week in workouts + the simplest fried egg (in the microwave!)

First week back after the Lake to Lake 10K and I certainly dealt with more fatigue this time around than with the Fort Desoto 15K. I am particularly paranoid about overtraining this year since that is part of what derailed my Big Sur plans last year, and though I haven’t yet experienced anywhere near that caliber of pain, I’m trying to mind even the small signs my muscles ping. I’d much rather ease my training now than in January, when the marathon cycle officially commences.

That aside, runs were mostly pleasant with much nicer conditions than weeks prior. Life is keeping me unusually busy at the moment, and I know for many such is an everyday reality, so I also share my secret to a satisfying egg recipe that takes two minutes and results in the most perfectly round disc of nourishment. See that below the workout summaries!

Monday, 11/4: 3.55 miles, 9:28 pace

Tuesday, 11/5: 5.07 miles, 9:24 pace

Nice to add a bit of distance despite the humidity! I ignored my watch cues and ran entirely by feel, so my ending splits truly surprised me for an easy effort.

Wednesday, 11/6: 35 min elliptical intervals + 25 min strength

The workout:

  • Elliptical: 5 min w/u, 5 x 2 min lvl 6-7/3 min lvl 2-3, 5 min c/d
  • Strength: 3 waves: 1) 15 each single leg deadlifts, standing clamshells, curtsy lunge (all with 15# plate) + biceps curls (10# dumbbells). Wave 2) 12 single leg deadlifts, standing clamshells, curtsy lunge (20# plate) + reverse flies (10# dumbbells). Wave 3) 8 single leg deadlifts, standing clamshells, curtsy lunge (all with 25# plate) + 10 overhead extensions (10# dumbbells)
  • Core: 1 min plank, :45 scissor kicks, 1 min boat hold, :45 bird dog (L), :45 bird dog (R)

Thursday, 11/7: 30 min elliptical (AM) + 1,020y swim (PM)

Friday, 11/8: 6.37 mi, 9:01 pace – 6 x 400m @ 5K effort

Whether I hit actual 5K effort or exceeded it, I certainly felt this workout during the bursts. Paces ranged from 6:56 (!) to 7:18, and each time I wanted to hurl after. Often the feeling of racing a 5K is likened to “hitting the vomit threshold,” so I must’ve done something right here. Pretty cool, anyway, to see how much speed I’ve developed over the past several months.

Saturday, 11/9: 7.01 miles, 9:36 pace (AM) + 11 mile bike ride (PM)

The wind on our ride rendered me almost useless: since I use an (ill-fitting) mountain bike, any resistance to my pedaling feels worlds harder than if I glided along on a lighter road mechanism. Still, a lovely way to enjoy the cool afternoon with my favorite human.

Sunday, 11/10: 3.22 miles, 9:41 pace

56 degrees?! Unheard of. So beautiful and refreshing for an early pre-work skip about the neighborhood. My knees were oddly cranky on this run so I again relinquished attention from my watch and focused on easy breath.

Total Mileage: 25.22

I mostly felt good this week except on Saturday and Sunday – perhaps I got overzealous due to the changing weather pattern. A good thing to note for my runs next week to ensure I adjust accordingly!

The microwave fried egg saves lives on hectic mornings. I usually reach for oatmeal or yogurt parfaits as my early morning pickup, but sometimes savory stomps sweet and I usually don’t want to waste minutes heating the stovetop for one lonely egg.

The formula? Easy.

  • 1 egg
  • Small, round, ceramic bowl
  • Salt, pepper & oregano (to taste)
  1. Grease your small bowl of choice. Crack the shell against the lip of the bowl (or the counter, wherever you prefer to do so) and slide the egg carefully into the bowl, minding the yolk so it doesn’t break. Add salt, pepper, and oregano.
  2. Pierce yolk gently with a fork. If you skip this step, the egg will likely explode.
  3. Microwave on HIGH for :30. Remove egg and check for doneness – the important part is the whites being set, but the yolk’s firmness depends on your personal preference. Continue to microwave in :10 intervals. I like over hard eggs, so 1:00 usually does the trick for me!
  4. Slide onto a piece of avocado toast (my favorite), an English muffin with cheese, or a bagel sandwich. You could also store a batch in the fridge for up to 3 days.

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