week in training | 9.13 – 9.19

Peak week is officially wrapped, labeled, and shipped into history. 73.6 miles, a number I never thought I’d reach in any training cycle no matter how long I’d been running prior. The work isn’t fully done yet: though volume decreases, intensity will remain, in order to ensure I’m sharp for race day in three weeks. The main bulk of mileage and workouts has ended, though, and I’m relieved to have made it on the other side with minimal issue.

Monday, 9.13: 14.5 miles, 10:33 pace + 35 min strength

Very relaxed medium long run! I love my Monday runs even though I usually wake up grouchy with the knowledge that they must be done. Kept my heart rate at a nice 152 bpm average and enjoyed a more pleasant, easier to swallow morning, though still high humidity.


  • 4 x 12 swings SS 10 sumo squat
  • 4 x 10 calf raise SS 8 deadlift
  • 4 x 5 weighted jump squat
  • 4 x 8 shoulder thrust SS 6 row
  • 4 x 10 ea. single leg extension with hop
  • 4 x 12 stir the pot
  • some other core work I forget

Tuesday, 9.14: 6.2 miles, 10:47 pace + 1,800 yard swim (36:46)

Peaceful morning miles, a really nice breeze and very quiet on the trail. After work I swam a straight 1,800 yards and felt much more normal with my swim stroke.

Wednesday, 9.15: 15.18 miles, 9:13 pace + 35 min strength + 1,500 yard swim (32:37)

90 minute marathon pace workout I dreaded but also really anticipated. This is really the final big test of my fitness and I’m so proud I was able to step up my game and have a great session. I averaged 8:41 for the entire 10.37 miles, with the splits as follows: 8:44, 8:42, 8:42, 8:42, 8:47, 8:43, 8:51, 8:49, 8:38, 8:13, and 8:18 for the last three minutes. I took a Maurten GelCaf during mile 8, which brought me back to life for the final bit. During my cooldown I saw three dolphins feeding in the bay!

Late morning swim was very casual and unhurried, averaged 2:01/100 yards and a 43 SWOLF. I mixed in 50-300 yard intervals.


  • 4 x 10 OH sit down squat
  • 4 x 10 calf raise
  • 4 x 10 ea. side lunge
  • 4 x 10 bench press
  • Core work

Thursday, 9.16: 21.76 miles, 21.7 mph cycling (1:00:00) + 1,500 yard swim (30:16)

90 RPM ride, nothing unusual, averaged 124W. My water tasted like shit so I ended the ride a bit dehydrated, but other than that the ride was smooth and my legs felt much better after. I once again felt like swimming straight through my allotted time and averaged 2:01/100 yards and a 43 SWOLF.

Friday, 9.17: 6.23 miles, 10:39 pace + 4.45 miles, 10:07 pace

Good runs on both ends of the workday. In the afternoon, rain plummeted the whole time and my heart rate stayed extremely low – 146 average – despite my faster paces during the run segments (I performed 2 minute run/:30 walk). I don’t know about you, but I really love rainy trots so long as lightning doesn’t reign.

Saturday, 9.18: 22 miles, 10:38 pace

This run truly surprised me! Aside from a rogue 11:13 mile (not sure what happened there), I ran very consistently and even got a boost during mile 21 when a dragon boat squat rowed by chanting in the river. The air was sticky and still, but leastwise the sun remained hidden behind clouds and kept the air less stifling than it could’ve been otherwise.

Sunday, 9.19: 5.07 miles, 11:50 pace

I clocked a 12:01 mile here! My legs were quite stiff and ready for a very easy session. Heart rate averaged 140 bpm.

Total running mileage: 73.6

Total cycling mileage: 21.76

Total swimming yardage: 4,800

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