it more and more I’ll actually take some kind of action: my long run fueling sucks. I know part of Wednesday’s flop had to do with hydration – water won’t cut it from now forth, I’d imagine. I don’t like carrying Nuun tablets with me because they explode absolutely everywhere. I’m considering salt sticks or salt tablets that you just pop in your mouth for ease of carrying and using. Just have to wander out and find a worthy brand in which to invest.

Monday, 4.12: 9.13 miles, 10:24 pace + 45 minute strength + 15 min elliptical

Aerobic run, quite sweaty and weirdly rainy. Radar showed absolutely no blips yet the drops steadily drizzled down for the first 10-15 minutes. I love trotting about in showers so I didn’t mind at all, just wasn’t expecting it. Headed to the gym for a strength session and spun the legs a bit on the elliptical to stretch out.


  • 3 x 8 squat
  • 3 x 10 lateral raise
  • 3 x 15 ea. band lunge knee-up
  • 3 x 12 ea. lunge woodchop
  • 3 x 10 bench press
  • 3 x 8 ea. windmill
  • 3 x 10 frog jumps
  • 3 x 15 banded hydrants
  • 3 x 20 shoot thru
  • 3 x 12 band clamshells
  • :30 R plank
  • :30 L plank

Tuesday, 4/13: 28.44 miles, 22.7 mph cycling (1:15:00) + 2,500 yard swim (51:55)

Hills on the trainer with 4 x :30, 4 x :20, 4 x :10, pretty much exactly how I did my run workout last week. I hit 429W for my highest power and my legs were toast by the final :10 interval. 139W over the whole session. Very satisfying and nauseating!

Swim felt very steady and strong, all of my long sets averaged 1:58-2:00/100 yards and my 4 x 100s at the end from 1:55-1:56. I swam an 800, 3 x 400, the aforementioned 4 x 100, and a 100 cooldown. 43 SWOLF and a beautiful afternoon to be in the water.

Wednesday, 4.14: 15.11 miles, 9:54 pace + 1,800 yard swim (39:17)

Pretty rough long run. My heart rate would not come down in the warmth and everything felt tight and unpleasant. I also didn’t carry enough water nor did I bother stopping to refill my bottle – rookie mistake. Things to remember for next time. I went to the gym after for a 15 minute core session of 3 x 20 alternating jackknives, 3 x :45 ea. side planks, 3 x 15 side plank oblique crunches, and 3 x 15 plank walk-outs.

The swim felt great on my sleepy legs. I swam a 400-300-200-100 ladder with 100 faster in between, and finished with a set of 50 yard pulls. 1:59/100 yard average and a 42 SWOLF.

Thursday, 4.15: 5.62 miles, 10:41 pace + 2,300 yard swim (~45 minutes)

I neglected to press the lap button after one of my rest periods so my watch was a couple minutes off regarding my total working time. I’d estimate 45-46 minutes and around a 1:58/100 yard average, 43 SWOLF for the session. My legs were less willing to kick during this swim but overall I felt pretty good! Morning recovery miles were extra slow and needed after yesterday’s somewhat-bombed long run.

Friday, 4.16: 30.06 miles, 22.4 mph cycling (1:20:30) + 2,200 yard swim (45:47)

Legs are still a bit fried from Wednesday’s run, so I kept the spin easy except for a few standing bursts randomly plugged into the end. 129W average, good for a zone 2 day. I ended with a quick circuit of 3 x 12 dumbbell plank drags, 3 x 12 dumbbell swings, and 3 x 12 boat triceps extensions with press.

The swim was fantastic, felt smooth and controlled and I didn’t bonk by the final 500 yards! 1:55/100 yard average, 41 SWOLF. Swam a 500, then 2 x 300/200, 200, 2 x 100/75/50/25 to finish.

Saturday, 4.17: 11 miles, 10:29 pace + 55 min strength

True summertime conditions floated in this morning. 75 degrees and about a 73 dew point. Rotten. My pace dropped by the middle of the run as my body decided it needed to slow up to compensate, so most of those miles were around 10:40-10:55. Towards the end I performed 10×100 strides with about 65 seconds in between to jog back. I hit the 5:xx range during each of them and my fastest averaged 6:06. Not bad! The cooldown was real fun, though. And by real fun I mean not at all fun.


  • 4 x 12 triceps dips
  • 4 x 8 decline pushups
  • 4 x 5 barbell deadlift to front squat
  • 4 x 12 biceps curls
  • 3 x 12 around the worlds
  • 4 x 12 alt. curtsy lunge
  • 3 x 10 ea. windmill
  • 4 x 20 Russian twists
  • 4 x 20 down dog toe taps with a plank hold to reach 1 minute each set

Sunday, 4.19: 24.33 miles, 22.5 mph cycling (1:05:00) + 4.22 miles, 10:41 pace

Both workouts meant for recovery and both felt fantastic. The afternoon run was pretty hot, but windy, and I kept to a 4 minute run/1 minute walk split to manage any excessive cardiac drift. 157 bpm average is pretty solid for a midafternoon jaunt. During the ride, I averaged 128W.

Total running mileage: 45.1

Total cycling mileage: 82.8

Total swimming yardage: 8,725

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