week in training | 7.12 – 7.28

Marathon training drives forth. 61 miles this week, one long run workout, one speed workout, three swims, plenty of aerobic easy miles…My routine has nailed itself down pretty well considering my work schedule doesn’t change overmuch. Long runs are now becoming big and gritty, but I’m very eager for the challenge: since my running health has been solid this year, handling these long runs, while daunting in some respects, feels far more manageable than it ever has before. Next week is a down week in training, but after that I fly into the world of the 20 miler. Yeet!
Monday, 7.12: 12 miles, 10:48 pace + 45 min strength
Aerobic medium-long run that felt surprisingly great despite eating like a trash pail the night prior. I didn’t have a single vegetable on Sunday! 153 bpm average and everything felt super smooth and relaxed.
- 4 x 6 ea. single leg deadlift
- 4 x 6 ea. overhead press
- 4 x 6 ea. reverse lunge
- 3 x 10 reverse fly
- 3 x 10 alt. sit down squat
- 3 x 10 ea. windmill
- 3 x 10 ea. band standing clamshells
- 3 x 10 band lateral hops
- 3 x 20 plank swivels
- 3 x 20 toe taps
Tuesday, 7.13: 6.1 miles, 11:03 pace + 1,750 yard swim (35:00)
Apparently my legs needed some slow miles today! Usually my super early runs prove more leisurely since I’m not exactly super awake, and this one felt pretty good considering. 152 bpm average heart rate, lots of people about despite the hour.
Swim after work felt great and the pool wasn’t too slammed which helped me relax during most of my sets. Someone joined my lane without any warning after the first set, though, which threw me off a lot, but thankfully she was a skilled swimmer and was sure to keep her distance until I noticed her. I swam a straight 1,000 yards (19:48, my fastest yet!) then 3 x 200 (3:48, 3:49, 3:51) and finished with a 100 yard cooldown. 1:56 average pace and 42 SWOLF.
Wednesday, 7.14: 10.02 miles, 9:59 pace + 45 min strength + 1,600 yard swim (33:26)
I might have mentioned this in recent weeks, but speedwork motivation has plummeted since my mileage has risen so much. Nonetheless, I get out there for it and my body continually surprises me. I enjoyed this workout, it flew by, and as usual I flopped a bit during the last set since whenever I turn for the homebound trip I hit a headwind that my body doesn’t seem ready for! 3 mile warmup, 3 x 600-400-200, 3 mile cooldown. 600 splits: 2:47, 2:44, 2:46; 400 splits: 1:46, 1:45, 1:48; 200 splits all 49.
Definitely fatigued during the swim but nonetheless enjoyed a solid session. I swam a 400 warmup, then 3 x 150-100-50, 300 cooldown. 1:55/100 yard average and 41 SWOLF.
- 3 x 10 row
- 3 x 5 thruster
- 3 x 10 overhead reverse lunge
- 3 x 10 front raise
- 3 x 10 ea. band explosive leg extension thrust things (?)
- 3 x 10 weighted jump squat
- 3 x 10 ea. banded standing clamshells
- 3 x 20 banded crab toe taps
- 3 x 8 biceps curls
- 1 min left plank
- 1 min right plank
- 90 second plank
Thursday, 7.15: 23.47 miles, 21.7 mph cycling (1:05:00) + 1,750 yard swim (35:06)
I was in a pretty low mood when I got up in the morning, and neglected my usual fueling due to some serious cottonmouth that rendered anything but liquid rather unattractive. Turned on some jazz music and hopped on the bike for a steady ride at 123W – it felt okay, not spectacular, but the music was actually quite calming and made me feel a bit more ready to tackle work and everything following.
Swim was spectacular, the pool proved quiet and I had a whole lane to myself the entire session. I swam my fastest 1,000 yard, beating Tuesday’s effort (19:16) and followed with 8 x 50 yards between 51 and 52 seconds. 41 SWOLF and 1:54 average. I also properly met one of the new lifeguards at the pool, with whom I’ve joked previously but didn’t know her name. That small, simple interaction also helped my mindset shift and I ended up having a nice day overall once I got over my morning blues.
Friday, 7.16: 6.2 miles, 10:21 pace + 4.31 miles, 10:25 pace
Friday doubles. I was smart this week and threw 9 x surge into my first run rather than my second midday trot. I plowed down to a 5:20 pace at my top speed – pretty good for a sleepy 4 am session! Before the second run, I drank a big glass of electrolytes and I think that made for a much more comfortable experience. My heart rate flew up, as it is wont to do anyway in 90 degree weather, but I didn’t feel weak or crampy at the end and actually negative splitted the run portions! I performed 9 x 4 min run/1 minute walk for a total of 45 minutes.
Saturday, 7.17: 18 miles, 10:34 pace
Though my lungs and heartrate were fine with the first half of this run, my legs wanted nothing to do with it. I couldn’t for the life of me get these stumps to turn over and plodded along at an 11:1x pace for the 8 miles before my workout began. Once I pushed into marathon pace my legs seemed to wake up a bit and I finished at my normal long run paces, though it got very hot. After an 8 mile prep, I ran 3k, 2k, and 1k at descending paces: 9:05, 8:56 during the 3k, 8:51, 8:42 for the 2k, and 8:44 for the 1k. I walked a short 1 minute and a 45 second recovery between the 3k and 2k and the 2k and 1k reps. The slowdown was really necessary to keep my heat fatigue in check and, honestly, to rest my brain from the rough start.
Sunday, 7.18: 5.23 miles, 11:28 pace
Pleasant Slow Run Sunday one hour run. My heartrate hung out at a 144 bpm average which is great for my recovery days!
Total running mileage: 61.9 (woooooow)
Total cycling mileage: 23.5
Total swimming yardage: 5,100