week in training | 7.6 – 7.11

I performed my longest training run ever on Saturday. Last time I attempted an 18 miler during my first Big Sur training cycle, I stopped at mile 17 from a serious calf strain and could not continue forth without hinderance from a full-on limp. This run was worlds different than that one: I felt strong, confident, and comfortable. Working diligently to slow my easy paces down over the past couple years truly has made me a smarter runner. Yes, it took me over 3 hours to run 18 miles this time, but after those three hours I was still healthy and had enough energy to go about my day.

60 miles for the week. I don’t see myself building beyond 65 this Chicago cycle, mostly due to time constraints, but I’m so glad I logged another high week without any lingering issues!

Monday, 7.6: 11.17 miles, 10:45 pace + 45 min strength

Really lovely easy miles, average 152 bpm which is pretty shocking considering how stifling and still it was outside. Followed up with a solid strength workout and later J and I had some splash time in our apartment pool, which felt really good on sleepy legs!


  • 4 x 8 single leg deadlift
  • 4 x 6 OH press
  • 4 x 8 weighted pushup
  • 1 x 10 + 3 x 10 OH squat
  • 3 x 10 ea. single leg hop
  • 3 x10 ea. band bird dog
  • 3 x 10 ea. band standing clamshell
  • 3 x 20 shoot thru
  • 3 x 10 ea. airplane

Tuesday, 7.7: 6 miles, 11:01 pace + 35 min elliptical

Swim plans were foiled as the pools closed at noon, which was right when I left work. Improvised with a quick and dirty elliptical workout that left me REALLY sweaty and a bit pooped! 10 minute warmup, 5 x 3 minutes hard/1 easy, 5 minute cooldown. Finished off with a quick 300 yard swim (about) in our apartment pool. It’s not much but hey, better than neglecting swim all week!

Wednesday, 7.8: 9.05 miles, 9:57 pace + 50 min strength

High winds and some uncertainty in the terrain pushed me indoors for my speedwork, and let me tell you, I was hardcore protesting beforehand. I started a bit later than usual because I couldn’t pry myself off the floor. Thank goodness I brought our mini fan with me else this session would not have happened. 3 mile warmup, 5 x 3 minutes at 5k effort – I set the treadmill to 8.2/8.3/8.4 mph for each minute of the work segments, 90 second walk/jog recovery, 3ish mile cooldown. I didn’t use an incline since I think setting a constant uphill feels horrible. The effort was definitely there, though, and I was SO excited to trot easy for the final few miles.

I didn’t record it, but I got into the apartment pool again for a quick swim. I probably managed around 1,000 yards or so.


  • 3 x 10 ea. row
  • 3 x 10 curtsy lunge
  • 3 x 10 ea. plank swivel press
  • 3 x 10 stability ball bench press
  • 3 x 10 ea. single leg hip thrust
  • 3 x 10 alternating single-leg squat to leg extension
  • 3 x 10 ea. standing clamshells
  • 3 x 10 ea. side lunge
  • 3 x 90 second plank
  • 3 x 10 lateral hops

Thursday, 7.8: 25.98 miles, 22.3 mph cycling (1:10:00) + 1,800 yard swim (36:16)

Ride felt clunky and my legs were certainly wiped from yesterday’s speed and strength combo. My power averaged the usual 127W.

My swim, however, was fantastic. I had to wait a half hour for some thunder to pass, but once I got in the water I could tell my body missed the motion from my lack of practice this week! 400 warmup, 5 x 150 – 2:49, 2:48, 2:46, 2:45, 2:45, 4 x 50 – 49, 50, 50, 49, 450 cooldown. 1:52 average and 40 SWOLF.

Friday, 7.9: 6 miles, 10:43 pace + 4.84 miles, 10:20 pace

Two very hot runs in one day. I was wiped by the afternoon! The second run was very difficult and I had this stupid idea of doing strides under the noon sun. I never really recovered by the finish of the session and had to sit in the car guzzling water for a bit before I went home. I should know better by now but my stubborn self insisted upon waiting to do my faster segments. I leapt into our pool right when I get home to cool off and it helped tremendously.

Saturday, 7.10: 18.31 miles, 10:56 pace

What an excellent long run! I removed expectation immediately and gave myself many permissions to do what it took to finish the run in fair comfort. Such a mindset stripped the pressure from the distance and I was actually able to enjoy the ride. Straight run with a few water breaks and 2 Honeystinger gels consumed: averaged 157 bpm heart rate for the effort. The hardest part was a full-fledged sunlight attack during the final 4 miles or so, which fatigued me pretty fast, but I kept forth since I knew I was almost done. J and I recovered from our long runs together with a splash in the pool and lots of chips and salsa/guac during our dinner date.

Sunday, 7.11: 5.09 miles, 11:48 pace

How in the world I’m managing to run so slow is beyond me. I felt very at ease and comfortable, averaged a 136 heart rate (THAT’S a new record!) and 174 spm for my cadence, which is low but I don’t think unreasonable for my pace and I didn’t feel like I was clomping or struggling to keep form. My legs definitely felt refreshed afterwards.

Total running mileage: 60.5

Total cycling mileage: 25.98

Total swimming yardage: 1,800 (perhaps add a bit from what I did in my apartment pool, so maybe 3,000ish?)

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